Advent Giveaway – Day 25

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 25 - 2009

Well, here we are… day 25… and as they say, all good things must come to an end!

It’s been a whirlwind month of giveaways and I really hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.  It’s been good fun seeing you guys return and I’ve really enjoyed finding new blogs to read and inspire.

The winners of the Advent Giveaway will be randomly selected in the New Year.  As some of you know, my plan to spend Christmas with family got postponed… so I simply won’t be home to package and send out the goodies until around the 10th January.

Anyway…. now for the final giveaway and my personal favourite from the month…

Helena Rubinstein Beauty Shows Palette

A gorgeous Lip, Eye, Cheek palette in taupes and peaches.  Whoever is lucky enough to win this may actually have to prise it out of my hands.

Leave a comment to enter.

Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 25th December.  Comments made after this time will not be entered.

Winners will be announced once Advent is over. (i.e. after Christmas)

“Rules” can be found here.

68 Responses to “Advent Giveaway – Day 25”

  1. Lola says:

    Please enter me!

  2. Shela says:

    What a great year– and month of giveaways! Happy Holidays!

  3. Leanne says:

    This is great 🙂 thanks so much for your brilliant advent giveaway lovely. I haven’t had a proper chocolate advent calendar in yearsss but this has so made up for it!

    Hope you and the L family have a good Christmas despite Baby L not being well and all your presents being stuck with Mr L’s family!

    Have a good time anyway and I’ll be wishing for Baby L to get better quickly!

    Lots of love xxx

    (Oh, and enter me please! Haha)

  4. Mimi says:

    There’s 25 giveaways? I thought it’d be only 24!
    Thank you!

    Oh, and of course, I wanna enter ^-^

  5. Maggie says:

    What a wonderful month of giveaways! You are truely awesome for doing this, and I wish you and the family a very happy Christmas!
    And of course, I would love to be entered for this!

    Merry Christmas and have a safe new years!

  6. Mel says:

    Ay, another toy to play with!

  7. Katie D says:

    I’d loved to be entered please! This is so cool! This palette is fun because it have everything in one! I am always on the run and trying to grab stuff as I run out the door and I always forget something (no lip color, forget blush, etc.) This is neat cause you’d only ave to remember one thing!! Maybe my scattered brained mind can do that!

    By the way, I wanted to say your give aways were very fun. Even if I don’t get anything it was fun to stop by and check and it’s just nice knowing someone if getting a fun surprise and unexpected present to brighten up their day. Thanks for your effort!

  8. Janice says:

    OH Charlotte! You’re so generous! Gimme this. LoL!!!!

  9. Heather says:

    Aw, so sad to see this fun end! 🙂 Enter me, please 🙂

  10. Justine says:

    SO GORGEOUS. You are way too generous to be doing this. That being said, I am going to be greedy-spirited and ask to be entered 🙂

  11. dee. says:

    enter me, please. this is too gorgeous. (:

  12. pfefi says:

    oooo! my eyebrows just rocketed up. 😛 enter me please~

  13. Stephanie says:

    thank you so much for all your work and effort

  14. Kim says:

    What a fab end to a great giveaway! Hope you have a lovely Christmas Day 🙂 And I hope Laila is feeling better soon. Oh and please enter me 🙂 xx

  15. Janice says:

    Thanks for a month of giveaways!!!

  16. myrissa says:

    OMG! enter me!

    have a jolly christmas! and thank you sooo much for this amazing giveaways!

  17. Caitlin says:


    ps: you’re super generous for having 25 give aways 🙂 happy holidays!

    xo caitlin

  18. katy says:

    enter me please

  19. makeupdivaa says:

    no doubt it was so much fun. it was only thing in the morning i checked religiously . you are fab <3.this palette looks fantastic. enter me 🙂

  20. GeekyMacBoy says:

    Oh please enter me in this one too!!

    Yeah I hear ya about Christmas being postponed. Same thing has happened to me, because there’s a really bad blizzard that hit right before Christmas. Everyone has been snowed in!!

  21. Pooja says:

    Its been a fantastic month of Giveaway…I have enjoyed and learnt from blogs like ur’s to experiment with colours and feel confident with them .. Its been a g8t ride with you blog and I wish to continue this journey for a long long time….. Wish you & you family Merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
    Enter me 🙂

  22. Fee says:

    Enter me please! And have a great Christmas!!
    orangeinsanity (at) hotmail (dot) com

  23. Naghmeh says:

    wow the colours are sooo pretty!
    Enter me please!

  24. Tanya says:

    Enter me please 🙂

    Thank you for a whole month of great giveaways.
    Hope you and your family have a great Christmas despite what has happened 🙂

    xxx Merry Christmas

  25. styleezta says:

    merry xmas! enter me 🙂

  26. rijaH says:

    Cool 😀 Would love to enter and thanks for this great giveaway month. Crossing fingers for my own win 😛

  27. lashaddict says:

    Enter me please!!

    happy xmas and get well soon leila!!!! xxxx

  28. Jessica says:

    Please enter me, it’s gorgeous! Merry x-mas!!

  29. Merra says:

    Hi Charlotte!

    Please submit my entryy! What a lovely gift to end the 25 days of Giveaways. MERRY Merry Christmas to you and your family, have a lovely celebration and may you be blessed for your kind deeds!

    :)) Merra

  30. Caz says:

    Enter Me Please!
    Hope you have an amazing Christmas & New Year!
    Thanks so much for this giveaway i’ve enjoyed entering it every day (i’m very dedicated!)

  31. Hana says:

    Merry Christmas!

  32. Nina says:

    That palette is a beauty! Have a wonderful Christmas Charlotte and much love to your family!

  33. Sinead` says:

    Merry Christmas darling, hope you and your family have an amazing time!
    Just want to say a massive thank you for the advent giveaway, has been lovely!

  34. Rosa says:

    enter me please!
    merry christmas 🙂

  35. Lenny says:

    thankyou so much for holding these giveaways. the whole idea was very thoughtful and generous of you. i hope you and your family have a fantastic christmas x

    p.s. enter me please! xx

  36. Helen says:

    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a Happy Healthy (makeup filled) New Year xxxx

    (This has been my favourite advent – even beats chocolate…haha)

  37. Cristina says:

    Merry Christmas All!

  38. Jo says:

    Hey hunny,

    Just want to thank you so much for this month of giveaways, its been so exciting getting up in the morning… logging on and seeing what the days advent prize is, LOVED IT! hehe. My kids opened their advents and I was on the pc, doing your advent lol, I didn’t feel left out.. mummy has her own advent!

    I was so sorry to hear that all your Christmas plans went to cock aswell babe, such a shame 🙁 and that little gorgeous girl of yours coming down with a virus, poor little mite. My Harveys been the same, hes full of the flu 🙁 I wish you and your family all the best hunny and that hope little bundle of joy of yours gets well soon.

    All our love..

    Jo and her boys.


  39. Jo says:

    Oh and enter me… forgot that bit! haha.


  40. Kylie Larsson says:

    Beautiful! Happy holidays 🙂

  41. PCMP_Forever says:

    Ooooh enter me please. Merry christmas! xx

  42. Emma says:

    Wow, please enter my name!! Looks amazing. Fan of HR products 🙂 Have a fantastic chistmas, and new year.:)

  43. phynix says:

    coool! please enter me and have a very nice xmas time! 🙂

  44. Dv says:

    Before anything; Merry Christmas! You’ve made this Crimbo more exciting, may I say, because of the giveaways. It was rather exciting to log on everyday to see a potential present, haha. 😛 I didn’t get much this year 🙁 We’re too busy to get presents, ahaa.

    Thank you soooo much, and now… enter me, please. 😀


  45. Marie says:

    Enter me please – this looks absolutely fab!

  46. Jo says:

    Oo pretty! Merry Christmas to you!

  47. Deanna G. says:

    I’d love to win! 🙂

  48. Nina says:

    Oh my god wow that looks incredible – your advent idea is so clever – I love reading your blog, you’re so funny and down to earth I love it 🙂
    Have a very merry christmas and a happy new year XXX

  49. Barbara says:

    Beautiful! 🙂 Thanks for all the giveaways, been fun checking back each day to see whats next. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year.

    Love Barbara.

  50. shaimaa says:

    Enter Me Please!
    wish you a Happy Christmas & New Year!
    I hope to win

  51. Sian says:

    Enter me please! Thank you so much for doing this comp. It’s been fab XXXXXXX

  52. GoldenTouch says:

    Happy Christmas hon, please enter me! xx

  53. Merry Christmas! And please enter me. =)

  54. Emily says:

    Please count me in! Thanks and Merry Christmas

  55. rupa says:

    enter me please 🙂 merry xmas! x

  56. Cindy A. says:

    Merry Christmas! 🙂

  57. Anne says:

    Merry Christmas! I would share it with you?!

  58. Natalya says:

    yummy!! Enter me please! Hope you are having an amazing Christmas! xxx

  59. Glamorouxx says:

    Enter me please!

  60. Shifa says:

    Merry Christmas hun 🙂
    Please enter me!

  61. kenzie. says:

    May I please be entered?? Its a beautiful palette!!!
    –xoxo, Kenzie.

  62. Rae says:

    Enter me please 🙂 Happy Christmas my dear!

  63. Sherly says:

    Enter me please! And happy holidays!

  64. witoxicity says:

    Oh, I’d like to try my luck for this! Merry Christmas! 🙂

  65. howleekorian (Jasmine) says:

    enter me please 🙂

  66. Paloma says:

    I’m a new viewer…and I’ve never won any of these giveaways 🙁

    Merry Christmas!!!!!

  67. Louise says:

    Enter me please – merry christmas to you all x especially Leila


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