It’s still January, the MET office have just issued yet another weather warning for the South and South East of England. I think it mentions the word rain, why are we not entirely surprised?  Have you been paid yet?  I haven’t… although I did finally get around to filing my pesky tax returns with more than the usual 24hrs to spare… maybe I’m getting more organised in my old age?

I spent last weekend clicking through holiday websites and drooling over far-off climes on Pinterest.  I think this means that I’m long overdue a little getaway, no?  Problem being that next month I’ll need a doctor’s note to allow me to fly… and ain’t no-one got time for that.  Plus, Mr. L is convinced that were we to jump on a plane for a last-minute escape to somewhere gorgeous, the baby will use this as a cue to put in an early arrival and we’ll all be stranded.  Ah, ever the optimist.

With all this in mind, and the fact that it’s a bloody horrible Wednesday anyway.  Here, have a little treat from me to you.



The prize includes three fabulous products, from three fabulous brands and is worth over £75!  If these three don’t inject your days with some get-up-and-glow, then there’s no hope for you!

Urban Decay Baked Bronzer in Baked (worth £22)
New CID i-glow Compact Shimmer Powder in Sirocco (worth £24)
Arbonne Sheer Glow Highlighter (worth £31)

To be in with a chance of winning this treat, all you need to do is leave a comment telling me your secret to achieving a good glow!  It may be naughty, it may be nice… but let’s send January off with a bang and welcome a more illuminating February!

1. Start date for this competition is 29th January 2014
2. Closing date for this competition is 5th February 2014
3. Winner will receive 1x Urban Decay Baked Bronzer in Baked, 1x New CID Cosmetics i-glow in Sirocco and 1x Arbonne Sheer Glow Highlighter. No cash alternatives.
4. Competition is open worldwide.
5. is the sole promoter of this competition.
6. Personal details will not be kept or forwarded and are only used in the context of this competition to inform the winner(s) of their prize status.
7. One winner will be selected at random from all entries received.
8. Winners will be notified within 5 working days and will be expected to reply to an email sent to the address used to enter the competition within 5 working days or risk forfeiting the prize.
if you liked this post, don’t forget to check out my subscriber options, here

196 Responses to “Win a gorgeous “glow” trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!”

  1. Jasmine says:

    When my son comes home from school absolutely full of beans to tell me about his day! He usually just grunts at me when asked so it’s a rare treat to see him enthused about it!

  2. SarahC. says:

    I like to think that the best way to get a glow is both naughty and nice, and it has the added bonus of being perfectly compatible with keeping warm under the duvet…

  3. emily says:

    Light illuminating moisturiser with SPF every day 🙂 bit boring, but very easy and my bf says it also leaves my skin extra smooth too 😉

  4. AssiyaLkaderi says:

    My Secret to achieving a good glow is excessive compulsive exfoliation and bucket loads of green tea.

  5. Tina says:

    So lovely in winter, but also on cold days any other time of the year – sauna! Refreshens your skin (and mind!), gets rid of toxins – really makes my skin glow!

  6. Siri says:

    Goning for a run with my dog in the evening, followed by Esteé Lauders Advanced Night Repair before bed, and Idealist in the morning. The Hourglass Ambient Lighting palette helps too :p

  7. Jo says:

    wrestling under the covers with my hubby in the morning before the kids wake up leaves me with a wonderful glow for the rest of the day;)

  8. Georgia says:

    My glow tip is to find the time once a week for a TRIPLE THREAT facemask sesh…an exfoliating one, a deep cleansing one tuen a moisture booster (sometimes an overnight one if im really going hard. )Unbeatable! I think spending all that time relaxing does just as much as the masks tbh!

  9. Nicola Biven says:

    Going swimming with my daughter and plenty of bronzing balls !!

  10. Sue says:

    I’m pretty sure that only a trowel and some rough grade sandpaper will do it for me now!

  11. lisa prince says:

    I love nothing more than enjoying a facial massage but it can still leave my face looking dull and grim so I love to add a lovely highlighter to the under eye and cheek bone , not only does it do wonders for making me look mroe awake and glowing but it also emphasises my bone structure, if makeup and massages dont work a rumble in the duvet with the husband is always quarenteed to make me glow and smile for the rest of the day x

  12. Alessandra says:

    When I use my 2% BHA exfoliant at night, the next morning my skin is really fresh and glowy. This is the best I’ve got for now though!

  13. Ellie Bromilow says:

    look after your skin and it will give you a glow! i use a mask once a week, and alternate between a cleanser with exfoliant and a foaming cleanser to make sure i have removed dead skin cells and cleaned my face well, then i like to use a good moisturiser to lock the moisture in to keep away the wrinkle crinkles – i think you can tell which skin is looked after!

  14. Niamh Norton says:

    Definitely a sweaty Body Combat class, leaves me glowing (sometimes a little too much and I look like I’ve been a few rounds with mike tyson!!!) xxx

  15. Leya says:

    My current secret to achieving a good glow is simply by being pregnant. I’m 34 weeks now and my skin couldn’t have been better! It’s cleared up so much and is so soft and smooth. Must be all the prenatals right? Congratulations by the way. When are you due?

  16. Jule says:

    I love love love my Shimmering Skin Perfector in ‘Pearl’ from Becca! The most natural glow EVER!!! xo Jule

  17. Penny says:

    At the moment nothing as im still feeling rotten at 17 weeks pregnant. Although all the water I’m drinking does seemed to have toned down my ruddy cheeks. A good illuminating tinted moisturiser and blusher give me my glow. Just don’t look when it all comes off!

  18. Cheryl Kean says:

    my secret to a glow is to be intimate with my husband daily!

  19. Hannah Rose says:

    Mixing a highlighter with your foundation gives such a gorgeous glow to the skin! And exercise – my skin always looks so fresh and glowy after a run! x

  20. lindsey c says:

    I quick but bracing run around the tarn (lake) behind my house provides a lovely, natural glow (albeit with windswept hair!)

  21. Emily Fowler says:

    A butt load of exfoliating scrub in the shower, a gorgeously buttery moisturiser and a glass of wine. Can’t beat it!

  22. Elizabeth Phillips says:

    Nothing makes you feel as confident as having glowing, radiant skin. Great skin makes you look younger and feel healthier no matter what your age or physical condition. So to get the perfect ‘glow’ involves some good old pampering! Exfoliating and Moisturizing are key, whilst having long hot baths, a good diet and a good nights sleep!!.. Voila!!!…

  23. Jennifer H says:

    washing my face with avacado oil, seems to have given me a really nice glow as of late 🙂

  24. Sharon Lake says:

    Cycle to work in the morning! All that fresh air leaves
    me with nice rosy cheeks.

  25. amazingjoanne says:

    Getting my glow on starts by running a hot bath, adding some Epsom salts and coconut oil. Having a long soak complete with scrub and mask and finishing it off with a body and face oil and moisturiser. My skin is dewy, moisturised and uber glowing!

  26. rachel Brown says:

    I’ve found that a good run gives me a good glow! it also leaves me a sweaty mess but that dosen’t matter!

    Rachel |ascottishrose

  27. Joanna Smith says:

    I ignore all the negative people, acknowledge I’m awesome and make sure I’m awesome for my friends. Happiness makes you glow more than products.

  28. Emily Beerling says:

    Exfoliation followed by a really good moisturiser can keep my face glowing all day!

  29. Kay Sheridan says:

    Water and SPF moisturisers!

  30. Rebekah says:

    I get a glow every morning in work with the students in my school saying ‘good morning miss’ cute!

  31. Emma Walton says:

    My way of achieving a good glow is a work out!

  32. Aneesah Shabir says:

    Eat clean and train dirty

  33. nat thomason says:


  34. Nicola H says:

    Having a lovely bubbly bath that is run for me without me having to ask – courtsey of husband or 15 year old daughter – it means they do care !

  35. Rebecca D says:

    20 minutes of adult time def gives me a good glow 😉

  36. Debra says:

    A flannel soaked in warm water over my face, followed swiftly by a flannel soaked in cold water…..patted dry and a good moisteriser!

  37. claire eadie says:

    A bedroom workout 😉

  38. Carly Jade says:

    I have started exercising again lately, and I definitely think that I’m getting a healthy glow from that! I also like to cut grapes in half when we have them in, and rub the halves over my skin – the natural fruit acids act as an exfoliator to help give you a glowing complexion!

    Failing that…a good highlight and plenty of water!

  39. Amanda Dobb says:

    A good face cleansing in a morning along with a great moisturiser. Plenty of water every day and most importantly lots of laughs!! A good laugh always brings a glow

  40. Ashleigh Allan says:

    brisk walk in the fresh air!

  41. noelle sousa says:

    of course fresh air and water are great but jsut in case you cant get either, i think a tiny dab of pink eye shadow just on the tip of the cheek bone works wonders, seriously, give it a try!!!

  42. Alison Campbell says:

    Early morning loving sure brings the colour to my cheeks!

  43. Emily Paterson says:

    Lots of water, plenty of sleep and hydraluron!! Dream team

  44. Emily says:

    Exfoliation and hydration!

  45. Louise Smith says:

    Bronzer and feeling happy

  46. hannah storey says:

    Walking to/from the bus stop in the cold, my cheeks were so red this morning i looked like Santa!

  47. Francesca Tuck says:

    My glow comes from being active and letting my pores breath.

  48. Katy Lo says:

    A morning run through the park will give you a natural glow all day …the glow is boosted if you clock a fitty in the park!

  49. Sheila Sloan says:

    A brisk walk along Whitby beach with my two dogs always gives me a rich glow!

  50. Alison Joyce says:

    A good nights sleep gives me a glow and stops me feeling half dead 🙂

  51. monika s says:

    hmmmm… on the naughty side a bit of cheeky time with hubby does wonders to my glow;) apart for that while doing eye makeup i put a dot of white shimmery eyeshadow to the inner corners of my eyes, this makes my eyes brighter, bigger and adds a glow to the whole look

  52. Joy says:

    Giving my skin some TLC with an exfoliation and moisture mask and then using a shedload of Benefit Highbeam on the highpoints of my face! 🙂

  53. sofia s. says:

    tones of water

  54. Sally C says:

    a nice cup of tea always makes me feel good and glowing!

  55. Katrina says:

    A brisk walk with the dog and a good skincare routine-boring but it works!

  56. Eleanor says:

    I don’t know if it counts as a glow, but I use tinted moisturiser and no powder so that I have dewy skin 🙂

  57. Gillian Shiels says:

    Sharing a bottle of wine and a chat with my husband at the weekend definitely gives me a glow.

  58. Victoria Carr says:

    A good nights sleep and some bronzer!

  59. Maggie B says:

    a little shimmer in my foundation powder gives a nice glow.

  60. Shannon says:

    I like reading all of these tips! I don’t really have a secret… Just running around like a maniac at work can give me a glow, therefore just exercise. 🙂

  61. Dawn Canning says:

    Glycolic Acid chemical peels. Quite gentle (you can do them at home), but very effective.

  62. Karen Richards says:

    Go for a walk each day in the fresh air is what gives me my glow and drinking water for clear hydrated skin.

  63. Elyse says:

    On a no makeup day I’ll give my face a glow using mac fix plus. Works like a charm

  64. Keshia Esgate says:

    exfoliation and lots of water

  65. Ritakd says:

    My secret is to use Liz Earle to cleanse my face daily, my skin has never looked better.

  66. julia spencer says:

    my secret is to use aloe vera as a toner and then to have a really long walk on a cold day – makes me looked glowing everytime

  67. maureen findley says:

    exfoliate then lashing of moisturiser

  68. Vicki says:

    I achieve a good glow by using my Optimal Brightening Concentrate – it works wonders under my foundation & gives me a secret glow x

  69. natalja p. says:

    My Secret to achieving a good glow is green tea and Q10

  70. Darius Dragasius says:

    good night sleep and a smile

  71. Emma Codd says:

    The sensible answer is plenty of sleep, lots of water and eating well. The more fun answer is the excitement of a new relationship or a laughter-filled night out with great friends 🙂

  72. Izabella says:

    Plenty of water and green tea, homemade masks with yeast, honey, sweet cream, cucumber, etc.

  73. conrad edwards says:

    a red hot shower to scrub away the daily grind

  74. Glowing …Isn’t that a polite word for sweating !!!

    Hmmmm Glowing in January probably means I have the heating turned on too high …

    Fabulous giveaway btw x

  75. Marie says:

    Boring old cream highlighters, naughty is no good for me, may get a glow but also get a sweat on :\

  76. Jade says:

    I have a hot shower interrupted by very cold bursts to get my circulation going!

    And a gin and tonic in the evening…

  77. Leah says:

    Well, the naughty way is to have a bit of rumpy pumpy, the healthy way is to get it through yoga or a nice walk by the sea in a bracing wind and the nice way to get it is to drink loads of water, exfoliate regularly (I use a Paula’s Choice BHA solution) and slap on the moisturiser.

    My favourite way would be to sit at the cinema scoffing on smuggled-in chocolate (I ain’t paying cinema snack prices!) and letting the glow of the screen reflect on my face whilst I drool over a delicious piece of man meat. Perfect.

  78. mary says:

    To look more awake and healthy, I add becca skin perfector in opal to my moisturiser. I also wear sunscreen. I am very tired, looking after my baby boy on my own so it has to be something quick.

  79. Julia Arenas says:

    I like getting the glow by having lots of laughs and fun outdoors. A good work out gives us the flush whilst delivering sexy. Love the look of the items. Been liking the look of that CID highlighter but can’t find it anywhere!

  80. Donna says:

    Any exercise (even the naughty kind!) leaves my skin with an awesome glow for several hours. I try and maintain it by drinking tons of water and green tea and making sure my skin has been exfoliated.

  81. DRTVrMoi says:

    Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint provides glow with SPF. A proven winner

  82. Kelly says:

    I think that what unveis the best of me,is a good laughter. A night out with friends, some good food,good booze and good laugh. Makeupwise, I don’t have a tip to give as I haven’t found anything that delivers a shimmery-healthy glow to my skin.
    I hope you have plenty of laughs in your life and I wish it for everyone.
    Take care!

  83. Kirsten Murphy says:

    Daniel Sandler’s Watercolour blusher works for me!

  84. Rachel Bell says:

    3 glasses of decent champagne 😉

  85. Clint Howat says:

    My Secret to achieving a good glow is excessive compulsive exfoliation.

  86. mayuri karela says:

    8 hours of sleep! which is very rare 🙁

  87. Esther says:

    since I discovered the Sigma palette Paris, I am a new girl! Brilliant! Great!

  88. I’m gonna just go with boring and nice. I recently got a sample of Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector and I really love it for a touch of glow on my cheekbones.

  89. EMILY OMARA says:

    Use BB cream, and most importantly have some fun 😉 hehe

  90. Kelly Horsley says:

    Taking my lovely pooch a nice long walk.

  91. kat says:

    a good sugar scrub and a glass of wine 🙂

  92. Ria says:

    Drinking lots of water, exfoliating with acids, and YSL Touche Eclat… xx

  93. Valerie C. says:

    I take my vitamins, drink water and gently exfoliate. A great bronzer always helps too.

  94. Sandra says:

    A ton of water every day and a bit of exercise gives me the nicest glow (Mary Loumanizer from the Balm does the job too haha)

  95. Bianca Rogoveanu says:

    I always smile no matter what !

  96. holly king says:

    to drink lots of water between 2-4 litres a day its amazing how it improves the look of your skin xx

  97. Jacqueline Cook says:

    Lots of water, sleep and fresh fruit and veg and taking my make up off at night

  98. Hannah ONeill says:

    Going out for a brisk walk!

  99. Fiona Mallard says:

    Going for a run in the morning always leaves me with a nice glow for the rest of the day

  100. ClairejB says:

    The cold air when I go outside at the mo definitely leaves me with a glow! Brr!

  101. Louise Pickard says:

    To get a health glow I like to add some foundation to my moisturiser and take a long walk in the fresh air.

  102. Chloe says:

    Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector or Soap and Glory Glow All Out. However, I tried a liquid highlighter from No7 yesterday and was v impressed.

    Giving up smoking helped a treat too 🙂

    Thanks for the opportunity.

    Chloe x

  103. caroline martin says:

    Egg white and a squeeze of lemon juice mixed together and used as a face mask. Will give you a great glow

  104. Hannah says:

    My secret to glowing skin is probably the Lightscapade MSF by Mac, I adore it!

  105. Sandra B says:

    I’m always glowing after a good run.

  106. Lisa Allison says:

    When me and the hubby finally get time to be husband and wife and not mum and dad is what certainly makes me glow!!!!

  107. I don’t really glow 🙁 i’ve deathly pale…however if i go out in the wind i get a good rosy cheek thing going on

  108. […] Lipglossing has an international giveaway for 3 cosmetic items (arbonne, urban decay and CID) […]

  109. shelley stevenson says:

    being in the sun for anything more than 5 mins makes me glow! staying in scotland we dont get that much so i make the most of it 🙂

  110. Champ says:

    My secret to that inner glow is to keep by blood rushing by constantly moving – whether it is by simply doing the chores, walking from home to terminal, taking the stairs to office and back everyday. Of course, I get a lot of help from my sunblock, since I live in a tropical country, topped with a small amount of my favorite foundation and bronzer/blush. All these combinations does wonder to make me look alive and glowing, rain or shine…

  111. Irina G. says:

    The best way to get beautiful, glowing skin is to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.)

  112. Monica says:

    Lots of water, and remembering to moisturize

  113. May says:

    Making sure to moisturize my skin, and adding a touch of highlighter and bronzer at the end of my makeup routine!

  114. MIchelle Castagne says:

    Get a glow by drinking lots of water & getting enough exercise.

  115. Sara rai says:

    Drinking water, eating fruits, using a face wash, Clinique foundation
    With Mac fx plus keeps glowing:)

  116. justine meyer says:

    Drink plenty of water during the day to cleanse your system

  117. madeline connolly says:

    drink lots of water and long walks in the daylight

  118. Kobe B says:

    Stay hydrated, exercise for at least 30 mins a day (and yes= sex is exercise!)

  119. The best way to get beautiful, glowing skin is to go for a walk

  120. Gabrielle P says:

    walking outdoors or exercise of any kind.. and if all else fails, Benefit High Beam! Gabrielle xx

  121. Sarah Rees says:

    Exercise first thing in the morning. It not only makes you feel good but gives you a fantastic healthy natrual glow.

  122. Samantha Atherton says:

    My glow comes from a bottle of benefit hollywood glo, It’s fabulous stuff.

  123. Anastasiya says:

    Lumiere Sculptee de Chanel, Burberry Fresh Glow’ Luminous Fluid Base, Guerlain Perles de Nuit Meteorites 🙂

  124. Louise Mcnicol says:

    I love the glow after I have exfoliated and moisturised but I usually get a glow from standing over a steam iron as I have a large family. X

  125. caroline cummins says:

    how I get a good glow…2 ways….

    1) Body brushing, and good natural exfoliation with sea salt, baking soda and epsom salts…

    2) Be kind, generous and nurturing to others,

    combine the 2 and you glow both inside and out!!

  126. Seeing my boyfriend and my pug will always make me glow with happiness as I miss them so much when we’re apart. Beauty wise, I absolutely love to mix a liquid highlighter in with one of my fave tinted moisturisers.

  127. Sara Coyne says:

    Good make up is the key 🙂 x

  128. Donna Davies says:

    My cleansing brush is giving my skin a beautiful glow, I love it!

  129. katie skeoch says:

    A good run gets the blood pumping and skin is rejuvenated! In fact anything that raises the heartbeat is good for a little glow xx

  130. Ruth Tesdale says:

    Eat healthy, get plenty of fresh air and exfoliate and moisturise daily and use a facepack once a week.

  131. keren mary curran says:

    taking vitamin c,and drinking plenty of water

  132. Jennifer Deavall says:

    Exfoliating, moisturising and massaging.

  133. samantha margetts says:

    a good workout under the duvet with my husband usually works for me and gives me a healthy glow

  134. Emily Hutchinson says:

    A short walk on a cold day will get you glowing!

  135. Lisa Ellison says:

    Smiling, everything looks better with a smile.

  136. Kirsty N says:

    The best way I get a glow is a brisk walk on the beach – even in winter, I get home looking glowing. Helps blow the cobwebs out too!

  137. Michelle Ptak says:

    A bit of horseplay in the bedroom always gives me a healthy glow!!

  138. sarah palmer says:

    I don’t have a trick as when it comes to make up or anything like that ive lost my mojo

  139. Anne Woodthorpe says:

    I would like to find the fun factor again so this may help 😉 but my daughter having a great day always makes me happy and glowy

  140. Janine Atkin says:

    exfoliating and a glass of wine now and then!

  141. Donna Kent says:

    Wear a good SPF sun screan and go walk along the beach. When you wash the salt off, all the dead cells will be gone leaving you with a healthy glow.

  142. Maria Jane Knight says:

    A brisk walk in the fresh air will give you a gorgeous glow 🙂

  143. Susan Chafer says:

    Nothing naughty – just a good work out in the gym. Failing that, a brisk walk in the fresh air.

  144. lynda connolly says:

    going to the gym – i glow lol

  145. ann carline says:

    Walking the dog

  146. Jennifer Rhymer says:

    I use a bronzer and a shimmering blusher each morning as I need help to get my glow 🙂

  147. claire sen says:

    Getting plenty of sleep always makes my skin look great but to get a real glow I have a good singing session! I always feel great after!

  148. Ella R says:

    I reckon the best way to get a good glow is drinking lot’s of water, getting enough sleep, exfoliating a couple of time a week and taking a long bath with a face mask slathered on. I think taking the time to relax and rest probably does just as much (if not more) as the products you use!!

  149. NennaM says:

    Meeting my soontobeboyfriend makes me glow 😀

  150. Mary-Ann Pollard says:

    plenty of sleep and water…. but my little bronzing palette helps too!

  151. sandy port says:

    My secret to achieving a good glow is a nice cuddle with the spouse.
    (sorry I’m still a newly wed)

  152. Angela Kelly says:

    Drink lots of water

  153. Emily Knight says:

    Going for a long walk in the cold, on those beautiful sunny winter days with no rain! 🙂

  154. Solange says:


  155. Amanda Gregory says:

    Plenty of sleep, plenty of fresh air and loads of time with my wonderful family.

  156. Svetlana Lukashevych says:

    What gives me glow? Staying healthy… sleeping enough.. Love and being loved 🙂

  157. Ann MacLean Fleming says:

    spending as much time as possible outdoors and moisturising lots

  158. Natalie Miller says:

    Cleanse, tone and moisturise daily and exfoliate once a week! A nice face mask and cucumbers over the eyes normally works well for me too… But I’m 10 weeks pregnant struggling with morning sickness at the moment, a ‘glow’ is the last thing I have! 🙂

  159. Kaylie Goldup says:

    Being fresh faced out in the crisp, cold morning air.

  160. Andrea Darst says:

    I don’t mean to be inappropriate, but there is nothing like the glow you have after an intimate workout with your lover! 😉

  161. Sheri Darby says:

    A brisk walk in the ice cold sunshine – whenever it’s possible

  162. natalie holland says:

    Nothing like a bit of hot saucy action to get a natural glow on! :p — otherwise, I like a nice shimmer bronzer. x

  163. Rennene Hartland says:

    I use Liz Earle Cleanse and polish and this always gives me a great glow

  164. Joanne Welsh says:

    High beam from benefit is the perfect thing for it

  165. sj wesley says:

    My secret is a great skincare routine (I currently use Clinique 3 step which is amazing)

  166. Lani Nash says:

    Drink plenty of water and use a good moisturiser

  167. sairz eastham says:

    exfoliate weekly and exercise! exercise is definitely the trick to a healthy glow 😉

  168. Hannah Smith says:

    The trick is laughter, laugh & smile and you’ll glow.

    Of course if all else fails Touche Eclat.


  169. Kate Jenkins says:

    A blast of cold water in the shower every morning. Use plenty of moisturiser and drink lots of water.

  170. Lindy Hine says:

    I have pale skin and red hair so I have to cheat to get any sort of glow! I find tinted moisturiser very handy!

  171. laura theobald says:

    being happy and wearing a big smile, will always give the best glow. x

  172. SUSAN L HALL says:

    We may have been married 10 years in July but just seeing my hubby waiting for me after work just gives me a real glow ( and the fact i don’t have to catch a bus home is a bonus too! ) i love the fact we work in the same building for the first time in 8 years of working for the same company.

  173. Sharon Bell says:

    I do use bronzer but the best thing for the best glow in the word is the massive smile your face is capable of creating 🙂

  174. Natalie Crossan says:

    Moisturise every night and eat lots of green veggies 😀

  175. Sam Furniss says:

    A cool shower and good scrub with a loofah 😉

  176. Cynthia Richardson says:

    A brisk walk in the cold air will do it

  177. emma kinsey says:

    moisturise and plenty of water

  178. Jayne B says:

    A good workout or brisk walk does the trick for me

  179. Rachel Butler says:

    Moisturising daily, plenty of water & being a little bit naughty

  180. sarah lee says:

    In the middle of winter I use a fake tan on my face – it gives me a glow and instantly makes me feel better as well!

  181. Michelle Kitchen says:

    Moisturiser 🙂

  182. leila marie hughes says:

    drink plenty of water,is all it takes for glowing skin

  183. laura allsopp says:

    Fresh Morning walk! with the dog across the beach.. Sea air and sea waves – Amazing!!

  184. Natalie Gaff says:

    when my 4 month little girl smiles at me

  185. yasmine choudhry says:

    applying a highlighter & then bronzer on top

  186. Alice Beerland says:

    I try to laugh as much as possible and frown as little as I can! And a good highlighter helps as well…

  187. Susan Carruthers says:

    Plenty of sleep and water!

  188. Gail Bennett says:

    Exfoliation and a good moisturiser … and plenty of fresh air works for me! 🙂

  189. helen newton says:

    Drinking lots of water and eating healthy… lots of sleep and Being Happy 🙂

  190. Zoe Anyon says:

    Lots of red wine!

  191. Hayley Todd says:

    To give my skin a healthy glow, I always drink plenty of water, body brush 4 times a week, moisturise every night. I always use a facial scrub twice a week, use a good moisturiser at night and wear a tinted moisturiser during the no-make up days! Benefit’s High-Beam is brilliant at giving your skin a subtle glow too!

  192. Sydney says:

    Unfortunately, there is not just one quick simple tip for me to get a glow. It has to be a collection of things, working together in beautiful harmony in order to make me all round glowy (both inside and out).

    Drinking a lot of water, buying new stationary, yoga classes, MAC’s beautiful Soft and Gentle highlighter (on a cheat day), laughing until your stomach hurts and oohing over stranger’s babies. These are all things I try and do daily in order to balance myself and make me happy and consequently ‘glow’.

    Although I am not going to lie, there is nothing quite like a good bedroom session to achieve an instant glow!

  193. jen lloyd says:

    a good passionate lovemaking session :p

  194. Kelly Ellen Hirst says:

    Running the kids into school normally makes me glow! They don’t call it the school run for nothing!

  195. Catherine White says:

    The sex…that is all 🙂

  196. Paula Mattinson says:

    Normally I drink plenty of water, look after my skin and use my soap and glory ‘Glow Job’ to achieve my ‘glow’ . But I’ve just had my 9th date with a rather scrummy man. Who tick all my boxes! It’s going wonderfully and I fell amazing, I’m glowing with happiness 🙂


Butter London Marrow NOTD

COMPETITION NOW CLOSED! WINNER IS: “IZABELLA” (COMMENT #96045) – WINNER HAS BEEN EMAILED!   It’s still January, the MET office have just issued yet another …

Saturday - Ins & Outs

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COMPETITION NOW CLOSED! WINNER IS: “IZABELLA” (COMMENT #96045) – WINNER HAS BEEN EMAILED!   It’s still January, the MET office have just issued yet another …

Jemma Kidd Lash Xtension Volume Mascara

COMPETITION NOW CLOSED! WINNER IS: “IZABELLA” (COMMENT #96045) – WINNER HAS BEEN EMAILED!   It’s still January, the MET office have just issued yet another …

NEW! Tweezerman Safari Print "Cheetah" Slant Tweezers!

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CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

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COMPETITION NOW CLOSED! WINNER IS: “IZABELLA” (COMMENT #96045) – WINNER HAS BEEN EMAILED!   It’s still January, the MET office have just issued yet another …


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