My C25K post generated more interest than I expected and a few of you have even started the program with me! High five! If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, here’s a link to the original post.
I just thought I’d do a quick update on how I’ve been getting on with the program now that I am due to complete the 3rd week tomorrow.
Clearly not me.
The program is designed to ease you from a horizontal position into a world of running and claims to have you running 5k (just over 3 miles) without stopping in 9 weeks. Intensive much?
I’ll start by saying that there are many different versions of ‘running’ and in truth, my running style involves a very slow jog… a canter on a good day. There’s definitely no ‘running’ going on here yet. There have been a couple of points in the program that I have had a sneaky peek ahead at what’s to come and simply thought “no way”. Last week was a prime example. Let me explain…
You start the program in Week 1 by running for 1 minute and walking for 1.30 minutes, alternating between the two for a total of around 25 minutes. At the end of Week 1, I got cocky and skipped through my C25K app to have a look at what the future weeks would have instore for me…
3 minutes running… non stop. Ermmm…. that’s about week 7 right? Wrong. That’s week 3.
“NO WAY!” said me.
“NO WAY!” said my body.
Well, I’ve just completed Week 3, Day 2 and it’s totally do-able, how stoked am I? I’m on cloud 9 and feeling mightily smug with myself. Except for one little thing… I did that cocky thing again tonight and read what the last day of Week 5 has in store for me.
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog two miles (or 20 minutes) with no walking.
I read it three times to triple check and still not believing that the program expected me to really run for 20 minutes without stopping… I went online and checked on the website. It’s not an error.
So… in approximately 5 more sessions, I’m supposed to progress from running 3 minutes… to 20 minutes.
I’m dubious, unconfident and downright traumatised by that thought.
Kinda excited too.
Have you been doing the program? How are you finding it?