Leila is three today!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 16 - 2012

To my darling girl,

Before you were born, we were terrified of the changes that your presence would mean for our lives – not ready to grow-up ourselves, neither your Daddy nor I really wanted to share our hearts with another soul. We fretted that we’d lose the depth to our connection over time, as if adding another molecule to the formula might dilute its overall strength.

Which is why I need to tell you today that over the last three years, you have brought so much happiness and belly-laughter. You have inherited your father’s awful sense of direction, groan-worthy humour, and brilliant brain for problem-solving. From me, you’ve been fated with an inane desire to share your every thought and feeling. You are so wickedly funny, and you know it – a terrible tease with a penchant for giving me the side-eye just when you know I won’t be able to resist a smile.

That’s not to say you’re without fault my girl, for when tempers flare, you shake with rage, screw up your nose and stamp your right foot for all it’s worth. You whine like a dog when being taken away from your favourite activities and your incessant desire for independence tests my patience on a daily basis. But you have a wonderful capacity for reason, I would never have dreamt that such a small one could have the ability to be able to listen, contemplate and without fail, always do the right thing.

It’s impossible to put into words just how much I love you. A feeling that extends beyond my comprehension, a force that is both immeasurable and bottomless in its reach. When I spend an afternoon without you beside me, I get butterflies as I approach the front door, bounding through it like you’re the Mum and I’m the child. I tell you all that I’ve done that day, and you quietly listen before making me promise that next time, we’ll do it together.

Time moves so quickly, it’s a clichΓ© that every mother tells me but a relentless reminder that one day, we won’t be the first people you think of upon waking. You won’t call out for me when you stir in the middle of the night and I won’t be able to instinctively lift you into my arms when something needs to be made better. Time has always been a cruel mistress, but for all the dreams and hopes I have for you, it’s the one that I pray for most of all. Every minute of every day. I… we, both Daddy and I, want nothing more than to share it with you.

Happy 3rd birthday Leila, you are so very loved.

60 Responses to “Leila is three today!”

  1. Patricia says:

    wow, this made me shed a little tear. so beautiful. happy bday to her!

  2. Jade says:

    Beautiful post, and a beautiful little girl. Happy birthday Leila πŸ™‚

  3. layla says:

    Awwwh, what a beautiful way to wish your daughter. Happy Birthday Leila! Hope you have an awesome 3rd birthday! God bless! mmuuah!

  4. Paris B says:

    I had a little lump in my throat reading this. It was so poetic πŸ™‚ Happy birthday Leila. I can’t believe she’s already 3!

  5. Udita says:

    So touching & thoughtful!
    Happy 3rd birthday Leila…. Many MANY more to come xXx

  6. Mags says:

    Wow. I have a daughter and every word of this resonates with me. My beautiful girl is 16 now and leaves school in less than 3 weeks. I can’t quite believe how quickly the years have passed, but I am proud of the woman she has become and I can still see so much of the little girl in her.

    Cherish every single day you have together. Happy Birthday Leila, you ARE loved, that’s plain to see.

    And Sophie? Read this post and know that you too are loved and always have been.

  7. Leanne says:

    Charlotte you absolute cow you’ve got me bawling in an office full of men. This is so beautiful!

    Happy third birthday Leila, like mummy says you are SO loved – your hundreds of internet aunties love keeping up with your adventures. πŸ™‚ x

    • R says:

      I’m one of those men and I welled up too. Leila’s a very lucky little girl, who deserves an amazing birthday.

  8. Amrita says:

    Char, that was the sweetest email ever. I’m sure Leila will appreciate it when she’s older… Or she might laugh at you while she’s poking you with your walking stick!

    Wishing the little madam a very happy birthday πŸ™‚

  9. Sophie says:

    Beautiful. Happy Birthday Leila. πŸ™‚

  10. Lois says:

    Awww this brought a tear to my eye! She is so beautiful!! xxxx

  11. Caoimhe says:

    I’m crying! That was gorgeous to read xx

  12. Lily says:

    What a lovely, moving tribute to your daughter. I hope I can write something as beautiful to my future kid someday. And make sure Leila reads this when she’s able to read! Happy birthday Leila!

  13. There goes my mascara. Happy Birthday Leila! I hope you all have a lovely day together celebrating xx

  14. Kristi C. (@lov2read68) says:

    What an absolutely lovely post! Happy Birthday to Leila! She is a gorgeous little girl! My oldest turns 12 today! It is amazing how children change your lives in ways you never imagined possible. I wouldn’t change anything for the world and reading your post I know you wouldn’t either!

  15. gio says:

    So beautiful and touching! Happy birthday Leila!

  16. Soraya says:

    Absolutely gorgeous post, should have come with a disclaimer as I got the bottom lip wobble reading it!

    I love the relationship you have with her and still remember you telling me about how excited she gets going on trips with the two of you! She’s a lovely little girl, a real credit to you!xx

  17. Louise says:

    A gorgeous post Charlotte – Happy Birthday Leila xxx

  18. Leanne England says:

    Wow, I don’t have children, yet that brought a tear to my eye. How beautifully written.

  19. Anitacska says:

    Happy birthday Leila! xxx

  20. Mollance says:

    Awww, happy birthday Leila. My little man is 3 in a few months and you’ve captured exactly how I, and every other parent, feels. Loyd of love and cake x

  21. Another one in floods… happy birthday Leila! xxx

  22. NeenaJ says:

    Teary, blotchy face is my punishment for surfing the interwebs at the office.

    Gorgeous post. Happy Birthday to the lovely, lively, Leila!

  23. VexintheCity says:

    Give her a big birthday kiss from her Aunty Yinka!! xx

  24. sophie says:

    Speaking as someone who never wants children and doesn’t really “get” the whole maternal instinct thing… this made me cry!

    Leila is so lucky to have you as parents, and so lucky that she’ll be able to grow up and see all these wonderful photos and memories one day. I wish the technology we have now had been around when I was little.

    • people are created to be loved, I guess it just doesn’t matter if they’re children, partners – whatever fits the criteria for a huge dose of affection! Amen on the technology thing, I honestly wouldn’t write her an annual ‘letter’ like this if it were on paper. I’d lose the bloody thing in the interim! x

  25. Em says:

    A very beautiful post; made me cry a little!! Time is so precious and becomes a bit frightening when you have little ones.
    Happy Birthday Leila πŸ˜€ I hope you all had a wonderful day xx

  26. kelly says:

    why has someone gone through and disliked all the comments πŸ™

  27. Beautifully written Charlotte, and every word resonates as I have a five year old girl. Happy birthday Leila – and I know it will be happy because you have parents who love you.

    • I didn’t know you had a little girl! Is it still as much fun when they start talking back with words you can understand?! x

      • It is, it is. And the fierce independence will calm down a little, as mine did (not that she hasn’t still got a good dose of it!) I enjoyed so much all her little ways of speaking – it was “d” instead of “g” for a while so my mother-in-law’s dog Meg was “Med the Dod.” We are clinging desperately on to the last little quirk – “nust” instead of “just”. “I nust want to have Weetabix for tea.” I feel like when she has nailed “just” she’ll be a proper grown up. I’m going to keep saying nust! Like you, I just want to slow that clock down. But it’s all special. And it’s so lovely for you that you will have this record of your thoughts on her birthdays. One day she will read these herself, sobbing! She’s very lucky. And cute. πŸ™‚ x

  28. Anna Belsham says:

    Happy Birthday Leila, what a beautiful post xxx

  29. The birthday girl is in bed, wearing a full cinderella outfit complete with flashing wand. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so bloody splendiferous.

  30. Jade says:

    Happy Birthday you pretty little poppet <3 Cheers to you mum and dad for doing such a great job so far!

  31. Vicki says:

    Happy birthday Leila xxx

  32. Beautifully written. Happy birthday to your precious baby girl!

  33. Olivia says:

    Three already? Time flies too quickly. Happy Birthday to a beautiful, soon to be gorgeous young woman!

  34. Julianne says:

    Aww, this makes me feel emotional and I’m not the maternal type! Happy birthday Leila!

  35. rashmi says:

    OHHHH Charlotte …. Love you for this amazingggg post and I cant imagine the day Leila read this , she will be the most happiest person on earth … you made me cry and am so touched with your words .. i am lucky to found your blog and know you more πŸ˜€ loads of love to cute little princes and a cyber hug to you πŸ˜€ a very happy b’day to Leila πŸ˜€

  36. Syen says:

    Such a beautiful post. Happy birthday Leila! You’re precious. =)

  37. makeupmag says:

    A very happy belated birthday to your precious one. That immeasurable love which we have for our children is heart-achingly beautiful as it is painful, so overwhelmed are we by the joy they give us and the trials that they will invariably face. Love conquers all, though! ♥

    She is blessed to have you as her mummy! *HUGS*

  38. liloo says:

    aww, look at that little fairy :)))))))))))))) so cute xx

  39. Long Tall Ally says:

    Oh Charlotte! *sobs* Such as beautiful post. Leila is so lucky to have parents as loving and wonderful as you, and you’re so lucky to have such a brilliant daughter. Xxx

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