Makeup.  You can’t deny that it’s pretty damn tactile.  And shiny, let’s not forget shinyyyyyy.

I think that all makeup lovers out there have a certain magpie quality to their personalities.  I mean, we don’t go around destroying other people’s eyeshadows (did you know magpies destroy other bird’s eggs? stupid magpies) but there is something fairly irresistible about small, alluring objects.  The shinier the better.  Did I mention shiny?

Of course, brands positively count on this element to our personalities and play us for all they’re worth.  Have you seen YSL’s latest collector offering?  NO?  Oh, you must!

YSL Touche Eclat Collector Edition Radiant Touch

YSL have released a while-stocks-last collector edition of their iconic complexion highlighter* that has been inspired by the crystal bead-covered Haute Couture “Edition Soir” evening gown designed by Mr. Yves Saint Laurent himself in the 1960s.

It sort-of looks as though it’s been attacked with a bottle of topcoat and a nail dotting tool but the website blurb assures me that I am wrong, as it has infact been delicately engraved and embossed with a sparkling shower of light like an exquisitely embroidered dress.

Oh, alright then.

YSL Touche Eclat Collector Edition Radiant Touch

Whatevs.  It’s small, gold, kinda spangly, and a limited edition.  I’d swoop into your nest and steal it.

YSL Touche Eclat Collector Edition Radiant Touch

The YSL Touche Eclat Collector Edition is available to buy on counter, instore at Boots and online from priced at £25.00 and available for a limited time.

Are you a makeup magpie?

* press sample

6 Responses to “YSL Touche Eclat Collector Edition Radiant Touch for makeup magpies, everywhere!”

  1. Kirsty S says:

    Cor. If only I actually liked the product within :'(

  2. Sydney says:

    I think the normal packaging is far more suave looking, this one reminds me a little too much of the horrors of a new puppy getting it’s teeth into… well just about anything you own really!

  3. Luisa says:

    I love this stuff! Started using when it very first came out and have not been without one since. Grateful they added extra colours and the #2 suits me perfectly. The tip is to use it to bring out areas (shadow/light) rather than slather it on as a cover-up.

  4. I can’t really decide if I like this limited edition packaging better or the original one. But either way I love the product inside.

  5. Kelly says:

    I prefer the crystal edition but alas did not get on with the actual product!

  6. Oh that is absolutely smashing! So, so pretty!

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