Subliminal Massages…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 6 - 2011

I first fell in love with Tisserand’s Muscle Ease Bath Oil nearly two years ago and it’s been a continual repurchase ever since.

As far as I’m concerned, the Muscle Ease Bath Oil is the ultimate for the price.  In the past, I’ve paid nearly 4x that for half the quantity and although not disappointed with my purchase, it wasn’t 4x as gorgeous… a simple example of not being able to ignore the economics.

I knew they’d be nothing to dislike about the Muscle Ease Body Massage Oil… I mean, a). it’s an oil and b). it’s in one of my favourite spicy scents ever… what’s not to like?  I was right and it is indeed awesome.

Energy Revive is also amazingly potent but I’m not a fan of the scent blend which I find a little too ‘kitchen fresh’ if that makes sense… I like citrus but this doesn’t hit the right notes for my taste.

Also, I’ve not been using these as massage oils… which is a bit naughty because I was sent these to review and if I don’t use them as massage oils, how can I review them as such?  Well… I can’t.  Because Mr. L attempted a massage on me and I wanted to divorce him before 5 minutes had passed.  Irritating, diggy knuckles, wouldn’tstoptalking.

No body product (even when it’s gratis) is worth 7 years of marriage, 11 years of dating and a heartbroken 2 year old, sorry Tisserand.

I have however been using these as body oils both before and after showering.  I slather on some of the Muscle Ease one before jumping in the shower and get a blast of intoxicating ginger, lemongrass and other lovely stuff as the room fills with steam.  Once the taps are off, I spread a little more onto my wet skin to lock in the moisture and spend the rest of the day wanting to lick myself.

So there we have it, a ginormous thumbs up for the Muscle Ease Body Massage Oil, a Jif lemon thrown at the Energy Revive one and a kick up the bum for Mr. L for being a crap masseur.

Tisserand Body Massage Oils are priced at £8.10 each and are available to purchase from some of those funny independent pharmacies, Whole Foods or online at

* pr sample

The new Tao range from Rituals

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 4 - 2010

Rituals are a Dutch brand that I’d previously spotted in John Lewis, but hadn’t explored.  So I was curious to find out more about them when I popped into the launch of their latest line, Tao.

The Tao range is inspred by the ancient Chinese life philosophies encompassing energy, balance, peace and serenity.  All that Yin & Yang stuff.

It encompasses 8 new products which range from a body cream to a pillow mist, from bathing products through to massage oils.  Which brings me to my particular favourite…

Qi. Not only a top scorer in a game of Scrabble, but a surprisingly lovely stress relief serum.  I say “surprisingly” ‘cos I’m generally unaffected by things that are supposed to make you feel better if you sniff ’em or apply them to pulse points.  The most “alternative” I ever get is a drop of Bach’s Rescue Remedy on my tongue, and doing it always makes me feel like a bit of a wally.

I had a few drops of Qi (£8.50) massaged into my temples and the smell of Chinese Peppermint really invigorated me.  I spent the next half hour feeling a strange and totally pleasant warming sensation around my temples which had the effect of keeping me feeling sharper and more alert during my usual mid-afternoon slump.  I’ve never really experienced anything quite like that before.  I’m waiting for Qi to come into stock on the Rituals website so I can pick myself up a bottle.

The Tao Range is available online from the Rituals website.


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