I had an idea last night, it’s always scary sharing ‘ideas’ like this incase it encourages a humiliating David Brent type moment of epic embarrassment, so if you think it’s shit… just pretend it’s good anyway.
So, I thought it might be nice to play a little game which will encourage us to get to know our fellow beauty addicts whilst honing our application skillz and having a little fun…
I’m calling the game “Pick-a-Look” (‘cos it’s too late at night to think of anything better) and it’s a Secret Santa type affair.
If you’re up for this frivolity, say so by leaving a comment below. Your comment needs to include your email address (I shall remove email addresses from comments after I’ve read them to prevent spammers). It should also include (if applicable) a link to your blog. Once enough people have expressed an interest, I will secretly pair you up with a partner.
I’ll email you to let you know the name of your secret partner (and a link to their blog). After you’ve had a look at their blog and gotten to know them a little better, email me back with a link to the ‘look’ that you’d like to see them recreate.
The look can be editorial, celebrity or everyday… but remember, keep it secret!
Once everyone has been assigned their ‘looks’, you’ll have 1 week to create your interpretation of it before you need to submit an image of your efforts to me. I’ll display it on the blog and reveal the identity of the person who chose it for you.
Does that make sense? I’m sure I could have written it more coherently… but I’m struggling on so little sleep.
For this to work, it needs participation people! So spread the word and let’s see if we can get this daft little game off the ground!