CLOSED: Flash Giveaway! WIN Stuffs!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 16 - 2012

I’ve been doing some Spring cleaning this weekend and thought I’d delve into my over-flowing giveaway drawer for some random bits and bobs to cheer up a sucky Monday!

One winner will receive all the STUFFS in the above photo which includes: an Origins eye brush, Barbara Daly Lip Tint, Sleek false eyelashes, Mr Mascara nail file, The Body Shop Facial Cleansing Pads, and a Boots 17 Travel Makeup Set (containing mini-mascara, nail polish and lipgloss).

To enter the flash giveaway (which closes tonight!), simple leave a comment below and tell me what would make your Monday brighter?

1. Entry open worldwide.
2. I will choose 1 winner at random, my decision is final.
3. is the sole promoter of this competition.
4. Competition closes on Monday 16th April 2012 at 23.59 BST.
5. Winner will be contacted via email.

99 Responses to “CLOSED: Flash Giveaway! WIN Stuffs!”

  1. Julia Arenas says:

    Finding out maybe that one of my aunts is suddenly miraculously pregnant…she and her German husband have been hoping for so long, they’ve tried invitro without success and spent much money, now they fear they’re too old to begin raising a baby from infancy coz it wouldn’t be fair to the child to have senior citizen parents in his teens, but I say anything’s possible.

    It’s a tall order of hope but that would certainly make my Monday morning a very bright one.

  2. sarah says:

    Several things-

    1. chocolate always seems to help
    2. Getting out of work on time
    3. a glass of wine
    4. cuddles with my favourite person. (my dog)


  3. Emily says:

    Having a really nice dinner in an hour or so πŸ™‚ Or the sun coming out, that would be lovely.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Charity S says:

    Spending a day at the beach with my family.

  5. Jen Bell says:

    Having lots of money to go on a shopping spree and getting my hair done! Feel like I need a spring makeover… πŸ™

  6. kelly says:

    The truth is too depressing to share, so I shall say chocolate, that always cheers me up!

  7. Emma says:

    Well Monday is almost over but what would make the rest of it brighter would be the promise of the sun coming out tomorrow! Alas, it looks like snow and/or sleet. Bummer.

  8. Ria says:

    My favourite song coming up on the radio, and finding my fave chocolate to buy! πŸ˜€

  9. Jess says:

    What would make my Monday would be someone come and offering to do all the last minute work I have for college tomorrow! Then I could actually enjoy my last evening of freedom instead of staying up to an ungodly hour solving simultaneous equations! (Although I suppose its my own fault for leaving it so late)

  10. Kelly says:

    Hot chocolate! its been so chilly here that wrapping myself up snug in a blanket with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate would be heaven x

  11. Amy Bennett says:

    To be home and nice and warm πŸ™‚

  12. Liz says:

    Ironically not having the sun out would make my Monday brighter. As my desk is near the window i have to close the blind to see my screen which makes my room dark. No sun equals brighter room.

  13. Annalise says:

    What’d make my Monday brighter is finding out if my films finally been developed and I can go get it πŸ˜‰
    (That’s what I get for settling for an SLR instead of a DSLR. 2 weeks of waiting on film!)

  14. alis says:

    Lol a good grade for my school test would make my monday brighter πŸ™‚

  15. Emmie says:

    A new manicure brightened my Monday today. I’m looking down on bright pink nails.. perfect!

  16. AmΓ©lie says:

    Winning this giveaway would make my Monday brighter πŸ˜‰

  17. NuΕ‘a says:

    Well, it’s my birthday today and I got a ton of awesome stuff, so maybe not having to study today would be even better. πŸ˜€

  18. Charlene says:

    Im going to see Dirty Dancing at the theatre tonight. Cant wait. And its super sunny weather. Lovely.

  19. Kemcaflipflops says:

    Was having a moany Monday but I’ve just made a green Thai chicken curry so I’m much brighter. Feeding my tummy with delicious food makes me all sunny and shiny!

    Kirsten x

  20. Sarah says:

    Finishing another phase of a looooooooong editing project I have been working on!

  21. Deborah says:

    Finishing today’s homework would make my Monday brighter πŸ™‚

  22. Kim says:

    Eating cake at work today brightened up my day πŸ˜› It was my birthday on Saturday, so gorging on cake at work (twice!!) was a must! x

  23. Mrs K says:

    Definitely a bar of yummy chocolate!
    Thank You!

  24. Having an in-home personal chef to make me brunch! I’m hungry & too lazy to make anything πŸ˜‰

  25. sophie says:

    Magically having no essays to write would brighten up my Monday to no end! I’m starting to regret doing my Masters…

  26. Helen says:

    my new nyx lipstick arrived in the post today, yay!

  27. Georgia says:

    Um finding out out it was actually a Saturday!?;)
    What a lovely giveaway :)xo

  28. Emma says:

    Chips for dinner, a deep, fragrant bubble bath, and the new episode of Mad Men will brighten up my Monday!

  29. Kim D. says:

    What would make my Monday brighter is to not have to go to work.

  30. Manon says:

    I love to enter this giveaway, i’m in! My monday would be so much brighter if i had a lot of neon nailproducts/lip products, if i would be in Aruba right now, and ofcourse when i win this lovely set!

  31. kirsty says:

    A cheeseburger would make my moday brighter

  32. Brody says:

    A forecast of warmer weather would definitely make my Monday brighter!

  33. Sinead Lodge says:

    My exams being cancelled πŸ™‚

  34. Hannah says:

    The sun coming out! And learning how to edit my videos from the emilie autumn concert Saturday night, but which suddenly go sideways in the middle as I didn’t realise the photo rotation sensitivity didn’t extend to film footage…

  35. Sonal says:

    A good perfume would make my Monday brighter!

  36. Sydney Kav says:

    Arent you just lovely giving a little Monday treat!

    My Monday has pretty much been made by my mum, who lives in Brasil, telling me that she is leaving Brasil to move back to England meaning I will be able to see her more than twice a year! (a girl always needs her mother around)

    Not to mention the thousands of pounds that can be used on makeup and goodies instead of flights πŸ˜€

    My Monday could not be brighter if it tried!

  37. Katherine says:

    Having the day off! But that’s not happening, so I guess having the rain stop would be a nice second.

  38. Hannah says:

    My Monday would be brighter if the sun was haha! I really want to crack out some videos, but after coming home from work the sun is a little lacking in my flat!

  39. Rhiann says:

    Delivery of my new sunshine orange bag would brighten my Monday (a rare treat), and an essay that writes itself would be even better!

  40. Scarie says:

    Finding the DVD remote would make my Monday brighter. Or getting my voice back, I miss talking!!

  41. Morag Menzies says:

    Leaving a face outline on the bathroom mirror just the right height – so when my partner goes in after he looks like he’s a pirate. Eye Patch, hat, parrot and all. Arrg ma shipmate! Monday morning bathroom time rocks πŸ˜‰

  42. Samantha says:

    A bit more sun would make my monday really a lot better!

  43. Mari says:

    My Monday would be brighter if I changed tabs and my dissertation was suddenly written and completely formatted.

  44. Susana B. says:

    It’s my Dad’s birthday today, so I called him first thing in the morning and that brightened my day! πŸ™‚

  45. Jenni says:

    My daughter calling me to say she isn’t cross with me about the family agreeing that her little boy has a bit of a regional accent!

  46. Deborah says:

    The sun just did! It has been grey all day here :(.

  47. Jemma says:

    I’ve been at work all day and I’d love to be able to go home as I’ve been stuck at uni for the past 2 weeks alone πŸ™


  48. glitterigirl says:

    Having a natter with my bessie mate will definitely brighten up my Monday. In fact, I’m gonna get off the net now + go and phone her :0)

  49. Tiffany says:

    I’m starting a personal revolution where Mondays are great and never to be dreaded!

  50. Michelle says:

    To give my just-out-the-operating-room guinea-pig a big hug when he wakes up in a little while. Ive been waiting all day for him to come home.

  51. Arica says:

    I’d be having a better Monday if someone would buy my broken car that I still owe money on, and if the garage that has the crappy car that was given to us would hurry up and make it drivable. They’ve had it for over a week and we have been renting a car. I just want something to get me to and from work!! Argh! Or if I could win money, or find money or somehow be able to just get a new car that would be dependable. That would make this Monday MUCH brighter. *sigh* lol Thanks for this giveaway, btw.

  52. Fatima says:

    ANYTHING that gives me a break from the books! Medical college has a way of shredding your nerves lol. A nice movie would suffice =)

  53. Hannah says:

    Oh Jebus I really dislike Mondays…

    Mine would be made a lot better if one of the lottery winner advisers knocked on the door and informed me I’d won Β£10 million and I could quit my job. I don’t ask for much! πŸ˜€ xx

  54. Victoria says:

    Finding some cake in the cupboard – my cupboards are bare and there is hardly anything to eat, let alone anything sweet!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  55. Jenna says:

    Hmm, some essays writing themselves would make my Monday fantastic!

  56. Stephanie says:

    Finally getting to read my ill little boy that bed time story he’s been wanting to start for the past week πŸ™‚

  57. Sara says:

    Pretty much anything right now as life has been a bit tough recently. I am still waiting for a date to go into hospital and have some horrible “thing” removed πŸ™
    and on Saturday one of my beloved kitties was diagnosed with a dodgy thryroid and has to go off to be irradiated for two whole weeks and will presumably come back glowing in the dark and on Friday my wonderful boss bugggers off to a much better job. On the plus side the lovely bunch of flowers bought for me by the equally lovely Caroline really cheered me up and helped me to get some perspective.

  58. Sophie says:

    Just feeling less blah would make my Monday and my week better. I’ve spent the last 9 weeks getting over surgery, and I’m still having to have dressing changes often and I just need a good old cheering up! πŸ™‚

  59. Katrine Reher says:

    My son moves back and forth between his dads and my place, so the mondays where he returns to me, are always brigther.

    Apart from that, sunshine and feeling well rested – one of those hardly ever happens honestly.

  60. gem says:

    Winning the comp would make my Monday brighter. I currently am on a spending ban so this would e great πŸ™‚

  61. Anat K says:

    Well, since here in Israel we start our week on Sunday, Monday is just another day…
    What would make my Sunday brighter, though, would definitely be a few more hours of sleep! Or just not waking up so early… But since I have Mandarin-Chinese Class at the uni. at 8 AM this rarely happens!
    I compensate with a big cup of coffee and a fresh pastry

  62. Alice says:

    I would be a very happy girl if my back pains disappeared. That or the magical skill to not screw up every driving lesson and miraculously pass on my exam at first try. Or just a big bowl of apple crumble. Uhmm*drools*

  63. Udita says:

    lots of things!
    1. coffee with syrup AND sugar OR breakfast in bed
    2. early finish or the next day off
    3. knowing that there’s only 4 more days to Friday πŸ˜‰

    (p.s. the list goes on, but u get the idea?)

    (p.p.s. thanks for the giveaway!)

  64. Mimi says:

    My day would be brighter if my headache would go away.

  65. AJ says:


  66. Sofie says:

    My day was quite the shitfest, to be honest. Dentist telling me to eat fewer oranges, my account is not amused with my spending of money, a wisdom tooth that likes to bother me, managerial economics screwing with my head… Gah.

    What would make my day brighter… would be to win. Yeah, that would be quite nice, that’s for sure ;D But what would REALLY make the last hours of this day brighter would be some cheese, a biscuit, and a nice cup of A. C. Perch’s raspberry tea.

  67. Emily K. says:

    A nap would be wonderful. Seriously, that’s all lol.

  68. Alexandra says:

    If my hair actually bleaches. tried it twice yesterday (followed all the instructions???) and I’m trying again now, thus far no change…

  69. Sabah says:

    It’s my dad’s birthday on monday. But he is sailing the ocean. Wish he was home on monday. That would have been totally made my day.

  70. Lynn Savage says:

    A nice foot massage would be great to revive my tired feet, and also some chocolate and a tall glass of malibu would help.

  71. Beth Karen says:

    A makeover, make – up and hair would make any Monday amazingly brighter πŸ˜‰

  72. Audrey says:

    Some sunshine would definitely make my Monday (literally and figuratively) brighter!

  73. Afef says:

    πŸ™‚ waking up and realizing it’s a bank / public holiday would make my monday brighter (i would be able to doze off again! bliss!)

  74. Shery says:

    Doing well on my avian biology exam tonight! eek!!!! (why am i reading blogs lol)

  75. kellyjo walters says:

    that I wouldnt wake up with a great big spot on my chin!

  76. Kat says:

    Steak! I wish I wasn’t too lazy to prepare a proper dinner for myself πŸ˜€

  77. Claire says:

    Winning the lottery would be nice, or failing that I’d settle for just a glass of white wine and a few choccies, and relaxing in a warm and bubbly bath, bliss!

  78. Jen says:

    Cake and Ice cream

  79. Diane Ayres says:

    ‘Flash win’ of some beauty treats!

  80. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    Some chocolate or a giveaway win would make my Monday brighter!

  81. RaeRae says:

    What an angel you are Charlotte! What would make my Monday brighter is getting these essays finished off and submitted. Back to it now for me…

  82. Emma says:

    winning a prize!

  83. imergo says:

    I’m with Jen – cake and ice cream!

  84. Andra Franciscato says:

    Well.. having the day off will make it brighter πŸ˜‰

  85. Jess says:

    It would make my monday brighter if I could finish my uni assignment! (so not happening!) x

  86. Stephanie says:

    I would be fully happy if id not gotten on the scales today, Im sure channel 5 are secretly making a documentary on my daily weight gain!BUT if I won new make-up at least Id look like one of them obese people who make money on the internet!

  87. Mai says:

    The prospect of knowing that I wouldn’t have to go to school tomorrow would certainly brighten up my Monday!

  88. Chocolate.

    A lot of them…in large amounts…lol
    Great giveaway!

  89. Charli says:

    In all honesty winning this would!!! Along with having a week off work haha!!! Charli xx

  90. Jenny says:

    Probably sounds a bit silly, but a hug would definitely brighten up my Monday πŸ™‚

  91. What would make my Monday brighter… A lie in. Definitely. xD

  92. Susan says:

    music always make my mondays brighter! πŸ™‚

  93. Sian Borrill says:

    Someone doing all my university work for me as have been ill and am mega behind! πŸ™

  94. Claire Melvin says:

    My ironing pile disappearing would definitely make my Monday!

  95. Laura says:

    Reading through the comments made me feel a little sad…life has been so tough on so many people, myself included. So, someone’s Monday being made brighter by winning this giveaway will make my Monday brighter πŸ™‚

  96. Emily says:

    A holiday somewhere warm would definitely make it brighter, but failing that I’d love to see my other half, he’s so far away πŸ™

  97. Amandah says:

    Monday’s are my husband’s first day off work (he works weekends), so hard to top that for me actually πŸ™‚

  98. Jess says:

    Oh gosh… well… what I really want wouldn’t just brighten my Monday, but make my entire life, so I’ll go with something a bit smaller. Getting a call about a job offer would be nice!

  99. Jade says:

    A good old catch up with friends. It’s been far too long!


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