After reading the article over at the Daily Mail about the self-proclaimed ‘Barbie’ mother who encourages her 16yr old daughter to have Botox injections to mask any premature signs of ageing… I was full of indignations and OMGs like most people who read the article I guess…
But then my focus shifted….
I looked at the first picture of mother and daughter together:
The caption under the photo reads:
“Misguided? Hannah Burge, 16, (left) with her mother Sarah, the ‘Human Barbie’, who injects her with Botox in an effort to prevent future wrinkles”.
Sarah Burge (Hannah’s mother) has had approx £500,000’s worth of cosmetic surgery, currently holding the world record the most cosmetic surgeries. I studied the picture and took a guess at her age…
I went for 50.
She’s 49. Well, maybe… ‘cos she was also 49 back when this article was published over a year ago…
So really, I’m more distressed by the fact that this woman has spent half a million pounds on plastic surgery to allay the unfortunate aesthetic effects of aging and to my eyes, she hasn’t got her money’s worth.
Don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying she looks like your ordinary 49/50/51 year old… of course she doesn’t. But I’m thinking that has more to do with the hair and makeup than anything else. A less tranny-licious hairdo and replace that ridiculous eye makeup and really… what have you got? Probably a much more attractive woman actually.
I disagree with her active encouragement of Botox for her 16yr old, but mostly my annoyance is set-aside for her surgeons. One day, I may consider some um… modifications? Are they generally this ineffective unless your name’s Demi Moore?
I hate wasing money. I bought a chicken and stuffing sandwich last week, it didn’t have any stuffing in it…. at least I only wasted £2.19 though eh?
Read the original article here.