What’s the point?

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 10 - 2010

After reading the article over at the Daily Mail about the self-proclaimed ‘Barbie’ mother who encourages her 16yr old daughter to have Botox injections to mask any premature signs of ageing… I was full of indignations and OMGs like most people who read the article I guess…

But then my focus shifted….

I looked at the first picture of mother and daughter together:

The caption under the photo reads:

“Misguided? Hannah Burge, 16, (left) with her mother Sarah, the ‘Human Barbie’, who injects her with Botox in an effort to prevent future wrinkles”.

Sarah Burge (Hannah’s mother) has had approx £500,000’s worth of cosmetic surgery, currently holding the world record the most cosmetic surgeries.  I studied the picture and took a guess at her age…

I went for 50.

She’s 49.  Well, maybe… ‘cos she was also 49 back when this article was published over a year ago…

So really, I’m more distressed by the fact that this woman has spent half a million pounds on plastic surgery to allay the unfortunate aesthetic effects of aging and to my eyes, she hasn’t got her money’s worth.

Don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying she looks like your ordinary 49/50/51 year old… of course she doesn’t.  But I’m thinking that has more to do with the hair and makeup than anything else.  A less tranny-licious hairdo and replace that ridiculous eye makeup and really… what have you got?  Probably a much more attractive woman actually.

I disagree with her active encouragement of Botox for her 16yr old, but mostly my annoyance is set-aside for her surgeons.  One day, I may consider some um… modifications?  Are they generally this ineffective unless your name’s Demi Moore?

I hate wasing money.  I bought a chicken and stuffing sandwich last week, it didn’t have any stuffing in it…. at least I only wasted £2.19 though eh?

Read the original article here.

19 Responses to “What’s the point?”

  1. liloo says:

    aaaa reading all this article and all I seem to remember is those black unsightly straps under the pink top.
    More seriously, I am ashamed to say that I will definitely consider cosmetic surgery. In fact, the only reason I’ve not made the plunge is because of money. I’ve a list long like my arm of things I would like to ‘enhance’ as they say.

    The demi moore phenomemon fascinates. I so glad you pointed out, she must be THE celebrity who has had the best cosmetic enhancements ever. I am in awe of her surgeon and this guy (if his identity has been revealed) has got his job secured for eternity.

    So sad to see what this mother does to her daughter. I find myself sometimes looking at eyebrows of teens and thinking ‘gee, look at those bushes’ but I should not really. I am a bad bad girl. Not that I ever wanted to, but it’s safer if I don’t raise any kid. Could not live with the thought of dragging my own insecurities on my daughter.

  2. Mhairi says:

    The daughter looks older than her years, and not in a flattering way. She’ll end up like her mother if she isn’t careful.
    Plus what 16 year old would allow their mother to Botox them?!

  3. Unicorn says:

    If she really wanted to delay the signs of ageing, she would hand her some sunblock and stop being a twat. Sorry, but I’m annoyed now hahaaa 🙂

  4. Jo says:

    I guessed older than 50, because of the state of the wrinkles under her eyes. My mother is 63 and has no where near as much as she has.

    I have nothing against cosmetic surgery, each to their own I say… if she wants to blow all that money that’s up to her, but at least make sure you look for the best surgeon out there, because them eyes are a mess luv.

  5. Jo says:

    I just had to come back and comment again after reading one of them articles. Shes had her nipples removed!!! 😮 what the fuck….

  6. Vicki says:

    Surely a trip into town for a skincare consultation and some good products would have been better and more appropriate for a 15/16 year old.

    My Mum (54) had amazing skin and no wrinkles and all she ever used was moisturiser, for some reason all the people I’ve met who’ve had a lot of face work done tend to look their age or older, namely because their skin gets too thin.

  7. Ashwini says:

    I couldn’t agree more. She looks 45-50 and super non-classy (who shows that much cleavage around their 16 year old daughter? I mean really….). I don’t want to look 20 at 50. I want to look like a classy elegant lady who is aging well. Think Meryl Streep. She looks her age but she glows and demands respect and admiration of her followers. 50 is an age when you are admired not just for looks, but for your achievements.

  8. It’s all genetic!! Yes you can age faster by not taking care of yourself, but intrinsic ageing is genetically determined.

    I’m 52 and I’ve no surgery, botox, or fillers. And I agree that you don’t need to make up like a transvestite to look attractive in middle age.

  9. Victoria says:

    She looks awful. Barbie my arse!

  10. Glamoured says:

    I alos thought about 50 because she seems to base her make-up on the 80s hey day look of Therese Bazaar from Dollar:


  11. Rae says:

    I saw this the other day too — and the only thing it made me think about was what a sad state of affairs it represents 🙁 *sigh*

    And then I read your comment about the stuffing and everything was all better 🙂 Only you could add humor to a post like this that was neither snide nor cruel! Thanks for the laugh, m’dear!

  12. Im thinking she would be gorgeous without the horrible eye makeup – it makes her look like a truckstop prostitute.

    I can understand botox as a preventative measure, but 16 is just WAY too young. I got a few vouchers from work experience last year for free botox and was contemplating doing it for the lulz, but I never got around to it D:

  13. AlicatAHL says:

    This is so sad really. I am a self confessed beauty addict, I have a suitcase of makeup under my dressing table, and cannot go past a beauty counter without salivating profusely. I’m hitting the big 4-0 this year and have started looking very critically in the mirror. A nip here, tuck there… Fortunately wrinkles are not a major issue just yet.

    My daughter, who’s 9, watches me every morning putting on my makeup. She’s becoming more and more interested in what the various things do and how to apply them. She pointed out to me last night that one of the girls in her ballet class wears mascara, and she’s not much older than my daughter!

    It’s started me thinking about how early young girls are getting into makeup and worrying about what they look like. My daughter already knows far too much about cosmetics for her age, and I wonder what effect it would have on her if I did go ahead and have a facelift in order to look ‘fab at 40’ (not that I would, I’m broke. Spent it all on the cosmetics!). I agree with Liloo, I wouldn’t want to stamp my personal insecurities onto my perfect daughter. I’m having to remind myself ‘less is more’ these days.

    The long term effects of Botox are yet to be discovered. I think she’s playing with fire injecting such a young girl with poison.

  14. Jules says:

    Blimey! more money than sense, methinks

  15. Tamara says:

    I really like it when moms are modern ,trendy and trying to make out of their girls attractive and smart ladies,but when they look stupid for their age and are stressing their daughters for no reason that pisses me off!! xxxx

  16. Shifa says:

    I remember reading this article! I thought she looks 50 to and much tacky indeed.

  17. Wow. I can not believe this. Injecting a 16 year old with Botox? The mom looks like a prostitute with the bright colored top under the lacy one. Ugh!

  18. Redtiger21 says:

    I feel sorry for this woman, she clearly is very unhappy with herself, but it’s awful that she’s projecting this onto her own daughter.

  19. Nic nic says:

    wow.. i think she must feel rather insecure about herself.. even worse that she’s her own daughter’s role model!

    I totally agree, she looks 50 either way 😛

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