It’s time I be brave and post a before treatment / during picture. Now that the irritation and redness has completely subsided (took about a week) from my first Sk:n laser hair removal treatment, I’m thoroughly enjoying my new (relatively) hairless face!
I have 5 more treatments to go and I’m in it for the long haul. 6 treatments in total, each separated by a 4 week period to allow for different growth cycles means I should be finished in October.
Let me show you the (gruesome) photos first and then I’ll share my observations about the current hair growth.
Yeah, looking at this 6 weeks on is a little bit upsetting. I can’t believe that I sruggled with this for so many years. Maybe I’m being blase…. I don’t know that this is going to be permanent, but jeez… one session is all I’ve had. One. Look.
I catch myself stroking my chin with the back of my hand occassionally… surprised at the feeling of smooth skin… but mostly, I’m loving just not having to think about it at all.
I’m currently shaving every 3rd/4th day, compared to once or even twice a day previously.
When the hair does come back through, it feels finer and less coarse. It’s still dark and the pinpricks of colour under the surface of my skin are noticeable if you look closely. But what an astounding difference.
I didn’t expect to achieve such instant results. I know I need to continue the ‘course’ and not be lulled into a false sense of security as I’ve been told the hair can sometimes appear to get even thicker than previously after the 2nd/3rd sessions thanks to the different growth cycles… but for now…. I’m on cloud nine.