Revolutionise your shopping experience with Clinique

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 4 - 2011

We all know how it feels to sneak five minutes of our lunch break on the way back to the office with our sarnies.  Some people will spend that precious respite browsing the news-stands, others may glance over the cosmetic counters.  The very last thing you want to do when you only have minutes to spare?  Get into a conversation with the shop assistant over the latest launches.

Alternatively, you just may be an anti-social bitch like me and prefer to shop without assistance until you request it.  Or perhaps you love hearing about the technology in the latest serums on the market but can never find an SA willing to talk shop with you?

Clinique have been looking at the way us shoppers like to prowl the counters and have come up with a potential solution to this common problem.  Complimentary wrist bands.

Three different coloured wrist bands to be precise.

Which wrist band do you go for?  Well that depends on your mood!

Green = Chat me up and tell me whatchu got!

White = Help me/Serve me, QUICKLY – The boss is coming back any minute now!

Pink = Leave me the hell alone unless I ask otherwise.

How effective this scheme will be, remains to be seen.  I popped by the Clinique counter in Selfridges (Oxford Street) on Tuesday afternoon and although the billboard was up, advertising the new Service As You Like It concept — there wasn’t a wrist band to be seen.  I asked about them and a friendly (though slightly suspicious!) SA explained that they were waiting on more bands to come into stock before they put them out on display.  She kindly let me have a look at the display box and seemed keen on the idea when I asked about it.  It was clear however that there had already been some teething issues with ‘customers’ picking them up in handfuls and simply walking away with them without even attempting to have a look around the counter!  Dreadful.

I have to applaud Clinique for tackling such an age-old problem with this scheme.  Hopefully it will ultimately mean that time is spent more effectively on customers who require assistance and will generate better relationships between the SA and the customer.  A potential win-win situation for both brand and shopper.

Here’s hoping!  What do you think?

The Clinique Service As You Like It complimentary wrist bands are on counter from Selfridges Oxford Street, House of Fraser Meadowhall, House of Fraser Glasgow, Debenhams Leeds and Fenwick Newcastle.


19 Responses to “Revolutionise your shopping experience with Clinique”

  1. Charlie says:

    I scheduled a post on this that hasn’t gone live yet and conclude the same as you really. A superb idea, a great initiative but have my doubts about the practicalities of how it will actually work. I really do think its a fantastic idea.

  2. Lauren Alice says:

    I think this is a great little idea. I wish they’d roll it out across department stores in general. It’s not the asking if I want any help that bothers me as I’ll happily say “I’m fine thanks, but I’ll let you know if I need anything”, it’s the hovvering around me that gets my goat. I want to browse at my leisure, and actually I’m more likely to buy if you leave me to play on my own!

    • Vicky says:


      You say you’ll ask them if you need something and they’re still breathing down your neck. It’s just about the same as asking me to leave, seriously.

  3. Suzanne says:

    I’ll happily admit that I find it hard to admit that Clinique might put a foot wrong. I am all over this. I WANT them.

  4. victoria says:

    I’m not sure of the practicalities of this?
    If I’ve got bags of shopping I’m not sure I could be bothered putting it all down to put on a wrist band.
    Think I’d rather the SA just as ‘can I help you?’ and reply with ‘no thank you I’m just having a look’, or ‘yes please, I’m looking for xxx’

  5. Z says:

    I would absolutely wear a wristband *all the time* if there was a universal one recognized at *all* stores and counters that said “back off, sweet cheeks, I’ll get you if I need you.”!!!

    My problem is even when I’ve made it clear I don’t need assistance, the vultures hang back about 5 feet and just *watch* me. It’s the most annoying thing. Would the wristband help with even that?

  6. Rae says:

    LOL, I love your wristband descriptions! 😛 Hope to see these soon in Canada – I think it sounds like a brilliant idea; just crossing my fingers that it’ll work!

  7. Larie says:

    Wow, that’s a great idea…I hope it actually works, that would be awesome!

  8. corallista says:

    This was much needed! I wonder when its going to come to India.

  9. Kim says:

    Ooh I don’t know how I feel about it – its a great idea, but I can’t imagine it working in practice. And I can imagine people stealing them definitely – I want the green one, even if SAs dive bomb on me! Could work great though – was annoyed no one even approached me at the No7 counter earlier so wish I’d had a green one of these to wave about 😛

  10. Leah says:

    That’s a genius idea and I hope more people take it on if it works.

  11. Jan says:

    Could they have a purple say for “don’t even think about approaching me I have PMT and will bite your head off if you come within 3 feet of me” Sorry just had to get that off my chest there. x

  12. Trimperley says:

    I need one half pink and half green as I like a browse and then I’m ready to be sold to. Half the time the assistants are too quick to ask if they can help. If only they would just say hello I’m over here if you need me or hi knock yourself out playing with the testers or we’ve hidden the latest Bobbi Brown display in the cupboard because we thought it was now old hat but you look like your up from the country so we’ve dusted it off for you.

  13. Lilmiznutcase says:

    I see the virtues of a system like this but it seems a bit of a cop out to ask customers to label themselves so that lazy SAs have half their job done for them. In my ideal shop, the SAs are available, but don’t ask you if you need help or lurk behind you. You can ask for help if you need it, otherwise you are free to shop in peace. Before anyone says this is a pipe dream, this is what happens in every other type of shop, so why should beauty be any different?

  14. Lucy says:

    After being stalked to death around Selfridges, Boots and House of Fraser when I did my beauty counter circuit earlier in the week I would welcome this but tbh it’s not that difficult to say you’re not interested/just looking/might come back.

  15. kelly says:

    I like the idea but they would get nicked here, if people can steal a parrot and 5 baby turtles from an animal sanctuary then wristbands would pose no problem.

    I do not think for a moment it would stop the hovering SA’s though

  16. Vicky says:

    I find the idea of stealing these things to wear them… where? So ridiculous! Is it just me? Imagine walking around with a CLINIQUE WRISTBAND. Gives me the LOLs.

  17. I hope this works, it’s an awesome idea! I was out shopping recently and it felt like every SA in the damn store asked if I needed help and they just kept coming x___x

  18. Rowena says:

    Just love, love, love this idea. Did you see the write-up about it in the WSJ this week?

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