Three years ago today, I started blogging about beauty and although I’ve had some kind of blog since 2001, today marks the longest single stretch yet. The medium has never been more mainstream or validated than it is today, something which makes me both delighted and horrified in equal measure. I’ve tried from the very beginning to keep true to what I set out to do, which is absolutely nothing other than use this as a platform to be a bit of a gob-shite about something that interests me and captures my imagination.
Over the past three years I’ve forged some friendships of the like that I’ve never had before and have experienced things that were it not for the blog, I’d never have enjoyed. I’ve given up my day job to write full-time, it’s scary and I’m very bad at putting myself forward for anything but it beats installing motherboards.
Just as it was three years ago, I’d have approximately nothing without you dodging your work/studies/childcare to have a nosy at what I’ve bought/sampled/discovered or (more recently) cooked! You tell me in no uncertain terms when what I’m blogging is rubbish/brilliant and I still rub my hands together in maniacal glee when I’ve planted the seed of a lemming in your psyche. Not so much when you do that to me though bitches, you think I don’t have enough shit?
Ultimately, I just want to say thank you for continuing to have faith in me and what I write, it means more than I can express.
Now, let’s all have some cake this lunchtime ok? If anyone asks, I’ll shoulder this one.