I received an email after my post about geography and beauty to recommend a book which is basically all about… geography and beauty. It’s called Passport to Beauty and is written by Shalini Vadhera. It’s worth keeping in mind that Shalini sells her own products off the back of the “global beauty secrets” that she talks about in the book, but nevertheless, it’s a fairly interesting read that I’ve been dipping in and out of over the past few weeks.
It’s basically a light-hearted voyage around the world, combining beauty tips, DIY face-mask/hair mask recipes and a heap of anecdotes which got a little tiring after a while. I will probably try some of the hair masks though, simply because I’m on a mission to keep my hair in good condition. The best laid plans and all that…
Many of the “recipes” are simple enoguh to implement with commonly found ingredients and do give a (very small) amount of insight into the cultures that supposedly make use of them. Don’t be expecting anything too deep from this book… it’s all about the fluff.
Passport to Beauty by Shalini Vadhera is available to buy online on Amazon, I bought mine second-hand on eBay for a couple of quid, it was worth that but not a whole lot more.
What’s your favourite DIY beauty recipe?