Just a little something I slaved over last night…
Something I would dearly love to improve is the navigation of this site. I’ve always been a good girl and ‘tagged’ my posts with relevant info and made sure to pop it in it’s correct category… but I just think it could be better.
And this is my first step…
Apart from making me realise how many bottles of nail polish I must own (eek), it’s made me realise that I hate any and all kinds of organisation. I was gonna turn all the photos the right way up… but I got bored. I was gonna categorise the polishes by colour… but I got bored. I was gonna… well, you get the idea.
You can hover your mouse over one of the small photos and it will display the shade name. You can click one of the images and it will take you to the relevant post. Nifty eh?
Now, I just gotta keep it updated! *ahem*
I’d REALLY love to hear what you guys think about the site navigation and if you have any bright ideas of how to make it more accessible, I’m all ears!