Maybelline Bloggers Event 10/09

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 12 - 2009

I’m not going to give a blow by blow account of the evening as this will probably be the 27th recap of the event you’ve read on various blogs over the past 24hours, and they’d all be far better than mine.  Instead I will simply say that I had a lovely time, met lots of lovely people, got lots of lovely makeup and learnt a little bit more about one of the world’s biggest cosmetic brands.

What I want to do instead, is share a few pictures from the evening and finish off with a FOTD styled entirely with the Maybelline products I received and some very quick thoughts on each product.






haha! look at that saddo pointing at the L’oreal sign, what a mupp….oh.

One of the motivations for the blogger event was to demonstrate and promote 2 of Maybelline’s latest product releases: Pulse Perfection Mascara (new to me!) and Color Sensational Lipsticks (which I’m already a big fan of).  These deserve posts of their own, so you can expect some kind of review coming up in the next couple of weeks.

I also wanted to mention the friendliness of everyone involved in the organisation of the event.  It was heart-warming to see the Maybelline ladies so interested in our obsessive little world of beauty blogging, they seemed to be both fascinated and bemused by our community and how we all know one-another through the written medium, but meet up in real life and treat each other like long lost buds!  It was clear that they were enthusiastic for the brand and worked hard to explain and demonstrate the products.  Nothing was too much trouble.  So thanks Katie (x2 – one of which I baby bored to death, sorry!) and Charlotte (great name) for such an engaging brand experience.  Also, a big thanks to Natalie at HeadstreamPR for all her hard work, answering stupid questions and being a fab Saints fan (ok, so not relevant… but it SO is, shutup).

So, on to my Maybelline FOTD!


I’m not naked, honest.



She definitely wasn’t born with it *cough*.

Here’s the products used:




~ Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid Foundation in Light Porcelain (Really love the feel of this on the skin & a nice skintone match – average longevity… finish was beautifully soft and smooth and I can’t stop touching my face – spots for me tomorrow!) 
~ Maybelline Pure Cover Mineral Concealer (Nice match for my skin, works under eye without creasing – doesn’t give amazing blemish coverage though.)
~ Maybelline Expertwear Blush in Rose (Ha! Nearly didn’t bother opening this as I thought it would totally suck and I was really rather surprised.. shade was lovely on, a great matte blush which builds pigmentation nicely on my ultra pale skin for a subtle sweep of colour).

~ Maybelline Eyecolour Express in Vintage Rose (I REALLY like this, so easy for on the go.. it’s something I would normally totally turn my nose up, so I’m very happy to have received this to try.)
~ Maybelline Eyestudio Mono in Black Metal (blends much more easily than I thought it would, great with a swipe of UDPP underneath)
~ Maybelline Line Definer (well pigmented with a lovely firm but non-scratchy applicator.  Unfortunately, my pen is leaking  badly, so I’ve had to bin it.)
~ Maybelline Kohl Express (very soft, beautifully pigmented, average longevity)
~ Maybelline The Colossal Volum’ Express Mascara (hate the packaging; love, love the product!)

~ Maybelline Superstay Color in Red Passion (Sian already told me I’d love this, she was RIGHT!) Awesome pigmentation, look at that glossy red! As long lasting as you’d want without fading unevenly.  It is still drying though… benchmarks: Less drying than Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick, more drying than GOSH Everlasting Lips.

I shall definitely be adding The Colossal Volum’ Express Mascara to my mascara series for further review and I’ll be testing the foundation more before passing final judgement.  I also have another Superstay Lip Colour in my stash and I really want to try some of the more pinky or nude shades (26 shades in total!).. so stand by for further posts on those too!

OK, so about my FOTD (or perhaps FOTN is more apt.) I chose a slightly more dramatic FOTD (for me, anyway) because I’ve been noticing that Maybelline products are pushing the envelope more than ever in terms of their reputation as just another high street/drugstore brand for cosmephobes* (that word is in the dictionary, go look it up if you don’t believe me). 

You only need to look at some of the recent releases to draw this conclusion, which is why I tried for something that would not be particularly work or school-safe… in essence, a look that you’d usually use your ‘best’ makeup to achieve instead of the high-street brands.  Well, looksee… this high street brand is keeping up admirably!

None of the products gave me application difficulties (unless you count my leaky eyeliner) and all powders blended seamlessly.  The effect is slightly more smoky than the photos suggest and I’m still wondering what the postman thought of me rocking this look as I opened the door early this morning burp cloth in one hand, baby in the other… pair of fluffy slippers completing the ensemble.

I lastly want to give a quick shout out to the lovely ladies who went shopping with me yesterday afternoon… we had a neat time in Charles Fox, MAC, Shu Uemura, Space NK et al… perfect enablers… each and every one of them!  Sian, Sophie, Lydia and Leanne – thank you for being so much fun!

* cosmephobe – ok, I lied,  Did you really try look it up? Go on, tell me! Did you really? I would be so embarrassed if I was you right now…

24 Responses to “Maybelline Bloggers Event 10/09”

  1. MissDollyGal says:

    OOOO I love the antique rose with the black. Def trying that. The red realy suits you, I’m glad you like it too.
    No mention of any innovation, I’m approving of the post!

  2. Haha, and Mabel can go kiss my arse! xx

  3. One word – STUNNING!!!!! You rock the red lippie! Love it.

    Sounds like a fab event.

  4. Yes you are working that red lady! Looks great on you – very classic pinup.x

  5. Luce says:

    You look fantastic! Love that lipstick on you, and. happy to see no sign of your spot, hope my tips helped!

    I’d totally wear that look for work, btw. 😉

  6. mizzworthy says:

    I can’t believe I never got to say hello to you! Love the blog and this post actually made me giggle – you really look great in red lippie lady!

  7. VexInTheCity says:

    LOL your post made me laugh! Love your FOTD, you look fab!

  8. Emma says:

    Your pictures are amazing!!! Wow. The event was awesome. Great post about it

  9. @Michelle, aww thank you! The event was indeed much fun!

    @LionLovingTiger – Why thank you very much! Yano I didn’t even notice it was pinup. It so is, YAY! I’ve done my first pinup look!

    @Luce – They totally did work too! You need to patent it. Clay, then Salicylic Acid (in the shape of an aspirin) followed by 8hr cream. Oh, and I kept dapping a bit of witchhazel on it too. It just didn’t get any bigger and shrank back within 30 hours. Hoorah!

    @Jen… I really, really wanted to come up and introduce myself, buit I was too wimpy. I was also incredibly nosey to discover what was in the D&G bag! Eugh, really cross with myself for not just coming and saying hello. I attempted a couple of smiles from across the room, but couldn’t catch your eye 🙁 Next time perhaps xx

    @Yinka, was lovely to see you again (I’ve already said that on Twitter haven’t I?) Thanks Chicka xx

  10. mizzworthy says:

    What was in the bag? Why, just a severed head Mwah ha hahhhh!

  11. Leanne says:

    Bugger me Charlotte, you look absolutely stunning!
    I had a great time with you and the others ^_^; hopefully we’ll be able to do the same again sometime!

  12. tsk… only you would bring a severed head to such a civilised event.

  13. @Leanne – haha! and they say the camera never lies eh? worra load of rubbish! Had a fab time meeting you, so glad you took us to Charles Fox – I can’t remember, did you get a Kryolan palette too? Would love to do it again xx

  14. Leanne says:

    Haha the only reason I really wanted to go to Charles Fox is ’cause I knew they sell Illamasqua in there, just a shame they didn’t have Dystopia in yet – but I’m so glad we went there anyway, ’cause yes I got a Kyrolan palette too 😀 The same one as you I think, Santiago. 🙂
    I went to Selfridge’s today to get Dystopia stuff.. and they didn’t have the liquid metal yet! Soo disappointed D: they don’t have it online either! But I got Static pure pigment.. although I really don’t think I’m gonna need any more makeup for about 3483920 years after Maybelline’s generosity.

  15. Leanne says:

    Oh and the camera’s not lying you fool, you ARE a stunner!

  16. Lovely look, loving the lips!

    I may or may not have checked an online dictionary to see if such a word existed… *shifty look*

    This post made me ‘lol’ quite a lot, you write so well 🙂

  17. Golden Touch says:

    Was lovely to meet you!

    Love the look you have created xx

  18. Charlene says:

    i love your blog…so glad i found it!!

  19. […] being gifted some of these Color Sensational lippies at the recent Maybelline event, I’d heard about this range from other bloggers on t’internet and had rushed out to […]

  20. […] first saw the Shu one when I went to the Maybelline Event last month and have lusted after it ever […]

  21. Redtiger21 says:

    Wow, you look awesome! I need that red lippy!!! I’ve got that foundation, I think for about 5 or 7 quid ( think it was on offer for a fiver at the time), it’s really good- perfect shade for my skin and feels lovely. Still prefer a higher-end foundation though, but when i’m skint this is what I run to 🙂

  22. verunkaf says:

    I looooooooooooooooove your makeup!!!!!!!!

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