Thank You

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 25 - 2013

I’ve been blogging as “Lipglossiping” for four years today, and I just wanted to take the opportunity to say “thank you”.  It’s a bit Gwyneth stylee, but with less tears and wayyy more sincerity!

To my readers.

Thank you for making me feel like what I’m writing is (more often than not) worth interrupting your day to read.  Thank you for your comments, your emails, and your friendship(s) on Twitter.  Thank you for saying nice things about my makeups.  Thank you for always being so generous in your praise of my daughter.  Thank you for being only gently disapproving when I dye my hair and it doesn’t look good, it only takes me a few months to catch up.  Thank you for clicking through my affiliate links and spending your money on my recommendations, I hope I don’t let you down very often.  Thank you for not unsubscribing when I’m supposed to be a beauty blogger but all I really want to blog about is my dinner that day.  Thank you for keeping me on my toes by reminding me that some of you are far more knowledgeable about the things I write than I could ever be.  Thank you for keeping my feet on the ground and for making me feel as though we’re all in the same room, at the same level.  Thank you for the holiday tips.  Thank you for never trolling me.  Thank you for the conversations about PCOS and never making me feel ashamed for (over)sharing.

To my peers. 

Thank you for the laughter at events.  Thank you for reminding me what it’s like to go on a school trip.  Thank you for girly sleepovers that I should be far too old for.  Thank you for a shared excitement in something so superficial.  Thank you for some of the best bitching I’ve ever taken part in.  Thank you for waiting for me so I don’t have to walk into a room of strangers on my own.  Thank you for running for my train with me.  Thank you for licking that canape.  Thank you for being both infuriating and inspiring.  Thank you for being there late at night to talk to.  Thank you for making me wish you lived a little bit nearer.  Thank you for not taking yourselves too seriously (and for tsking with me at those who do).  Thank you for being the kind of people I can simply pick up with where we left off.  Thank you for lusting over the same products as me.  Thank you for keeping in touch even after you fall out of love with blogging.  Thank you for still feeling totally embarrassed to admit that you’re “a blogger” to strangers.  Thank you for doing this for the right reasons.  Thank you for not blowing out my candle to make your own burn brighter.

To the industry people.

Thank you for sending me pretty things to try.  Thank you for not blacklisting me if I don’t get around to blogging about things in a super-timely manner.  Thank you for understanding when I don’t love your stuffs.  Thank you for checking the blog when I forget to send links through.  Thank you for inviting me to places I would never have had the chance to visit.  Thank you for continuing to invite me even though I can’t get in to London much now.  Thank you for not asking me why the email I sent you was time-stamped 3am.  Thank you for not being Mean Girls (mostly).  Thank you for treating my readers to some amazing giveaways.  Thank you for not always looking over my shoulder at the next person through the door, I appreciate a delicate balancing act when I see one.  Thank you for letting me bore you about how much I love/hate blogging.  Thank you for paying me to write things for your sites/blogs/facebooks.

To my husband.

Thank you for not making me get a job at the Co-Op instead.

I hope that I’ve got four more years of this in me, although I may have to lighten up on the FOTDs as the wrinkles set in 😉


34 Responses to “Thank You”

  1. Trona says:

    what a lovely post, and here’s to many years more! *clink*

  2. Sophie says:

    And I would like to thank you, for introducing me to Lanolips, the one product I can no longer live without! (as well as many others…) 😀

  3. Nesita says:

    Aw, congratulations on these four lovely years and for many more to come!

  4. Jessica says:

    Your blog is one of the best out there and I really enjoy reading your posts. Congratulations on four great years!

  5. Leanne says:

    Happy blog burfday you big sexy milf you! Thank you for being wonderful every day, your blog is STILL my number one favourite out of all the thousands out there. Thank you for sharing your life and your little one, and thank you for introducing me to the company I have had an amazing year working for!

    Lots of love xxx

  6. Like 🙂 Happy 4th Birthday! Time for pass the parcel, sleeping lions and musical chairs? Or just cake and jelly and ice cream 🙂 xx

    • Thanks Emma! It’s Leila’s birthday next month and we’re on an Alice in Wonderland theme so I’m up to my elbows in thoughts of ALL of those things. I’m sure parents plan parties more for themselves than their kids 😉

  7. Sydney says:

    Congratulations! And Happy 4th Birthday to Lipglossiping!

    Your blog is, and has always been, a little ray of sunshine (even in times where there seems to be little else in the darkness) and for that I thank you.

  8. Bex Miller @luxiehoney says:

    Congratulationsssssssssssss! Here’s to many more years of awesomeness! <3 xxxx

  9. Christine says:

    Happy 4th anniversary, Charlotte! 🙂 May there be many, many more!

  10. Thank you for rescuing me when I need help with my spotty skin 🙂 Happy 4 years, hope I’m going as long when it’s my turn x

  11. Shortiee31 says:

    Wah-hey! Happy Birthday to Lipglossiping! May there be many more years of it *raises glass* 😀 xXx

  12. jennie may says:

    Thank YOU for writing! I’m the worlds worst commenter but I think I’ve read every single post you’ve ever written! As long as you keep writing, I’ll keep reading! xo

  13. Tiffany says:

    Aw, this was such a nice post. Thank YOU!

  14. Rachel says:

    Thank you Charlotte for being there with all your make up info, wonderful nails that I will always be jealous of, perfect photos that looks like you are a pro & what ever else you have sent my way. I love your blog & conversational style. I may not always comment but trust me, I’m reading!

  15. I hope there are many more wonderful years ahead for your blog, and congratulations!

  16. Alyssa Robinson says:

    I love all your posts! I hope you keep blogging forever! Congrats and thank you!

  17. Alicat says:

    Thank YOU Charlotte for brightening up our days for the last 4 years. I can’t remember how I found you in the beginning, but it was a *good* day and I’ve loved reading your blog every day since. I am STILL honoured and chuffed to bits you allowed me to be your first reader to do a review on your behalf. What fun that was! You are an inspiration. And I adore your daughter. Lots of love. xxx

  18. Leah says:

    Happy blogaversary! Here’s to 4 lovely years so far and more years of lush products, cheeky swears (Oh, how I love your swears!), gorgeous photos, cute Leila, and everything else. Thanks to you my make up collection has grown 20-fold (my husband might send a hit man after you ;D) and I squee over nail polish far more than is prudent for a wench in her late 30s, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now pass some cake and some fizzy. *hic* x x

  19. gio says:

    What a lovely post! Happy blog anniversary! Here’s to many more!

  20. Clare says:

    Congrats on your anniversary! Alicat’s post above made me remember how I found lipglossiping: searching for some lipstick swatches, and this post came up:
    I bought more than one of those lipsticks from your review… and p-l-e-n-t-y more goodies since, including nars albatross, and lanolips, and E.L.F. powder, and…
    Please don’t stop doing what you do xx

  21. Kelly says:

    Your blog inspired me to write, though that has fallen to the way side a bit.
    Yours is one of a very few that I come back to since we are similar age, colouring etc.

    My main reason for coming back? Honesty, hilarity and frankness that makes you so real!

  22. Happy blogaversary!!! Congratulations! 🙂

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