What’s Your Beauty Style?

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 2 - 2010

I got TAGGED by the lovely Tina over at All The Vanity.  It’s been a little while since I completed a tag so I thought… why not?!

1. What is your beauty style? (Natural, trendy, etc.)

I guess I go for polished comfort.  The majority of time I stick within my comfort zone with colour and application… but my overall style is an ‘attempt’ to simply polish the features that I was born with.  I’d love to be more adventurous… but whenever I go bold it feels akin to transporting the Eiffel Tower to Texas.  Wrong and conspicuous.

2. Where do you get your beauty inspiration from?

Beauty what?  Oh… like magazines and stuff?  I don’t get inspired with looks.  I just like to make my eyeliner not clash with my eye shadow.  Nope, no inspiration… just reach for the shades that take my fancy in the morning and hope they compliment.

3. What beauty products do you have the most of?

Foundation/Base Products.  I’m a complete foundation slag.  Wanna see?

oh.. and blush.  Blush is becoming a guilty pleasure too…

4. What’s you favourite/holy grail colour for:

Eyes: Taupe.  Next!

Lips: Nude, but not concealer nude… darker, pinkier nudes like Urban Decay’s Naked.  “My lips but better” shades.

Cheeks: Anything goes, I love to experiment with cheek colours and am learning how to make most shades work for me.  The key seems to be to use a light hand.  Funny that.

Nails: Purple.  I’d like to argue with that and announce Greige… but the simple fact is, my purple drawer contains double the amount of polishes than my Beige/Brown/Grey drawer.

5. Three favourite brands of the moment:

I gotta say MAC ‘cos I’ve just spent a (very) small fortune on the In The Groove Collection.

Guerlain… It started with a Kiss Kiss Maxi Shine Lipstick and is heading into the LE Eye Palette territory (I’m blaming that pesky Anitacska)

NYX – Always, always endlessly tempted to build up my NYX collection.  At the moment I’m hankering after the cream blushes… I hear they’re niceeeeeeeeee!

Hope that wasn’t too dull for you.

I tag:

Product Pixie

Tag – Three’s of Me

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 13 - 2010

I received this tag from the infinitely beautiful DvoraDivine, I haven’ t done a tag in ages… but a bit of procrastination on a Friday night goes a very long way!

Three names I go by:
1. Charlotte
2. Charlie
3. Charlene… innit.

Three jobs I have had:
1. Office Cleaner
2. Corner Shop Worker
3. Computer Repair Chick

Three places I have lived:
1. Portsmouth, UK
2. Sydney, Australia
3. Southampton, UK

Three favourite drinks:
1. Tea (milk, 2 sweeteners)
2. Diet Coke
3. Gin & Tonic

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Ghost Hunters
3. Eastenders

Three places I have been:
1. Seoul, S. Korea
2. Fontenay Le Comte, France
3. Gstaad, Switzerland

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Los Angeles, USA
2. Hong Kong, China
3. New York, USA

Three people who text (or bbm) me regularly:
1. Mr. L
2. Nobody
3. Um… Nobody *sniff*!

Three favorite old TV shows:
1. The Avengers
2. Game On
3. Citizen Smith

Three favorite dishes:
1. Singapore Fried Rice
2. Mushroom Stroganoff
3. Smažený Sýr (heart attack inducing, but too tasty!)

Three makeup/beauty products I cannot live without:
1. Brow Powder
2. Mascara
3. Foundation

Three things I’m looking forward to:
1. World Domination
2. A Long Holiday
3. The Summer

Three people I tag:
1. SilhouetteScreams
2. Nouveau Cheap
3. Rae

You Make Me Smile Award & Tag

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 15 - 2009

So, the lovely Leanne over at DoNotRefreeze tagged me with this award about a month ago.  I forgot it, then remembered it, then forgot it, then… you get the idea.  This time, I remembered and decided to get it did before it slips out my bird brain again!

The Award:


-You have to put a song that makes you happy.
– You can tag as many people as you like, there is no limit.
– Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it! 🙂

The Song:

Summertime by Janis Joplin…

I <3 Janis, for nearly two years I had this set on my clock radio to wake me every morning.

The tag:

The lovely Jo @ Music and Makeup, my obsessions!

She posts some gorgeous Nails of the Week (has a bit of a thing for purple!) I met her all too briefly at the Illamasqua event and hope I get to meet her again in the not too distant future for a better chat!

Dottie @ PinkPopPolkaDot

A blog I’ve only recently discovered… Dottie has some great style (leopard print alice bands) and a new-found flair for nail art!  Check her out!

NDoodles @ Make Up Theory

Love her scatty train of thought and eclectic posts that are always charming to read. She’s super cute too!

Kae @ The Hungry Asian

I’m a bit nail polish oriented in my tags.. but check Kae out, don’t miss her latest gorgeous green franken!  She’s always rocking some gorgeous concoction on those beautiful tips of hers!

Maria @ Polishign the Nails!

Another nail fanatic!  She really made me laugh with her “then and now” post on nail polish application – looks like mine before clean up!  She does more posts in English now so I can understand them hurrah!  And she totally has me lusting after those rose rings she bought on etsy!

Tag – 11 things that make me happy

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 13 - 2009

The lovely Michelle over @ LipstickRules tagged me, so here goes:

1). Photography

jesh de rox nominated

hello darkness my old friend

I love photography and dream that one day I may become talented enough for it to keep me in the manner to which I plan to become accustomed!  I love that I always discover a different way to see things when I’m looking through the lens.  I strive to take images that tell a story and I get so much pleasure from learning about and developing my art.

2). Watching back to back episodes of The Avengers


Avenger-thon!  I could easily spend a whole day cooched up on the sofa with my husband, curtains drawn getting lost in tales of espionage.

3). Reminding myself how tiny my little girl was and how much she’s grown!

4). Beating my husband to the latest geocache find!


Competitive much?  If you don’t know what geocaching is… you probably wouldn’t be interested anyway!

5).  eBay Sniping!


I’m such a muppet.

6). Good Manners


Love seeing people going about their day to day lives displaying good manners. Giving their seats up for people less able to stand, saying thank you to public service workers… warms my heart even more if they’re under the age of 25.

7). Fairy Lights

In your face

I love Christmas in all it’s sparkly, cheery, food obsessing loveliness… and nothing epitomises Christmas more in my house than fairy lights.  I can’t get enough of them… I don’t do tasteful when it comes to these things.  I don’t even do co-ordinated.  If it’s twinkly and colourful I’m on it!

8). Achieving the perfect flick!


Mine are still wonky.

9).  Cinnamon Rolls


No explanation needed!

10). Believing in Myself

It doesn’t happen too often, but occasionally I can pull this one off!  Best example was when I gave up smoking.  I had my last cigarette on January 16th 2008 which marked the end of a 20-a-day habit.  I started smoking when I was 14 so in my heart I knew I’d had a good run of it (nearly 13 years) and I didn’t want to be entering my 30s as a smoker.  I had been putting it off for ages as I was sure I would fail… and rather than face failure, I just buried my head in the sand and didn’t even attempt it!  When I finally did give it a go, it was hard… but after the initial few weeks had passed, I started to believe that “YES, I can do this!” – and whatd’yaknow, I did!

11). My Marriage



I tag Sophie, Rhamnousia, Stephanie, Nicola & Tali – if you decide to do the tag ladies, let me know so I can have a look!


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The lovely Michelle over @ LipstickRules tagged me, so here goes: 1). Photography I love photography and dream that one day I may become talented …


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