I expect I’m not alone when I say that I’ve tried numerous dry shampoos over the years because although I’m pretty loyal to Batiste… it is quite expensive no? I’d also wager a bet on the likelihood that popping into Poundland once in a while is as much of a guilty pleasure for you as it is for me. Somewhere up there with scowling at a Liz Jones article, buying more Krispy Kremes than there are people to eat them, and lingering on Dog the Bounty Hunter reruns for longer than is strictly necessary whilst browsing the channels. There, I said it. I <3 Poundland.
So when I spotted some cans of dry shampoo on the shelves that I hadn’t spotted on previous trips, I felt a little thrill of excitement! Not only that, but they had different versions for coloured hair a la Batiste! Oh happy day!
I picked up this can of Intu Style Dry Shampoo for Brunettes, expecting it to be thoroughly ineffective. But it’s bloody marvellous! In-fact, rather than plain old dry shampoo, it reminds me more of the Batiste volumising one (but for brunettes). It also seems a little less noxious with a non-descript scent that although not amazing, doesn’t melt your brain either.
Obviously, this stuff is a mere quid – I’ve only seen it in Poundland and whether or not it’s still in plentiful supply is anyone’s guess. I picked this up just before Christmas, so if you’re passing your local store… drop in and see if you can spot a can.
Have you tried it? What other “off brand” dry shampoos do you rate?