Tried & Tested: Lancome Teint Miracle SPF15 Foundation

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 18 - 2011

Ahh a miracle… wouldn’t that be nice?  Let’s bottle some little miracles, tint them the same colour as our skintones and then buff ’em all over our face in the morning when we’re looking a bit ropey.  Et voila, we go from Linda La Hughes to Linda Lusardi in under 50 seconds.

Pop!  There goes that bubble…

a).  Only about half of you will know who Linda Lusardi is and I should really set my sights a little higher than page 3.

b).  I’m not sure I believe in miracles and if I did, I wouldn’t find them in a bottle (unless it was 70% proof).


c).  Shut up and review the damn foundation already.

Lancome Teint Miracle is the company’s newest base which has, they say, been 10 years in the making.  It comes backed with some pretty flowery statements.  Stuff like…

Lancome decrypts the inner light of perfect skin and recreates it.

To that, I simply raise an eyebrow and say…

O Rly?

Teint Miracle is a medium/full coverage foundation that somehow manages to defy the laws of physics by retaining a light, fluid texture that blends as easily as my MAC F&B whilst offering coverage to almost rival something as potent as Estee Lauder Double Wear.  The more I think about how it could possibly achieve this, the more respect I gain for those 10 years in development.

I need to take a moment to marvel at the packaging because it’s not only rather attractive but also functional.  The pump is see-through which stops the “how many more pumps ’till it all comes out in a rush” guessing game we all know so well and for me, one full pump covers my face pretty much perfectly.  Your mileage may vary!

Lancome Teint Miracle in 010 Beige Porcelaine (the lightest shade) is a good match for my complexion.  I would class it as fairly neutral, neither leaning too much toward pink or yellow in the spectrum.  The formula also contains a light pearlessence, not Cullen-esque in the slightest but there is a sheen that almost makes the foundation look a shade too light for me when I first apply.  This fades as the foundation sets before becoming imperceptible but leaving behind a subtle glow.

The glow doesn’t look at all greasy or shiny until after the foundation has worn in for many hours but if you fear the glow, I’d suggest looking for something that offers a fully matte finish.  Me?  I embrace any and every glow I can get my hands on and this is one of the better ones out there.

Excuse the nightie and the early morning “oh God, it’s another day” expression.

Before is on the left if you hadn’t already sussed that.

The Lancome Teint Miracle gives me great coverage over my redness and veiny bits without looking too heavy and I’m really happy that it still allows my natural skin texture to peek through.  I really dislike medium/full coverage foundations when they make it abundantly clear on my face that they are indeed medium/full coverage foundations.

If you have any larger blemishes (like I did on the side of my nose) you’ll still need concealer to disguise the blighters.

As for longevity, I achieved good all-day wear from this foundation albeit with a bit of slippage on the nose toward the end of the day.  If  you have particularly oily skin you will need to powder at lunchtime.

My only bugbear with this rather lovely product is transfer.  For some reason, I have issues when I wear this.  Dab my nose on a tissue?  More foundation on tissue than nose.  This is obviously a problem and one that I’m not used to experiencing, if anyone has any ideas… let me know!

I’d also like to point out that I prefer to apply this with a brush.  Sponges are a no, no… even when damp my beauty blender likes to EAT this foundation.  Oh also, I think that if you already have a primer you’re in love with… you probably need to try this foundation ASAP.  I tried it over MAC Prep+Prime and it made an already smooth finish, incredible.  And I don’t even really like Prep+Prime!

Hope that wasn’t too indepth… I do totally advise a little trip to your local Lancome counter to see if they’ll colour match you or part with a sample so you can try for yourself.  I may not be one for miracles but Lancome Teint Miracle does come pretty close!

Lancome Teint Miracle SPF15 Foundation is available to buy instore or online priced at £26.00

* press sample

Foundation. What I want… what I really, really, want.

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 4 - 2011

I’m a foundation floozy.  A total sucker too ‘cos I can never resist a new release that promises me the skin of an angel.

I’m currently trialling one that’s almost ticking all the right boxes for me (review coming v. soon!) but in putting this particular product through its paces, it’s made me realise just how demanding my requirements are for the perfect base.

Holy Grail foundation, dude… wherefore art thou?

Infact, not only are my requirements kinda demanding… I’m not sure they’re wholly realistic.  A bit like the images used to sell us the foundations then?  Touche.

My Holy Grail foundation, let’s break it down…

1. Thou shalt give medium coverage

I don’t want heavy coverage from a foundation, I want *even* coverage… it needs to give enough oomph to subdue the redness, dampen down the blotchiness and remove all traces of motley bits.  So, I want a mask… but like an invisible one ok?  Or someone else’s face.

2. Thou shalt not stick to my eyebrows

I have an eyebrow/foundation issue.  Yes, I know the simplest answer would be to keep my foundation the hell away from my eyebrows.  But I like to apply my base in about 15 seconds flat with minimal fuss.  Infact, in an ideal world… I’d like my base to apply itself.  Some foundations spot my eyebrows from a mile away and make a direct beeline so that when I look in the mirror, my face is bare and my eyebrows? Skin coloured.

3. Thou shalt not make me matte

I don’t do matte very well.  I have dry/combo skin… my nose gets oily by lunchtime but I’m ok with that (hello powder), I’m not ok with looking like I’ve been dug up.  Matte makes me look…. lifeless.  I want the glow (not the chip pan glow) but the “oooh la la” satin glow ok?

4. Thou shalt not squat in my pores

I have cheek pores that you could fall into and never escape from.  Some foundations make them appear smoothed over… some foundations install neon signage around each one to ensure they’re visible from the International Space Station.

5. Thou shalt glide on with fingers/brush/sponge/elbows if necessary

I can’t be doing with finickity foundations.  I want my Holy Grail foundation to apply happily with whatever utensil I have at hand.  I already have too many bases that look amazing only when applied with a coral reef sea sponge dampened with virgin water from iceberg B-15A on a Tuesday afternoon.

6. Under no circumstance shalt thou oxidise in my presence

Nothing worse than applying a perfect shade only to discover you’ve been oompah loompah’ed by tea time and your colleagues left wondering if their transition lenses are playing up.

Oh.. and finally?

If you don’t last longer than a chocolate button caught in Leila’s line of sight then it doesn’t matter how good you are at all the other stuff.  You fail.


What are your foundation pet peeves?  Have you found your Holy Grail base?


Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist SPF22 PA++ in PO-10

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 22 - 2011

Phew, you don’t wanna be trying to remember the name of this foundation after a few sakes.  But for the record, Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist SPF22 PA++ in PO-10 *cough* is definitely worth remembering.

I first heard of this foundation after Kathi at LotusPalace blogged about it… anything that Kathi calls HG frankly has me running for my debit card, foaming at the mouth.  So I ran for my debit card. I’m not admitting to anything else.

I paid around £15 for this on eBay from AlphaBeautyUK and it arrived within 9 days of ordering.

You get 25g of product in a small glass jar… it’s not particularly fancy, it’s just… functional.

My skin is still recovering from the Winter, dry at the best of times.  I’m still needing to consider foundations that won’t be attracted to dry patches of skin and although creams are usually cited as being the ones to go for, I can’t say that I’ve noticed them being particularly more moisturising in the past.

Perhaps I’ve just been going for the wrong ones!

The most compelling thing about this foundation for me is the almost perfect shade match… it’s possibly a hint lighter than my skintone but once it’s had time to fit (oxidise?), it’s pretty damn spot on.

Although clearly pink-based, I think it has enough peach in it to stop it from turning ruddy… if colour matching to a so-called English Rose complexion is an issue for you, I really recommend giving this a try.

So, how about that moisture then?  Seeing as this is called “moist”… well it’s not bad.  It’s not as moisturising as something like Chanel Vitalumiere but to be honest, I find that too tacky on my skin and a little uncomfortable to wear.  I’d class this as somewhere between that and a normal, satin finish foundation.

I’ve read this described as a medium-coverage foundation but for me at least, this is pretty full-on.  I don’t own many foundations that give a fuller coverage than this.  I’ll probably find this far too heavy for the Summer but I’m fine with it while the seasons are still changing.  Here’s a before/after – prepare yourself, it’s shots like this that remind me why I like makeup and NEED eyeliner.

After is on the right, I’ve applied the Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist with my fingers over a moisturised face.  No concealer.  God I have big ears.  And please excuse the bloodshot eye.  And the lip spot.  And…oh, bugger it.

What do you think?  I think it tones down redness nicely, covers most imperfections adequately and doesn’t accentuate my dry bits.  I think it’s a bit full-on for the Summer and wish I’d discovered it a couple of months ago.  Mostly though, I love the shade which is pretty damn awesome.

Shiseido Integrate Gracy Cream Foundation Moist SPF22 PA++ in PO-10 is available to buy online from eBay (and possibly many other places that I’m not clever enough to translate).

Bare Escentuals invite women to Try. Believe. Love.

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 14 - 2011

In celebration of International Women’s Day last Tuesday, Bare Escentuals held events around the country inviting  women to “Try. Believe. Love.” the BareMinerals foundation.

I went along to the event in Covent Garden to have a peek behind the scenes and to talk to some of the women who had stopped by to join the Bare Escentuals Friendship Bracelet Club.  Even the sun came out in support!

Read on to find out what happened at the event and for a chance to win a little prize!

|| the friendship mirror ||

|| i love this message! ||

Read the rest of this entry »

Is Estee Lauder DayWear Sheer Tint Release…

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 1 - 2011

…any good for the super-pale/super-pink?

That’s the question I was asking after watching a Pixiwoo video that mentioned this Estee Lauder tinted moisturiser.

Available in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ option, I found it hard to believe that it would work on my cool skin-tone without tango-ing me.

A tube of this will set you back £32 thanks to a recent price increase but the purse hit is softened if you consider this product to be your foundation, moisturiser, sun protection and anti-ageing solution all-in-one. Plus you get a generous 50ml of product and you only need a v. small amount to get full coverage.

That’s all well and good… if it fulfils those multiple criteria. Well does it?

Firstly… let me get the fun stuff out of the way. The application.

It dispenses from the tube a rather unattractive grey blob with a slightly grainy texture, not rough enough to exfoliate… but not as smooth as a cream. As you rub the product into your skin… the magic happens! The product transforms from this insipid putty grey colour into a warm tan before the texture sinks in completely and you’re left with only the colour remaining.

I took some shots of the ‘transformation’ in progress… you need to click the picture below to enlarge it and see the results.

As a moisturiser… It’s not *quite* moisturising enough for me at the moment but I think it would be fine for normal/combo skin. In the Summer, it’ll probably work well for me – but for now, I still need to apply a moisturising base before I dot this on top.

As an anti-ageing solution… Well, it’s all there on paper. If you’re a fan of Estee Lauder’s original DayWear, this incarnation promises to deliver “all the advanced protection benefits of DayWear“. I haven’t been using this long enough to give any conclusions as an anti-ageing product.

As a sunscreen… I usually go for SPF30 as a minimum. I also don’t subscribe to the belief that a moisturiser/foundation with built-in SPF is enough protection for an average day unless I’m only going to be spending a couple of minutes outdoors! So, in a nutshell… no.

On the plus side, there’s no Avobenzone in this to conflict with alternative sunscreens you may want to apply.

It’s not looking very good though is it?

And yet… I love it and will be repurchasing it in preparation for the Summer once this tube runs out. This goes against everything I’ve just said when you consider that I’m essentially going to pay £32 for what I’ve described as a large tube of tinted moisturiser.

And as lame as this statement is going to sound, I’m loving it because, well… it’s a really, really, really GOOD tinted moisturiser!

Click the picture above to enlarge (you’ll probably need to enlarge to see the subtle shift in skin colour)…

On the far left… sans makeup

In the middle… just a small amount of the Estee Lauder DayWear Sheer Tint warms up my complexion and reduces the redness. I’d be good to go at this stage if I weren’t quite so vanity-driven.

On the right… fully made up (skintone further evened out with a quick buff of Bare Escentuals foundation in Fair)


I’m a big tinted moisturiser fan and I buy a new one every Summer without fail. I don’t have the most even of skintones, so usually combine with a light buff of mineral foundation to mattify and further cover. Most of all? I love that weightless feeling of those two products combined.

And the Estee Lauder DayWear Sheer Tint Release* is easily the most weightless of any I’ve tried. It really does sink in to nothingness leaving only the tint behind. And how about the glow? I know that there are many pale ladies who embrace the pale… and if I were milk-bottle porcelain, I would too. But I’m fish-belly pale and look far more polished with the ruddiness toned down. This product does that without the need for faffing about with face tanners.

If you are pale, don’t expect to apply this and not see a difference to your skin tone… you will be noticeably warmed up a shade, but it blends well and is a point in favour rather than against for my needs.

I’m genuinely torn. My head says that £32 is too much to pay for a tinted moisturiser but my heart is already leading my head down to the EL counter and waving my debit card in the face of the SA.

Estee Lauder DayWear Sheer Tint Release is available to buy online or on counter, priced at £32.00

What are your favourite warm weather foundations? Are you a TM girl?

* press sample

Paese Cosmetics – An introduction and primer/foundation review

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2011

Paese Cosmetics is a Polish cosmetics brand new to the UK market.  Currently only available online from, the brand encompasses a wide selection of products from primers through to nail polishes and most things inbetween.

Paese Cosmetics’ price point aligns it with the drugstore market, infact… slightly cheaper.  A foundation will set you back just under £10.

I was sent some samples to put to the test, read on for images and my thoughts on the base products I received.

Read the rest of this entry »

Priori CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 30 - 2010

A new foundation always fills me with hope.  The promise of flawless skin is a tempting one, something we all aspire to.  I’m a firm believer that getting your base right is half the battle to looking good.  For some of us, it’s frankly more of a war than a skirmish.

I don’t generally wear concealer.  I haven’t perfected my application technique and therefore rely on my foundation to do the work of both, I’m a hard task master!  I know this isn’t ideal… and means that I don’t usually expect a flawless, porcelain finish.  But I do want enough coverage to look polished and non-blotchy!

I’m a fan of mineral foundations, I find them quick to apply without the need for expert blending or shade matching.  Overall, except on the very driest of skintypes – they’re a pretty forgiving formulation.

I dug out Priori’s CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation from a press pack that I received some time ago.  I usually reach for cream foundations in the winter but was curious to see how the Priori would perform on slightly dehydrated skin.

I’ve heard that the CoffeeBerry (an antioxidant) formula is particularly suited to troubled skin types.  One of the foundation’s claims is that the CoffeeBerry extracts actually help to improve photodamage, rosacea and dryness which leaves me wondering whether this is skincare, foundation or a bit of both?

While the claims sound good, I can’t accurately verify them with any confidence other than by wearing this single foundation throughout the Winter and Spring and I’m simply too in love with all my other products to push them to the back of my cupboard.  So let’s just focus on the foundation aspects shall we?

I received shade #1.  The lightest shade of the 6 available and to my eye, it’s not that light and it’s quite warm toned.  I’d call it light medium, a NW/NC20 in terms of depth.

However, as I mentioned earlier… mineral foundations are generally quite forgiving when it comes to shade selection and the Priori CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation is no different.  I can wear this shade quite comfortably on my NW15 skintone.

My favourite thing about this product is the packaging… minerals are a notoriously difficult formula to use without fuss but Priori have implemented a really great packaging system.  The pot is wide and squat with a large bowl-like lid.  This lid makes a perfect vessel to swirl your brush around and enables you to pick the product up evenly.

When I opened this, I didn’t peel off the protective sticker which covers the sifter holes.  Instead, I grabbed a biro and punched through the sticker, exposing only about half of the openings.  That way, I can ensure that I don’t flood the pot with product whenever I turn it upside down.

Enough of the packaging, talk about getting caught up in the details!  How does it look?

I really like the finish it provides.  It’s glowy and natural compared to other mineral formulas.  I described it on Twitter last week as ‘soft focus’.  It doesn’t disguise my fine lines but seems to somehow soften them.  Coverage is light/medium in my opinion… it evens out my skintone without concealing.  Tones down my redness but doesn’t disguise it completely.

If you have acne scarring or prefer something with more serious coverage, I don’t think this product will be for you.  I think that the Priori CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals Foundation (what a mouthful) is particularly suited to mature skin types.

Despite being a powder, it doesn’t gather or clump on my dry bits and the soft focus, luminous finish would work well on duller skintones.  The foundation contains a perfectly respectable SPF25 rating and is priced at around £32.00 for a large 14g pot.

PRIORI® CoffeeBerry Perfecting Minerals are available from salons and clinics nationwide, stockists 0845 555 2121 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0845 555 2121      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation goes under the microscope!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 24 - 2010

When I heard about Paul & Joe’s new Creamy Matte Foundation, my first thought was to get all indignant about a brand releasing a winter formula that ticks all the right boxes, only to ruin it by making it matte and unsuitable for dry skins that need the cream formula most of all!

Like most, my skin is at it’s most parched in the Winter and although it’s only October, I’ve already written “Dr. Hauschka Rose Day cream” in my iPhone’s shopping list to remember to repurchase this winter skin saviour when I’m next in London.

Beautifully presented as always, the Paul & Joe Creamy Matte Foundation boasts SPF20 PA++ and a range of 8 shades to suit a variety of skintones.  £28 will provide you with a standard 30ml of product that claims…

…this light and air whipped‐formula leaves skin looking completely flawless with a dreamy matte finish for absolute perfection.  With a unique balance of semi‐matte and shimmer this unique moisturizing foundation available in an array of eight shades, promises a divine lustrous glow, sure to steam up your winter!

High up in the list of active ingredients are a bunch of silicones which give the foundation a velvety feel on the skin whilst preventing oil from breaking through the surface of the product for as long as possible.  There’s also a few fruit oils thrown in for good measure and the product does have a pleasing slightly fruity scent… but that may be more to do with the parfum than the natural ingredients.  Either way, I’ve experienced no sensitivity problems with this product I’m pleased to report.

Have I told you how much I adore P&J’s presentation?  Oh I have?  Oh… ok then…

But seriously, who doesn’t love a product that blatantly looks this adorable?  The heavyweight frosted glass jar comes with a little spatula to help you remove product hygienically.  However, I can’t say it’s the most travel-friendly object!

I opted for shade #20 (Fresh) which promised to be: A light pink that gives a radiant complexion. To my eye, it’s not that light.  It is the palest cool-toned shade in the range and I have to blend this carefully down my jawline.  I would suggest that any pale types opt for either 00 Alabaster or 10 Ivory, or even better… use it as an excuse to have a mooch around Fenwicks on a lunchtime and get matched!

Thankfully, it is a dream to blend… I mostly just warm it on the back of my hand with my fingers and apply with the tools I was born with (fingers, not toes).  The amount of coverage simply amazed me.

Here’s a before/after:

Look at that! Skin PERFECTION! (well, very nearly!)

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation is a beautiful new contender for the winter foundation market.  It looks great, stays on my normal/dry skin for most of the day with just a minor powder touch up needed on my nose at lunchtime and it gives a full-on flawless finish.

As for it’s “moisturising properties”?  I’m yet to discover any.  I don’t find it as drying as most matte or long-lasting foundations and it doesn’t seem to cling to any dry patches at all… but I wouldn’t describe it as moisturising.

The other thing about it?  It’s not mask-like.  I love my Illamasqua Rich Liquid foundation for the evening… but would never venture out in the day wearing it.  It’s just too opaque.  This somehow lets my natural skin and tone remain clear whilst hiding a multitude of other sins!

Overall, I would particularly recommend Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation for those of you with normal/combination oily skin.  If you suffer from an oily t-zone but dry cheeks, be sure to moisturise any dry areas before applying and you should get great skin all day long with this foundation.

Paul & Joe have really been impressing me recently, I can’t wait to see what they have for Spring!

Paul & Joe’s Creamy Matte Foundation is priced at £28 for 30ml and available instore at Fenwicks & Harrods or alternatively online at BeautyBay.

MUFE Face & Body Liquid Make Up Foundation Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 14 - 2010

Going back through some of my old photo folders I was surprised to notice that I hadn’t blogged about one of my favourite foundations ever!

I love light foundations that feel comfortable on the skin and MUFE’s Face & Body Liquid Make Up fits that criteria beautifully.  Yes, it’s sheer and will not cover blemishes – but it evens out my skintone nicely and lasts all day.  Being waterproof, it’s pretty fabulous for warm climates too.

In my humble and completely non-expert opinion, the key to falling in love with this foundation is in the way you apply it.

I layer it.

It takes a little longer, but I adore the finish that I can achieve if I take some time and care with my application.

Starting with a thin layer all over, I give the jelly-like water-based formula a couple of minues to dry.  Once set, I apply another layer… this time focusing on the centre of my face.  This is the layer that evens out the redness in my skin… not completely, but enough to keep my tone looking more uniform yet still natural.

If I have blemishes, then before applying anything… I’ll conceal them.

The formula takes a little getting used to… it’s very wet and jelly like.  Before dispensing, you need to give the bottle a thorough shake to mix the formula and when tipping beware that you can dislodge a big jellified blob onto the back of your hand if you’re not cautious!

Make Up For Ever’s Face & Body Liquid Make Up isn’t an inexpensive choice, but it’s certainly cheaper (especially for the quantity in the bottle) than most high end alternatives.

Available in the UK from Guru Makeup Emporium and PAM Makeup, 50ml will set you back around £25-£27.

As an aside, Shade #36 is the MOST perfect match for my skintone (especially in winter).  Though, ironically… it wouldn’t matter if it were a shade or two off because it’s such a forgiving sheer formula.  Why can’t I find this shade in other foundations huh?

Have you tried MUFE’s Face & Body Liquid Make Up?  What are your favourite MUFE products?  I wish we had greater availability in the UK… I can’t understand why a national chain haven’t picked the brand up already *sigh*.

Arbonne Sheer Finish Tinted Moisturiser

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 31 - 2010

The day that I get my concealer application down to a fine art is the day that I go ALL out on tinted moisturisers.  I love the more natural finish, but hate compromising on coverage.

Arbonne are quite new to me and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the products I’ve tried.  I’ll probably never feel comfortable with the way in which you need to purchase the products through consultants but that’s just because I’m an old fashioned girl who’d much rather be able to pick up her makeup whilst out shopping!

I received a sample of Arbonne’s Sheer Finish Tinted Moisturiser in Fair.  Arbonne offer an impressive 6 shades within their tinted moisturiser range.  I’m used to seeing Light, Medium and Dark… so such a wide selection caught my attention early on.

Packaging is SLEEK!  I know they’ve recently revamped their entire cosmetics line and the dirty pewter finish is lovely!

The texture of the tinted moisturiser is quite fluid… which makes it easy to spread and blend, there’s plenty of slip which makes for quite a fool-proof application.  It’s definitely more like applying a moisturiser than applying a foundation.

It’s a dewy finish that would benefit from a little powder over areas that are prone to shine.  I usually powder my nose, chin and forehead after applying this.  It evens out my skintone nicely but doesn’t provide any coverage for blemishes.  It also doesn’t completely cover redness, but as a tinted moisturiser, it probably isn’t meant to.

It moisturises well (something that most tinted moisturisers actually fail to do!) but the flipside to this is that it leaves my skin feeling slightly tacky to the touch, another reason to set with powder.

At £24 for 50ml, this is high end.  Not as expensive as Laura Mercier’s cult offering or Bobbi Brown’s tinted balm, but more expensive than many high street alternatives including Clinique’s Almost Makeup (which I love for the winter).

Longevity is good, it does slip around my nose by mid-afternoon… but that’s where I’m at my most oily and I don’t use any kind of mattifying products in this area.

Final Verdict – If you’re looking for a sheer tinted moisturiser in a wide variety of shade choices, Arbonne’s Sheer Finish Tinted Moisturiser may be for you.  If you’re prone to oily skin or don’t need so much moisturisation… consider other options first.

LUSH Colour Supplement in Light Pink

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 4 - 2010

Light Pink my bum.

I picked up the LUSH Colour Supplement in shade Light Pink a few months ago.  In theory, I love the idea.  A simple product that can be used in multiple ways?  I’ll let LUSH explain:

…Just mix into your favourite moisturiser for a natural tint or use on its own as a foundation. You can also dot a little around unsightly blemishes for effective coverage.

With Summer nearly upon us, I wanted a tinted moisturiser.  Well, I *thought* I wanted a tinted moisturiser.  TM’s are an odd beast… we love them in principle, but in reality?  We often crave more coverage.  I envisaged that with LUSH’s Colour Supplement, I would be able to custom mix my tinted moisturiser… adding extra product on days when I wanted a more flawless finish.

LUSH currently offer 4 shades.  Light Pink, Dark Pink, Light Yellow, Dark Yellow.  It’s not rocket science… and I like it that way.

Except that Light Pink isn’t very light.  And it’s not very pink either.

If you go to the dictionary… and open the page at “light pink”, you’d see a picture of me.

Oooh look, tide marks!

Better, but no cigar.

Otherwise?  I like the product.  It’s too drying for me to use neat as a concealer or foundation as LUSH suggest, but I loved having the ability to self-mix my tinted moisturiser in the mornings.  But sadly, the shades just aren’t right for me.

LUSH Colour Supplements are priced at an incredibly reasonable £7.50 for 20g.  That small pot will make a hell of a lot of TM.

Are you a fan?

Bare Minerals Matte Foundation Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 8 - 2010

Due to be launched on QVC on the 10th July (that’s just a few days away!), Matte is the latest foundation to be released by mineral foundation pioneers Bare Escentuals.

Available in 15 shades to suit every skintone, I purchased my pot of Bare Escentuals Matte SPF15 (shade: Fair) in a blog sale a little while ago and have been putting it to good use in the warm weather we’ve recently been enjoying.

Just as finely milled as the original version, the foundation feels silky and light to the touch.  I’m starting to realise there’s a bit of a love/hate vibe around mineral foundation.  I will happily swear by the coverage it gives and I rarely get a cakey finish when wearing it.  Infact, I’ve often (ok, twice) been asked what foundation I’m wearing when shopping on beauty counters and both times when I’ve replied with the answer ‘mineral’ – the look of shock from the SA’s has been in “kodak moment” territory.

As with the original Bare Escentuals SPF15 foundation, I’d call this medium coverage.  You *can* build, but that’s when you begin to run the risk of it looking more obvious, especially on dryer skin.  You can purchase fuller and more sheer mineral foundations, it all depends on the ratio of the minerals, but Bare Escentuals in my opinion, offers straight down the line medium coverage.

An irritation with mineral anything, is packaging and portability.  In the past, Bare Escentuals foundations have been fine sitting on your dressing table… but take it anywhere without sellotaping up the holes in the sifter?  BIG MESS!  The new Bare Escentuals Matte foundation offers a very simple solution that quite frankly, should have been implemented years ago…

A little rotating lid like you’d find on your pepper pots covers the holes in the sifter and stops excess product leaking during transportation.  I told you it was simple!

Application is the same for the new Bare Escentuals Matte foundation as it is for the original.  Swirl, Tap, Buff!

Mineral still affords me the quickest and most forgiving of foundation applications.  I have a few great brushes for application: My Body Shop kabuki, my MAC Flat Top 180 or my Bare Escentuals Full Flawless Face Brush.  They all work equally well to provide an even finish, though flat top brushes tend to give a fuller coverage.

I’ve talked about application, packaging and my experiences with mineral foundation in general… let me tell you how I find the new Matte version in comparison to the Bare Escentuals original formula.

On initial application, it is indeed a completely matte finish (thanks to additional oil-absorbing minerals)… it wipes out all traces of shine and oil from my skin, leaving a wonderfully even surface.  The original leaves me with a touch of…. not sparkle, that’s comletely the wrong word.  Natural luminosity?  I would say that if you have more mature skin, you may prefer the more forgiving finish of the original formula.  If your skin is younger and more prone to oil… the Matte formula is something you should definitely try.  Alternatively, something I’ve had success with is wearing my original formula lightly all over before buffing a little Matte into my T-Zone.

I’ll share a little tip that SJ (Bare Escentuals National MUA) told me when I was introduced to the new foundation.  If, in the middle of the day… you think you need a little foundation touch up, grab a brush and simply buff your face with it (no product).  It re-distributes the minerals that are already on your face from the initial application and simply recharges your foundation.  It totally works and is something that I’ve always done with minerals anyway… but it seemed funny to hear a proper MUA confirm something that I do without any thought as to why or how it works.  Silly anecdote, but a tip is a tip!

Here’s a before/after application with the new Matte foundation (no concealer):

Longevity?  Well… that’s my other bugbear with mineral foundations.  It’s a shame that I have to take a brush and buff my face in the middle of the day… but I do.  Bare Escentuals Matte foundation is no different and generally lasts about 5 hours on me before I need a pitstop to the Ladies with my brush in hand to ‘redistribute’ the powder.  Then, I probably get another 3/4 hours out of that before I wanna apply more product.

The nature of the product however, means that it doesn’t matter if I apply a bit more over the top of the rest of my makeup.  It has no ill-effect at all and now that Bare Escentuals has made it portable… well, it’s just not much of an issue for me anymore.  Worth mentioning though.

Overall, it’s not an improvement on the Bare Escentuals Original foundation (bar the new sifter)… but it does sit very nicely alongside, offering an additional choice which may or may not be for you depending on your skin type.

Bare Escentuals Matte SPF15 Foundation will launch on 10th July exclusively on QVC priced at £19.50.

Are you a mineral foundation lover?


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