Leila is two today!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 16 - 2011

My beautiful little girl Leila turns two today.  I’m sorry I don’t have a ‘normal’ post lined up for today but I spent all weekend going OTT organising her birthday party and I’m pooped!

I’m also sorry for another Leila post but if this blog stays in the internet ether for however many years, I’d love her to be able to look back one day and know that despite all the makeup related chatter, she was always my number one girl.

I spent 10 minutes yesterday evening telling Leila all about when she was born.  I told her how the first thing she did when she emerged was look for something, anything to stick in her gob.  Just like her Mum.

I told her how we spent the first 3 months of her life trying and failing to smooth the frown from her temples and I told her how I wanted to spend the rest of my life whispering “I Love You” into her ear until I knew for certain that she’d never, ever forget.

Leila, I don’t half love you stinky bum.  Happy birthday big girl!

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 9 - 2011

Scruffiness is a characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring.  My pretty little scruff.

The tale of the toffee nut latte…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 7 - 2011

I know you’re all raring to get back into some beauty-related ponderings (heaven knows, I am!) – but I wanna take a minute to share Leila’s first Toffee Nut Latte with you…

Doesn’t she look bored with her water?  Perhaps she’s ready for the good stuff…

mmmm… did you know that a vente eggnogg latte contains nearly 500 calories? So glad I limited my Starbucks festive drink intake to the double figures this Christmas.

“But what’s this?”

“Mam-meeee?  What’s this?”

tentatively… softly softly catchee monkey…

nom. nom.. NOM…

That’s my girl.

Let’s just say… I didn’t get any cream with my coffee.

Have a glorious Friday people, promise I’ll be back tomorrow with makeup-related frippery – thank you for all your kind comments, you’ve given my New Year a spring to it’s step! x

Snow Day! – 2nd December 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 3 - 2010

I promise after this, I’ll shut up about the snow.  Infact, it’s gone 10pm as I’m writing this and I’m a bit bored of it now.  I’m going to London tomorrow and I’ve just had to dig the car’s back tyres out of a 15″ drift.  Over the course of the day only a little has melted… the rest has compacted and is now really slippy.

I live on top of a hill… I’m not sure the car will make it down it.  I may have to slide down on my bum.

Still…. regardless of tomorrows potential problems, today… was a very good one.  Leila’s first taste of a Winter Wonderland and that little flump DID NOT want to come back inside!

We couldn’t stay out too long ‘cos L wouldn’t keep her gloves on!  I think we’ve lost one… it’s white, so we’ll have to wait for the snow to thaw before we’ve got a hope in hell of finding it again!

I also wore my blusher in a different way today… does it look ok?

Don’t laugh at that rather vain statement… I’ve struggled for years with blush placement.  I have what I like to refer to as ‘hamster cheeks’… the fleshy bit is rather… fleshy… and quite high.  This placement was recommended by a very special makeup artist that I had the pleasure of meeting on Tuesday.

I’m hoping to post tomorrow about that little encounter!

If it’s cold where you are, I hope you’re staying warm and wish me luck that I can get to where I need to be today! xx

Wordless Wednesday. Except it’s Thursday.

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2010

Whatever… did you not SEE how many photos I had to edit for the Urban Decay palette post?  Cut me a break… I’m calling in a nice, easy Wordless Wednesday post regardless of what the calendar says.  I walk around not knowing what day it is most of the time anyway.

Can I show off my baby toddler?  Can I? Can I?  Don’t call her ugly or I’ll DDOS (I don’t know what that means exactly, but it sounds nasty) your ass.

Leila wouldn’t DDOS your ass.  She’d just make you learn all the words to all the songs in In The Night Garden until you couldn’t take it anymore.  I’d take the DDOS if I were you.

That wasn’t very wordless either was it?  Fail.

Warning, cute kid. Look away now.

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 3 - 2010

Look away now if you don’t like children.  I totally get it if you don’t.  It’s ok, I only like my child… normal service will resume in the next few days as I get settled back into my routine.

But I wanted to share the face that greeted me this morning.

Why the hell can’t I look that cute when I wake up?

While I’m here… I might aswell tell you that I finally booked my fishy pedicure for the 9th and I’m dragging my cousin along with me (Mr. L totally dodged that one!).  I’m all nervous, if you reviewed it… please link me up below!

Saturday – Ins & Outs

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 3 - 2010


~ Finally getting Lipglossiping onto Facebook!
~ Being able to see the floor of my office again
~ Discovering some lovely bargainous Loew Cornell paint brushes, great for lining!
~ Meeting a lovely MUA and Twitter friend this week
~ My Fyrinnae order blowing my mind
~ Finally being over the sickness bug that plagued us all last week
~ Planning for our New York trip next year (all tips welcome!)
~ Guest blogging on Zuneta


~ Being disappointed by MAC Viva Glam IV (which looks poop on me!)
~ Re-cultivating my Diet Coke addiction without even noticing – oops.
~ Leila waking up at 3am every morning, need to fix this!
~ My Summer shoes tearing my feet to shreds – need to toughen up those trotters!
~ Jealousy – My brother and SIL are off to Japan for 12 days today… green much?

and just because…

How’s your Easter weekend shaping up?

Hair Gel… for babies!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 14 - 2010

Leila has my mother’s hair.  It’s blonde, fine and very very floaty.  It kinda skims the top of her head, resting about an inch above the scalp in thick swathes of unstylable defiance.  If I brush it around the shape of her crown, it springs back…. floating, floating… always floating.

Of course, it’s beautiful… and I love it.  It’s getting long now and I lie with her twirling it gently around my fingers whilst she simultaneously grabs handfuls of mine, a look of frantic curiosity on her face.

I could deploy the old tried and tested method of spitting on my hands before swiping my palms over her barnet… but really… that’s just disgusting isn’t it?  She may be small and kinda stupid but that’s no justification for styling her with gob.

Enter Original Sprout, who make an entire line of Children’s styling saviours from Curl Calmer to Styling Balm.  I’ve got my eye on the Children’s Hair Gel.

They say:

Loved by Babies & Up, our Ultra Clean & Light Baby Hair Gel is made of nourishing emollients & gentle botanicals, smoothing frizzies, taming flyaways & supporting curls softly. Thermal Protectants keeps hair safe from styling & enviromental aggressors.

There’ll be no “styling aggressors” in this nursery *puts the straighteners down* but this has gotta be better than spit right?

And just ’cause this is about the only day in the year I can like TOTALLY get away with it:

For Leila

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 12 - 2009

I don’t own a normal diary, so please indulge me this post that I wanted to record someplace, somewhere for posterity.

You are 4 months and 1 week old today. 

I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown since I first found out I was expecting you.  9 months (+ 2 weeks, you lazy little bugger) of anticipation, excitement, fear and expectation culminating in one very early morning dose of pain that (at the time) I was sure I wouldn’t be able to survive.

For what?

For 3 weeks of disbelief, an adrenalin rush that will never be rivalled contradicted by falling asleep whilst eating my dinner.  3 weeks spent mapping each eyelash, every skin crinkle and being astonished by how perfectly we’d managed to make you.

For 5 weeks thinking “This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.”… 5 weeks of feeling like we were battling with you every step of the way, amazing ourselves with limitless patience we never knew we were capable of.  You seemed such a sad little girl, lost and homesick… perhaps you were.  We couldn’t comfort you, couldn’t make you happy and on top of that, I lost the ability to feed you and couldn’t get it back.

Then one day, the sun shone.  It shone until it blinded us and made the tears prick our senses.

You are a strong little thing, always trying to achieve feats that your tiny body won’t allow you to do.  You’re always listening, always watching, always learning… looking for the next person to charm with your infectious dimples.  You reach for anything and everything… straight in the mouth as if you’re going to taste your way to adulthood.  You talk to us, cooing and grumbling “ehgoowa” ’till we agree with your point of view.  Sometimes, we catch each other looking at you… soaking up the ‘pig in poo’ feelings that you instill in us.  We look at one another and smugly bask in that shared experience, silently congratulating each other on a job well done.

You don’t laugh too much, despite our best efforts (we’ve come to the conclusion that we’re just not that funny).  Instead, you are a smiling machine.  Your (slightly crooked) grin lights up the room, everything goes a little bit soft around the edges and the only thing we can see is you.  You make little piggy sounds that make us laugh (especially if you do them when you’re trying to be cross with us).  When you grizzle in the car, Daddy repeatedly puts his palm to your open mouth so that your complaints turn into Indian “wah wahs” instead.  We promise to take them more seriously when you get older.  You love to hear me sing (you’re the only one who does) and your favourite smile-inducing ditty is “Black Hills of Dakota“, so you’re already a Doris Day fan (yay!) and  just as uncool as Mummy (double yay!)

You drool like a St. Bernard, and sometimes… just when it’s got so long that gravity is sure to overcome… you suck it back up and make Daddy and me feel a little bit sick.  Then you blow a huge spit bubble just ‘cos you can.  You would walk if you could, you’d walk a marathon… we fear that you may leave home when you are 6 just so that you can have an adventure.  We can’t decide if your hair is red or blonde… we try not to hope too hard for red.  When Mummy holds you, Daddy says that we become the same person.  He says that because our complexions are identical, we merge into one.  I hoped that you might be a little more tan like Daddy… but no, you’ll be sharing my SPF before I can say “factor 50”.

We hope you will have Daddy’s temperament and gentleness, Mummy’s openness and loyalty and get some confidence from someplace else.  Don’t ever stop lighting up rooms.


We love you Leily-Bum, our joyful little girl.  Happy 17 weeks old.

Misc. Ramblings…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 27 - 2009

Apologies for this post, it’s random, pic heavy and barely touches on makeup at all *shock horror*

I’m sharing this pseudo-post ‘cos I still can’t be arsed to formulate a proper review on ANYTHING.  My recent hauls are scattered around the house and I’m too lazy to get off my fat bum and round them up for a group photo and I keep forgetting to write down what I used when I do a FOTD which makes it about as useful as a chocolate teapot to anyone but me.

Without further ado…

Look!  Gratuitous pics of my baby girl!



She’s 10 weeks old now and learnt how to grasp and hold onto things this weekend – Einstein I’m telling ya.  Still not giggling though.  I suspect she thinks her parents aren’t very funny, well not ha-ha funny anyway…

Ooh, I’ve also turned into Fanny Cradock and can’t stop baking – maybe it’s a long repressed maternal thing.   Here’s my latest success:


Apple and Cinnamon Cake (with a little bit of ginger thrown in aswell!) – I’m planning on doing a Banana and Baileys one tomorrow (a chopped up Mars bar might fall in to the mixture too!).

What else have I been up to?  A random makeup tidbit, I wore a red lipstick today for the first time ever, well… not the first time ever, but the first time I’ve ever worn it outside the house.


Revlon’s new Colorstay liquid last forever thingamibob in Top Tomato (incase you’re interested) which may be a bit warm for my skintone.

That’s all folks, hope you’re still awake and indeed haven’t died of boredom after reading the post of random capriciousness*

‘Till next time xxxx

*attn. grammar police – Do those two words make sense together? I just wanted an excuse to say ‘capricious’ really…

Just to say…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 17 - 2009

…how cute are these socks?  I HAVE to make them mine!  Well ok, Leila’s… but same difference ’till she’s old enough to wipe her own bum right?


A bargainous £3.00 from Debenhams (currently in their sale @ £1.80 a pair!)

My Poor Neglected Blog (and life)…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 15 - 2009

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want to be up to your elbows in.

I have to say though, I’m loving every minute of it!

I make sure that I find the time to apply a full face of makeup every day even if I’m not leaving the house.  It’s so worth making the effort as it keeps me feeling more normal and grounded in a world that feels like everything I know has been turned upside down and inside out in a huge whirlwind of change.  I can barely remember what day of the week it is, but these silly little routines help me more than I can describe.  Who’da thunk it?

I don’t have any reviews or FOTD’s to share today.  I’m currently sporting a lovely mani with China Glaze’s “Ruby Pumps” and I shall try and do a NOTD pic tomorrow before it starts chipping.  Having a month old baby is the ultimate mani endurance test by the way!

I’ve made a couple of hauls of mineral makeup recently (Silk Naturals, Earthen Glow Minerals, Cory Cosmetics (again) and ELF) which I’ll be sharing and reviewing shortly.  Leila is (hopefully) starting to settle into some kind of routine so perhaps I’ll have a little more time to myself soon.

I’ll leave you with another picture of my little girl who has just started to give her Mummy proper smiles…


…till next time xxx


New Clinique Chubby Stick shades out next month

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Sculpting Lipstick in Red Ego & Tumultuous Pink (photo heavy)

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

5 Lip Plumpers for sexy Autumn lips!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

I'm off to Paris!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Clarins Kohl Kajal for Summer 2012

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Functionalab Beauty Dose – Body Toning

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Wordless Wednesday: Ice Cream, it's a serious business

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Weight Watchers: The Fitness Challenge!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Please take a moment...

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Lipglossiping.com's first ever guest reviewer...

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my Escentual.com top picks!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Dear Obesity...

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Well, I’m up to my elbows in baby sick, poo, nappies, leaky boob milk and lots of other bodily fluids that you really don’t want …


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