Benefit Gimme Brow Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 12 - 2014

I simply cannot over-stress the importance of amazing eyebrows.

Well err, scratch that because obviously I could… I could suggest that they were more important than something like world peace or the need for a Krispy Kreme stand on every corner.  But what I’m trying to explain, dear reader, is that I do place an emphasis on how my brows look.  Mostly because, without intervention, they’re an embarrassment to my face.  The saddest thing about this, is that my eyebrows, despite all this extra attention (I spend more money over the course of a year on my eyebrows than I do my hair), are still not amazing.

I have been cursed with the worst affliction that any brow-wearer could suffer from.  Curly eyebrows.  My threader always has a little giggle to herself (she thinks I don’t notice) when she gets the scissors out.  I try and make light of the situation by suggesting that she might have better luck with a pair of straighteners, but then her wry smiles turn to a look of pity, so I shut up and let her get on with it.

Benefit Gimme Brow

Benefit’s Gimme Brow* promises to be an all-in-one solution for badly-behaved brows, delivering a natural-looking finish and a long-lasting hold.  It’s a gel formula, packed with tiny fibres that adhere to both skin and hair to help fill in any bald spots and volumise (yes, volumise!) the brows you already have.  Imagine the brand trying to sell this back in the days when “big” lady brows were frowned-upon!

My biggest bug-bear with this product is a usual Benefit complaint.  You’ll leave the counter feeling much, much lighter of pocket… and for not a lot of product.  Infact, you get just 3.0g of product for your £17.50 outlay and when you’re dealing with something that you need to “build up” for maximum effect, and will most likely be using daily… I really think that Gimme Brow will quickly become a rather expensive addition to your beauty routine.

Benefit Gimme Brow 1

The wand inside the tube reminds me of those bottom-lash mascara wands… it’s very, very small and very, very tapered.  It’s been nicely designed to allow for precision application but I still find it a little too big for my few straggly hairs at the outer tips of my brows.  I did read someone say that they wished the wands were bigger, to cover a greater area with more speed… I’m just LOL’ing to myself at just how big this person’s brows must be!  Spare a thought for us with spindly face slugs, love!

Benefit Gimme Brow 2

Benefit Gimme Brow is available to purchase in two shades: Light/Medium and Medium/Deep – not only is Light/Medium obviously the paler of the two, but it looks a little warmer also…

Benefit Gimme Brow 3

I’ve included a before/after shot below.  This is how I use the product, though I’m aware that some have taken the “adhere to skin” advice quite literally and have used the product to *really* fill in the brows, as one would with a pencil or a shadow.  I can’t quite bring myself to do this with Gimme Brow, I’ve tried… but I just don’t like how it looks.  Perhaps if my brows were shorter, but I struggle to keep it looking natural once I start painting my skin with the product.

The best side-effect I’ve noticed with Benefit’s Gimme Brow (and I’m using the Medium/Deep shade in the photos below) is its ability to transform my two white eyebrow hairs into naturally-coloured versions of their neighbours.  Thank christ for that, I’ve never been so horrified to discover a white hair since… well… since I discovered one somewhere else you really don’t want to discover one.  Other than that, although I do like it for its ease-of-use and convenience (it’s a lot less faff than a pencil or a powder)… I’m not sure I’m in love with it, especially at its current price.

My biggest problem is that it just doesn’t seem to have a huge amount of staying power… and if I’m gonna ditch the powder for an all-in-one brow solution, I really need that perk.


If you’re in need of some serious eyebrow SOS, now would be a great time to head down to the Benefit counter at your local Debenhams store.  The brand are partnering with cancer charity Look Good Feel Better for the month of March and are offering a complimentary brow arch service (worth £11.50) for a requested minimum donation of £5, with all proceeds going directly to the charity.

Benefit Gimme Brow is priced at £17.50 and available to buy instore at Benefit counters nationwide and online at

* press sample

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Would You? Eyebrow Extensions

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 27 - 2014

If you didn’t pluck your eyebrows to death in the 90s, consider yourselves lucky.

You see, this is the problem with following trends and fashions… you take one look at Kate Moss’ skinny brows and think “right, better get to it!” and before you know it, Cara Delevigne walks into town and you’re left trying to superglue carpet offcuts to your forehead.

Thankfully, my brow story was fairly recoverable… I overplucked for sure, but not to the extent that there was no coming back.  It taught me a lesson though, I binned my magnifying mirror.  Those things are evil for tweezer-happy types, nobody needs to see their pores in that much detail anyway, not ever and if you’re going to proclaim near-blindness without them, for Pete’s sake… get a professional to do the job for you instead!

If, for you, there’s no return from those Pammy Anderson brow days you might be interested in a new brow technique that’s currently storming the salons.  Originally invented for cancer patients and alopecia sufferers, Faceframe 3D Eyebrows does for brows what eyelash extensions did for stubby peepers.


Like lash extensions, the Faceframe 3D Eyebrows last for a couple of weeks, and cost around £30 for a full length natural brow and £15 for infills (depending on individual salon prices).  The treatment takes around 45-60 minutes to complete for full brows and 15-30 minutes for a partial brow.  They’re the perfect inbetween solution for anyone a bit scared of going down the permanent makeup route.

The synthetic strands of mink are adhered to the eyebrow line using a skin-safe glue, they’re waterproof and moisture-proof, so are especially worth a look for anyone jetting off on low-maintenance holiday or attending an important event and wanting to look their best.



Would you consider something like this for a big event or even as a longer-term solution or does your brow pencil work just fine for you?

For a list of approved salons offering 3D Faceframe Eyebrows, check out the website at or give the company a shout on twitter for more information.

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Talking Tweezers…

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 3 - 2013

Since when have a good pair of tweezers not been a beauty essential? Even before I got into makeup properly, I was well-versed in the art of tweezing… that’s not to say I was any GOOD at it. I was just, proficient at trying. Or in my case, over-trying… as my sparse brows proved.

You’d think that buying a pair of tweezers would be as simple as popping down to your local chemist and grabbing whatever’s on the shelf, right? Wrong. There are so many different styles of tweezers…

Let’s start with the tips…

The most popular style of tweezer tip is the slanted, and for good reason. Slanted tweezer tips offer a great compromise between the precision of a pointed tweezer tip and the grab-all approach of a straight tweezer tip. Slanted tips generally work well on ingrown-hairs without the risks of skin-damage that pointed tips can cause when used by inexperienced tweezers.

So now that you’ve chosen a good all-round tweezer tip, you should know that not all tweezers are created equal. I’ve owned some shockingly bad bought-on-a-whim tweezers in the past. The worst of them are the ones that simply don’t grab the hair properly… and if they do, warp or twist as you press the tweezer together!

All of the tweezers below come from quality brands, none of these will let you down when it comes to tweezing!


01: Tweezerman have been my brand of choice for the last 10-years. They offer a variety of styles, colours and patterns, often with limited-edition releases. They’re not the cheapest brand on the block but they’re pretty accessible and also offer free sharpening for the lifetime of your tweezers, though you do have to send them off to the U.S. for this service. (£22.00 /

02. Sigma have recently launched their Beauty Brow Tweezer which incorporates some funky angles designed to improve accuracy and ease of use. The hot pink colour should also ensure that they’re easy to spot inside your makeup bag! (£9.95 /

03. Laura Mercier’s tweezer uses the classic Tweezerman design, indeed these are made for Laura Mercier by Tweezerman. This is the style of tweezer that I’ve used for the past 10-years, the rounded handle ensures that your grip is rock solid and shows those errant brow hairs who really is boss! (£18.50 /

04. Glamtech’s offering is a multifunctional tool that not only delivers the sharpest of hand-honed tips but also a rather innovative brow comb on the other end. If like me, you’ve been “blessed” in the brow-length department, you’ll find this extra a useful addition in the quest to tame those brows. (£6.00 /

05: Mister Mascara’s Japanese Style tweezers are another pair to consider if you need a little more security in the grip. The wider handles ensure that you keep utmost control while navigating toward even the most baby-fine of hairs. (£8.95 /

06. For some super kerb-appeal, Shavata’s Heart Tweezers win the prize for cutest eyebrow accessory! Described as both fun and practical, they even come complete with a magnifying mirror, making them ideal for travel. (£18.90 /

Once you’ve found your perfect pair of tweezers, it’s time to look after them. Baby these things like they’re your first-born. If you drop a pair of steel tweezers on a bathroom floor, more likely than not… when you close the grip, that precision-engineered tip is not going to close squarely anymore and if they don’t close in perfect alignment… you may aswell attempt to pluck your stray hairs with a pair of BBQ tongs for all the good they’ll now be.

You’ll also need to keep the tip as sharp as possible, a pair of blunt tweezers will struggle to grab hairs effectively and can often end up snapping the hair as you pull them away from the skin. Most of the pricier brands include little caps to protect the ends of the tweezers. Use them, don’t just throw your tweezers in your makeup bag without some kind of protection or you’ll end up having to sharpen them on a regular basis.

Now tell me…

Do you have a favourite pair of tweezers, and if so… how old are they? Mine are 7-years old!

Deal Alert: Want longer lashes? Lilash Flash Sale at Powder Rooms

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 6 - 2013

If you’ve been layering on the mascara, coat after coat (after coat, after coat) in the quest for lashes that sweep the floor.  Stop it.  You look like you’ve got spiders frantically trying to escape from your eyeballs.  I’ve even known girls who wait for their mascara to fully dry before adding more coats.  A surefire way to achieve lashes crispier than a KFC chicken wing.

Powder Rooms will be holding a Lilash/LiBrow Flash Sale tomorrow, Friday 7th June between 2-3PM BST.  This much-heralded wonder serum is known for strengthening, fortifying and boosting your lash power to the max.  But don’t take my word for it… check out Muhsine’s great post here with some impressive before/after pictures.


LiLash and LiBrow can be tricky to get hold outside of the U.S. and Powder Rooms is the UK’s only authorized online stockist, ensuring that you get fresh stock that won’t cost you a bomb in customs duty!

It takes around 3 months to see the full results from a course of LiLash, though some have reported dramatic effects after only 3/4 weeks.  If you’re interested in receiving 15% off the standard price, be sure to log on to Powder Rooms tomorrow between 2-3PM BST (ships worldwide) and make a rare saving on this cult product with the all important code: lashflash

Taming terrifying brows!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 7 - 2012

I know that some of you will be reading this with your neatly arched brows raised in curiosity at just what on Earth could be considered “terrifying” about eyebrow hair.  The rest of you (more normal types) will be reading this, twirling your brow hairs around your index finger.

Left to their own devices, mine grow like wildfire – and I’m not talking Cara Delevingne grandiose brows here; more… Dennis Healy.  Given an extra coat of brow set, you could zip wire from here to Lands End on one of mine.

This ultimately means that I take the business of beating them into submission seriously.  I’ve stopped shaping them myself because, like a two-year old with a biro, I simply cannot be trusted with a pair of tweezers and a magnifying mirror.  Instead, I get them threaded every 5/6 weeks and this is enough to keep the arch well-defined.  Preventing them from thereafter developing into McDonald’s ‘golden arches’?  Well that bit’s up to me.

These are the brow tools that I simply couldn’t live without.

01: Mascara Spoolie.  You can either buy these as purpose-built cosmetic tools or (more thriftily) clean an old mascara wand and use that instead.  Either way, a spoolie is an absolute necessity in the fight against unruly brows.  Comb through the stragglers before snipping and brush them into place before filling.

02: Brow Set/Gel.  You can buy brow set products but I use a clear mascara.  The Maybelline Great Lash in clear is perfect for the job because it holds the hairs in place without making them feel crusty and it doesn’t leave behind a telltale ‘wet look’.

03: Brow Powder.  Much easier than pencils in my opinion.  My holy grail is the Illamasqua Brow Powder but the most important thing is to find a good shade match in whatever you use and unless your brows are naturally auburn, beware of warm-toned browns.  Many women use eyeshadow… any powder is fine.

04: Sharp pair of eyebrow scissors.  These are nothing special, I bought them years ago off eBay but they’re brilliant.  Super sharp with a precise point that trims the hair without pushing them ineffectually along the blade.  Always brush the hair upward toward the hairline and trim any that stray outside of the bulk of the brow area.  Go easy, you can always trim more but you can’t stick them back on!

05: Tweezers.  I favour the brand Tweezerman for my tweezers, particularly the wide-grip style.  There’s nothing more frustrating than a pair of tweezers that fail to pluck.  Particularly when you’ve psyched yourself up to grab an eye-watering one only to find that the points have clutched at nothing more substantial than air.  Don’t be afraid to attack anything that looks like it may contribute to a mono-brow or those random ones that appear to be sprouting far closer to your eyelid than your brow-line.

06: Angled Brow Brush.  A fairly stiff brush is best for running the powder through the brow area.  Always start filling-in from the middle of the brow to avoid depositing too much product on the inner third.  Unles you’re going for the scouse brow/Katie Price look – in which case, just dispense of the brush and grab the nearest Sharpie pen.  Also, get off my blog.

What steps do you take to keep from tripping over your eyebrows?  Do you thread and then leave them be or are you a serial tweezerer?

Guest Review: M2BROWS Eyebrow Renewing Serum

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 26 - 2011

Let me introduce myself, my name is Sarah and I have no eyebrows.  Nope, nada, none.  It’s not that I’m deformed, they’re just not there — they don’t exist.  And before you’re quick to judge like most, I did not wax, shave, torture, over-pluck, or burn them off in a freak accident.  For a mousy brown haired girl, I simply have very fair eyebrows that have some slight growth at the start before fading away to nothing.

For a long time, this didn’t worry me but then it became a mission, a quest for the perfectly arched, fierce, don’t-mess-with-me power brow.  I have tried countless pencils (too harsh), filling in with eyeshadow (too dusty) and gels (too brown), alas the search for real Brooke Shield brows was still defeating me; until Charlotte offered me the M2BROWS Eyebrow Renewing Serum to trial.

Stocked at Harrods and retailing at a rather pricey £133, I had high hopes for this baby.  Infused with natural black sea rod oil, the serum aims to stimulate growth for sparse or out-of-shape brows in just under six weeks.  I followed the easy instructions and got into the routine of painting the liquid onto clean brows after showering and before applying my night time moisturiser.  The brush applicator was easy to use and I was heavy handed, slathering on a generous amount to all, and I mean all, areas of the brow.

After a week or so, I began to see growth, mainly in the sparse area beyond the arch.  Over the coming weeks, the amount of hair increased dramatically, creating the perfect bushy-ness needed for transforming and re-shaping.

I ditched my tweezers for the 6-8 week trial so that you would be able to witness the results, thank the lord for glasses to hide the re-growth!

To my utter delight you can see the serum worked to full effect, I was completely gobsmacked, the serum had stimulated growth in all areas of the brow – hurrah! However, this new growth was very blonde so it was time to bring in the Eylure Eyebrow Tint and whip these unruly bad boys into shape!

I purchased the at home Eyebrow and Eyelash Tint by Eylure, I was excited, nervous and pretty bloody scared at attempting to do such thing to myself, but it couldn’t have been any easier.  Simply mixing the dye into a thin paste, two minutes later, hey presto the girl HAD EYEBROWS.

After a MASS plucking session, I am pleased to announce that I am currently sporting a very natural, not too bushy, fierce Brooke Shield pair of brows.  It has added a new dimension to my face, creating a better balance.. They say you don’t know what you’re missing till it’s gone, well I never knew what I had till they grew and got tinted!

I highly recommend the M2BROWS Eyebrow Renewing Serum, if like me, you suffer with barely there brows, and I mean barely there, it’s worth splashing the cash.  If you’ve simply over-plucked and you know they will grow back, I would just wait. However, if the actual hair’s there, but very blonde or very fine, then the Eylure Eyebrow Tint is a must.  Priced at a very reasonable £7 (with up to twelve applications), it dyes brows a natural light brown, with no fear of looking like a Scary Mary.

I will continue to use the serum, as there’s plenty left in the tube (even after 10 weeks!) just to help create the perfect shape and make them twins, not just sisters.

My overall thoughts are as follow: HULLALUHAH!

Colorsport 30 Day Mascara – Home Brow/Lash Tinting!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 26 - 2011

I’m not a tutorial blogger, I don’t have the skills to teach anyone much about anything but I thought a few photos and a quick rundown of my experience with the Colorsport 30 Day Mascara might be useful to any scaredy-cats out there who are nervous about home tinting!

The kit contains enough product for ‘upto’ 16 applications but I found that I had lots left over when I used the amount suggested by the instructions.  Your mileage may vary!

I think this would make a great Summer holiday purchase to darken those lashes before you hit the pool.  No running mascara worries, how cool would that be?!

Here’s a shot of the products I assembled before attempting to dye my eyebrows with the kit.  I was feeling a little apprehensive and wanted to have everything to hand incase I panicked and wanted to wipe everything off halfway through!

Cotton Buds for application on my eyebrows.

Lanolips to protect the skin around my eyebrows from being dyed too!  You could replace the Lanolips with something less expensive like Vaseline or a heavy moisturiser (I would next time but had neither of those to hand!)

Oil Free Makeup Remover, I used my Bioderma Crealine.

Mascara Spoolie or an old mascara wand to run through my brows midway through the tint process.

Now it’s time to mix-up the solution…

stop sniggering…

The final mix should look something like the above.  Creamy and non-drippy!

I wiped my brows over with a wash of the non-oily makeup remover, smeared the Lanolips over the surrounding area and then painted the dye over my brow with a cotton bud (q-tip).

2 minutes later and a quick wipe-off with a dampened cotton pad… here’s a before and after shot.  Only the eyebrow on your right has been tinted.

The Results…

Well, it’s subtler than I expected… which I guess is a good thing really.  I’m not keen on the fact that it appears to have warmed up my naturally ashy brows.  The skin underneath the hair that has caught some of the dye and I expect will fade in a couple of days, it’s not hugely noticeable but I will gently exfoliate the skin tomorrow to speed up the fade.

They also have a version in black which I was concerned might be too harsh for me but now I think it could work well with less developing time until I’m more confident in the results.

Other things to note…

The application/mixing wand provided with the kit isn’t up to the job.  It’s not unusable but you will probably end up reaching for something else to use instead.

I experienced no irritation or sensitivity with this product and was careful to conduct a skin sensitivity test 48hrs before use.


I’m really enthused by how easy and quick the process was compared to how I imagined it.  Neither was it messy or particularly fiddly… it was quite good fun!

I think it would most benefit people with fair brows and lashes.  On me, the difference wasn’t huge on either my lashes or my brows.  I would recommend the Colorsport 30 Day Mascara Eyelash & Brow Dye Kit but with a caveat about the dark brown being quite warming.

Colorsport 30 day Mascara Eyelash & Brow Dye Kit is available to purchase instore or online from Boots where it is 1/3 off at only £5.44 a pack.  (usual price £8.16)


Do you tint your eyebrows or lashes at home?

* this is a review of a PR sample

Screw fashion trends, let’s talk brow trends!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 22 - 2011

I know it’s LFW but I’ve never been particularly fashionable.  I like clothes, a lot.  I like to buy clothes, a lot.  I just don’t know how to combine them to ‘create’ looks.  I’m truly envious of women who have an unforced style… me?  If it looks good, it tends to look like I’ve ‘tried’ really, really hard to make it look good you know?

So anyway, it’s not that I’m eschewing LFW… not at all, I love to look at the makeup from the shows… but when it comes to trends?  Completey superficial and frivolous posts on eyebrows are more my thing!

With this in mind, brow gods Tweezerman reckon they’ve got their fingers on the Brow Trends that’ll have us going “ooh nice brows” this Summer.  Don’t say that I’m the only one who “oohs” over nice eyebrows in this way… no seriously, don’t.

[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Tweezerman say…” ccolor=”ffffff” bcolor=”b0c4de” bgcolor=”e6e6fa” cbgcolor=”b0c4de”]Brows – last season it was all about an over sized, wild & bushy brow.  This season, full brows are still on trend but now they are more tailored & groomed, the hairs aren’t as wild and often they are slightly elongated and tapered at the ends creating a touch more drama.

This Spring/Summer’s full brows have a great arch that is both feminine and strong.  Brow colour should be 1-2 shades lighter than hair colour and should be powdered across the whole brow rather than just used to fill in.  A new trend is also to highlight under the brow, which makes it look more substantial and showcases the brow perfectly.[/stextbox]

Strong brows are still in, just a little more ‘tailored’!

If you’re not blessed with a well-defined arch, Tweezerman recommend the use of a little cosmetic trickery to give the impression of a master eyebrow-raiser:

“You can use a touch of a highlight of makeup underneath the brow to create a bit of lift; a light-toned fleshy nude or very pale vanilla colour to illuminate the underneath.  You can also use your brow powder or brow pencil to emphasize the arch.”

Here are some of the most popular products on the market for emphasising a beautiful brow!

1. E.L.F Eyebrow Lifter and Filler (£3.50)
2. Clinique Instant Lift for Brows (£13.00)
3. Pixi Brow Lift (£16.00)
4. Benefit High Brow (£14.00)
5. MAC Shroom Eyeshadow (£11.50)

But what my eyebrows want to know is this… how long are they going to have to wait until curly brows are in huh?

Oh… that long?

Well in that case, I’d better stock up on mega-hold hairspray and hone my use of brow shaping scissors instead.

Do you have brow envy?

HD Brows Baby!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 12 - 2010

This is a wordy one, consider yourselves pre-warned!

I spent last Thursday evening in a mild state of panic at the thought of what I might be letting myself in for…

I’d booked myself in for an “HD Brows” treatment at a local salon… I’ve been wanting one of these since I first heard about them a couple of months ago and I’d finally bitten the bullet.

But why the panic?  Well… it wasn’t real panic, more… slight anxiety.  I’ve never done anything to my brows other than (over)pluck them myself.  No waxing, threading… nada.  Was the beautician going to point and laugh, gasp in horror, back out of the room slowly or a combination of all three?

Let’s remind ourselves of my eyebrows in their normal state shall we?

There’s worse brows out there, I know… but mine could definitely benefit from a little help.

The treatment involves 7 steps, which creator Nilam Patel and her team claim will help you achieve the perfect brow.  Sign me up!

My technician began by asking me how dark I wanted to go.  I had a little wobble at this point… in my head, I was picturing Katie Price’s unflatteringly dark brows (they actually use Katie Price as a marketing tool, which nearly put me off the whole idea).

I ended up expressing that I wanted a good, dark brown that stopped short of harsh but that would negate the need for brow powder if I was feeling lazy.

It would have been helpful if she’d had some kind of colour/depth chart available.  It’s very hard to describe something like that without visual aids.  I was also expecting my technician to ask me some questions about how I wanted my brows shaped… but she didn’t!  I only realised this mid-treatment as she was waxing away.  My heart skipped a beat as I thought “Christ!  She could be doing anything up there!”  I scanned the room for Hello Kitty eyebrow stencils… thankfully there were none to be seen.

After we’d come to a vague agreement on how dark I wanted to go, my technician began tinting my brows.  While the dye developed, we talked about how popular the treatment was becoming.  Between the HD Brow, Eyelash Extensions and Shellac nails that she offers – her books are full in the run up to Xmas!  We are a vain lot aren’t we?!

She wiped off the excess and left my field of vision for a moment… I jumped a little when I felt her apply warm wax to my arch… I wasn’t expecting that!  Prior warning would have been good!  The waxing didn’t hurt at all… I was expecting it to be a little ‘ouchie’… but no, I’d happily go so far as to call it painless.

Compared to the other hair removal methods that my technician performed on me… waxing seemed to be the one she spent most time doing.  She waxed under my arches, at the ends of the brows and between the brows.  Threading was reserved for the top line of the brows only and tweezing just in a couple of places at the very end (this seemed to be done for precision).

She commented that my brows were particularly difficult to shape thanks to their curliness!  Eek!  She said that I would need a good, strong brow gel and spoolie to keep them in alignment… so if anyone has any recommendations, let me know!

Once my technician appeared happy with the shape, she gave my brows a wipe before trimming them and then reaching for a brow palette.  30 seconds later and we were done!  She passed me a mirror and I had a look…

I could see that they were a really good shape and looking far fuller than when I went in… someone had transplanted Brooke Shields eyebrows onto my face!  I wasn’t delighted about the fact that the dye was still so apparent… it meant that I’d have to spend the rest of the afternoon in town with comedy brows.

If this is standard practice, I don’t see the point in the 7th step of treatment… if brows are really dark from the tint residue still being on them, the last thing you want is to add to it by powdering them in with the palette!

I sat in Cafe Nero, sipping my black coffee with eyebrows that matched.  I’m talking this (though obviously perfectly shaped and two of them!)  Mr. L was sniggering into his tea and Leila kept eyeing me suspiciously through the crumbs of her Pain au Raisin.  I just kept my head down and plotted my revenge on the pair of them.

I was advised not to wash the area until the next day… this was to give the tint the optimum time it needed to ‘take’.  I was a little concerned that I might make them too dark by doing this but I’m a good, obedient girl and followed her advice… taking care to avoid the area when washing my face for bed.

Wanna see how they turned out?

I’m really pleased with them!

Is it worth the £25 I paid?  Yes!  And no…

I need to find out how much it costs to get them threaded and tinted locally… as if done well, this would produce the same result without the catchy “HD Brows” moniker.

Maintenance (according to my therapist) is needed once a month.  There’s no way I’d pay £25 a month on my eyebrows.  Not a chance.

So who would I recommend this HD Brow treatment for?  I’d recommend it for people like me… people who don’t already have a perfect shape that they’re maintaining and who wouldn’t normally leave the house without filling in and darkening their brows.  It’s a really good way to instantly transform your eyebrows and get yourself put on the right path for future maintenance.

If you have a big night out or an event you need to look great for… go for it.  It’s a convenient, all-in-one option.

Just how long-lasting do you want it?

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 19 - 2010

We all bemoan an eyeliner that lasts for approximately 30 minutes on the lash line, but how far would you go to ensure your makeup remained perfect throughout the day?

Following my ‘brow post’ a few weeks ago that documented my overplucked and undefined eyebrows, I started thinking more about the various options available to us in the way of permanent make up and I discovered a lady called Tracie Giles.

Tracie Giles is a certified expert in her field of permanent makeup, and one of the many treatments offered by Tracie Giles Inernational is something called Ultra Lift Eyebrows.

Tracie describes her Ultra Lift Eyebrows treatment…

The Ultra Lift technique is one I’ve developed as a response to client demand and is exclusive to Tracie Giles. The difference begins with extremely careful planning. Your new look brows are designed sympathetically to your face, to give the most flattering and natural appearance. Then, the impression of individual eyebrow hairs are interspersed among your natural hairs to reshape, balance and harmonise your brows in a way that can literally transform your face.  This technique is done under extreme magnification and is highly skilled and specialised.

The treatment usually takes around 1-2 hours (conducted over 2 sessions) and the effects last around 18 months on average before requiring a top up as the pigment begins to fade.  Permanent makeup has come a long way in recent years with many advancements in both technology and technique.  Finally gone are those tell-tale strangely auburn inks!  Thankfully replaced by custom blended mineral pigments and a “hair by hair” approach.

It’s certainly not a cheap option with prices starting from around £495 for a full brow, but it sure as hell would beat sharpening that eyebrow pencil every day.

What do you ladies think?  Is permanent makeup something you would consider?  Indeed, have you ever had any permanent makeup treatments yourself?

Let’s talk Brows…

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 1 - 2010

They’re kind of a big deal.

It’s a substantial thing to grow hair on your face.  Billions of pounds go into the development of products designed to remove facial hair, but I’m not sure we invest so much time and effort in cultivating the hair we want to keep.

Mine are a complete and shameful mess.  I’ve overplucked some areas and I continue to underpluck others…  I have a great natural arch, but no idea how to make the best of it.  Infact, I’ve managed to create total unevenness to the point where I look like I’m permanently raising one of my eyebrows when in reality, I’m not moving a muscle.

Brow powder is my makeup bag essential.  I’ll happily hit the supermarket without a scrap of colour or foundation on my face, but take away my brow powder and I’ll be walking around wih my hands self-consciously hovering near my forehead in an attempt to cover up the offending area.  Eyebrows, for me… are face framers, and KNOW that everytime I see a FOTD – I’m checking out those brows before ANYTHING else.

Obviously, this post is mostly an excuse for me to trawl the internet laughing at celebrities with dodgy eyebrows, but there is a serious message here.  Tweezers are a dangerous implement and I’m not letting Leila near a pair.  As God (or you guys)  is my witness, I’m marching her to a salon when she hits 15.  This house will be a tweezerless one.

I wish mine had been…

What a mess.  I’m a (relatively) intelligent woman who clearly lost control of all mental capabilities when my grasping fingers first touched those tweezers 13 years ago and quite frankly, I haven’t regained them.

I need help, I know that some of my lovely readers MUST be brow experts!  I see so many women with perfectly groomed eyebrows and I’m considering befriending the next one I see in Waitrose, lulling her into a false sense of security with hazelnut lattes and Heat magazine chats before slyly handing her my tweezermans and giving her carte blanche on my face.

Do you feel my pain or mock my affliction?

Where can I go from here?  Professional help?  Hands tying behind my back?  Hair transplants?  Threading?



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