Going dotty for Lancôme’s Jenny Packham gift with purchase!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 15 - 2013

It’s May and the dreaded spring clean is upon us.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Not worn it in the past 12 months?  Add it to the charity shop bag.  Easy!

Unless you’re a bit of a recovering packrat like me.  Since moving into the flat I’ve forced myself to pare down the amount of hoarding I like to usually do and I’m a far more organised lady than I ever used to be.  That being said, I’m still far better at the shopping side of things than I am at the minimizing and Lancôme’s latest collaboration with British designer Jenny Packham has got my fingers itching to reach for my purse.

Lancôme's Jenny Packham gift with purchase

The 2013 limited edition Jenny Packham for Lancôme cosmetics bag has been inspired by an iconic polka dot print from the Jenny Packham SS13 collection, straight from the catwalk into your handbag.  The bag – which is available in either pink or white – contains a selection of luxury travel-sized Lancôme products including: 1 x Galatéis Douceur 50ml, 1 x Tonique Douceur 50ml, 1 x Bi-Facil 30ml, 1 x Hypnôse Mascara 2ml, and 1 x L’Absolu Rouge 1.65ml.

Not only is the design eye-catching and effortlessly chic, it should also be pretty good at disguising mascara splodges, genius!  Of the design, Jenny had this to say:

I am delighted to be collaborating with Lancôme once again. For 2013, I wanted to create a design that is fresh and stylish, with references straight from the catwalk. With its bold print and gold accessories, it has a very modern feel.

The Jenny Packham for Lancôme cosmetics bag is available exclusively at Harvey Nichols from 18th May 2013, and nationwide from 1st June.  To qualify for this GWP, simply purchase two Lancôme products (one to be skincare) from your nearest Lancôme counter while stocks last.

Red Lip Series: Lancome Rouge in Love Lipstick in 159B Rouge in Love

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2012

I’m killing my poor red lip series!  First with the “ooh this is red (oh no it’s fucking not)” Revlon Cherries in the Snow and now, with this little number… the Lancome Rouge in Love, in… well… Rouge in Love.  That’s the shade name by the way, I don’t have that OCD thing where you repeat yourself… just a billion other OCDs to entertain myself with instead.

God, you’re beautiful.  Said no one, to me, ever.  So instead, let me serenade the packaging of the Rouge in Love line.  I fell in lust with the vintage-inspired styling last Autumn when Lancome released a couple of limited edition French Touch Absolu(s) – the shades were pretty incredible too and I was delighted when the year rolled over and the brand released an entire line of these beauties.

Rouge in Love (the shade, not the line) is a sheer, glossy red that is perfect for all of you who’ve been following my red lip series over the last year (two years is it now?) with a mixture of wantsies and canthavesies.  It’s the shade for all of you who are a bit too pussy wary to jump in at the deep end with some red-lip love.  The finish looks almost juicy, even on my slightly pruny lips though, to be honest, it does lean a little to the pink side of the spectrum, hence my initial declaration that the Red Lip Series (totally worthy of caps) was going to the dogs.

Talking of dogs.

You should be able to see the depth of pigmentation and gloss that this lipstick provides in the photo above.  It’s just so completely easy-to-wear with a non-heavy formula that lasts surprisingly well throughout the day.  I really recommend this as an everyday choice for red-lip lovers who need something just a little less in-yer-face for office/school wear.

Lancome Rouge in Love in Rouge in Love is available to buy on counter and online, priced at £21.00

* press sample

Lancome Fall 2011: 29, Saint Honore – The FOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 31 - 2011

I’m aware that I’ve been showing you the individual products from the Lancome Fall collection with their corresponding swatches without showing a FOTD to go alongside.  It’s always useful to see product put into context, lip swatches can mean little without being able to see how the shade marries up to the wearer’s colouring etc…

But rather than repeat the same image throughout the posts (you’d be throwing things at your monitor by the time I’d gotten round to the eyeshadow palette), I thought I’d post up the FOTD at the end so you can see how the products harmonise together.

And a reminder of the products used:

Lancome Maison Lancome Blush

Lancome Les Oeillades in Blondette Fatale
Lancome Hypnose Drama in Gris Fatal

Lancome French Touch Absolu Lipstick in #102 Rouge St Honore


I thought it was going to be the blush that would steal my heart from this collection but I’m afraid I’ve reverted to type.  For me, it’s all about the lips and that beautiful vintage-styled lipstick casing.  I’ll be checking out the other two shades available when the collection is released tomorrow.

Will you be heading to your local counter for a closer look at Lancome’s 29, Saint Honore Fall Collection?

To complete the Fall collection, Lancome will release two new nail polishes in classic red and edgy black.

The red – #22 Rouge St Honore is a classic, vixen red creme with great single-coat opacity and a high gloss finish.  The brush on these polishes is wide and allows for 3-stroke coverage, meaning that I was completely done with the red in less than 5 minutes from start to finish (not allowing for drying time of course).

The black – #29 Noir is a little more unusual in that the inky base  is infused with mini, multi-coloured flecks.  Sadly, these don’t quite translate as vividly on the nail as they do in the bottle.  Also a little sheerer than the red, this one took a respectable 2 coats to achieve opacity.

See below for swatches…

Lancome’s Le Vernis in #22 Rouge Saint Honore & #29 Noir 29 are priced at £12.50 each and available at Lancome counters nationwide from 1st September 2011

29, Saint Honoré – Lancome Fall 2011 Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 25 - 2011

This Autumn sees the launch of what I can honestly say is the first seasonal collection that’s had me properly excited in a long time.  I knew Autumn wouldn’t let me down.  A beautiful neutral eye palette?  Tick.  A visually tantalising and wearable blush palette?  Tick.  A vintage-styled red lipstick?  Tick.

Be still my heart, be still.  Lancome’s 29, Saint Honoré is coming to town.

Inspired by the Femme Fatale trend of the 1930s and 40s, Aaron De Mey celebrates the flamboyant style of the urban, daring and stylish woman of this time (that’s me! – ed) in his new collection for Lancome.  A woman who uses her make-up to define, enhance, strengthen and intensify her beauty.

French Touch Absolu Lipstick £23.50
Les Oeillades Eye Palette £33
Maison Lancome Blush £32.50
Le Vernis Nail Varnish £12.50
Hypnose Drama Mascara £20.50

Chic, Parisian styling from a brand celebrating its heritage, the “29, Saint Honoré” references the address of the Lancome Institute, the brand’s historic home since its creation in 1935.

Of the Fall collection, Aaron De Mey, Lancome’s Global Make-Up Director said…

“I really wanted to create an essential make-up collection that represents the staples of a chic, sophisticated women’s make-up arsenal: red lips, brown lined, sculpted, defined eyes, groomed brows and fluffy lashes… A neutral coloured make-up with metallic hints layered over matt sculpting, defining powders.  A return to simplicity and sophistication…

It allows me to show a glamourous, graphic, sophisticated make-up style: Brown lined eyes with shades of Taupe, red painted lips and red or sparkly black nails… Very Femme Fatale.”

As much as it physically pains me to spoil the pristine surface of that blush, I wasn’t sent it to look at from a distance.  I’ll be sticking my fingers in the palettes and bringing some swatches over the next few days.

Classic, elegant and understated.  Sadly not the three words I’d use to describe myself but at least this collection might help me fake it.

Lancome 29, Saint Honoré will be available at Lancome counters nationwide from 1st September 2011.

* press sample

Tried & Tested: Lancome Teint Miracle SPF15 Foundation

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 18 - 2011

Ahh a miracle… wouldn’t that be nice?  Let’s bottle some little miracles, tint them the same colour as our skintones and then buff ’em all over our face in the morning when we’re looking a bit ropey.  Et voila, we go from Linda La Hughes to Linda Lusardi in under 50 seconds.

Pop!  There goes that bubble…

a).  Only about half of you will know who Linda Lusardi is and I should really set my sights a little higher than page 3.

b).  I’m not sure I believe in miracles and if I did, I wouldn’t find them in a bottle (unless it was 70% proof).


c).  Shut up and review the damn foundation already.

Lancome Teint Miracle is the company’s newest base which has, they say, been 10 years in the making.  It comes backed with some pretty flowery statements.  Stuff like…

Lancome decrypts the inner light of perfect skin and recreates it.

To that, I simply raise an eyebrow and say…

O Rly?

Teint Miracle is a medium/full coverage foundation that somehow manages to defy the laws of physics by retaining a light, fluid texture that blends as easily as my MAC F&B whilst offering coverage to almost rival something as potent as Estee Lauder Double Wear.  The more I think about how it could possibly achieve this, the more respect I gain for those 10 years in development.

I need to take a moment to marvel at the packaging because it’s not only rather attractive but also functional.  The pump is see-through which stops the “how many more pumps ’till it all comes out in a rush” guessing game we all know so well and for me, one full pump covers my face pretty much perfectly.  Your mileage may vary!

Lancome Teint Miracle in 010 Beige Porcelaine (the lightest shade) is a good match for my complexion.  I would class it as fairly neutral, neither leaning too much toward pink or yellow in the spectrum.  The formula also contains a light pearlessence, not Cullen-esque in the slightest but there is a sheen that almost makes the foundation look a shade too light for me when I first apply.  This fades as the foundation sets before becoming imperceptible but leaving behind a subtle glow.

The glow doesn’t look at all greasy or shiny until after the foundation has worn in for many hours but if you fear the glow, I’d suggest looking for something that offers a fully matte finish.  Me?  I embrace any and every glow I can get my hands on and this is one of the better ones out there.

Excuse the nightie and the early morning “oh God, it’s another day” expression.

Before is on the left if you hadn’t already sussed that.

The Lancome Teint Miracle gives me great coverage over my redness and veiny bits without looking too heavy and I’m really happy that it still allows my natural skin texture to peek through.  I really dislike medium/full coverage foundations when they make it abundantly clear on my face that they are indeed medium/full coverage foundations.

If you have any larger blemishes (like I did on the side of my nose) you’ll still need concealer to disguise the blighters.

As for longevity, I achieved good all-day wear from this foundation albeit with a bit of slippage on the nose toward the end of the day.  If  you have particularly oily skin you will need to powder at lunchtime.

My only bugbear with this rather lovely product is transfer.  For some reason, I have issues when I wear this.  Dab my nose on a tissue?  More foundation on tissue than nose.  This is obviously a problem and one that I’m not used to experiencing, if anyone has any ideas… let me know!

I’d also like to point out that I prefer to apply this with a brush.  Sponges are a no, no… even when damp my beauty blender likes to EAT this foundation.  Oh also, I think that if you already have a primer you’re in love with… you probably need to try this foundation ASAP.  I tried it over MAC Prep+Prime and it made an already smooth finish, incredible.  And I don’t even really like Prep+Prime!

Hope that wasn’t too indepth… I do totally advise a little trip to your local Lancome counter to see if they’ll colour match you or part with a sample so you can try for yourself.  I may not be one for miracles but Lancome Teint Miracle does come pretty close!

Lancome Teint Miracle SPF15 Foundation is available to buy instore or online priced at £26.00

* press sample

Lancome Pop Petrol NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 13 - 2010

I’m a bit late with this one… oooooh about… *counts on fingers*…  8 months late?  Anyway… this was really doing the blog rounds back when Spring had barely sprung.

And I have to say… I don’t really get it?

I was expecting to see some magnificent colour shifting between the teal and green and there was nothing.  Ok, so it was slightly more green in some light, but really?  You U.S girls didn’t miss that much.

A true blackened colour, Mr. L had a hard time believing it was infact anything other than black polish on my tips.  Sparkle was VERY well hidden and the whole manicure looked a lot flatter than I had hoped it would.

Application wasn’t too problematic… 2 coats with a brush that was a little too firm for me.  The streaking on the first coat shocked me, the brush practically drags the polish across the nail bed.  A thicker 2nd coat solved this though.

Wear on Lancome’s Pop Petrol has been decent enough, no chips until the third day and tip wear (despite the v. dark colour) has been negligible.

This is a polish that I picked up from a counter bargain bucket last week.  Lancome are obviously shifting the last of their Spring collection, so if you wanted to get your hands on a shade that would happily suit Autumn/Winter – now’s the time to do it!  Original price £14.50, I paid half that.

Lancome BB Sands Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 25 - 2010

It’s glittery, gritty and a whole load of bling.

I just dunno…

Applied over the top of a bog standard dark base, 1 coat… this stuff is pretty dense.  One thing that annoys me about glitters is their often uneven application.  Yano, 2 pieces of glitter at the nail tip 43843243290 at the base.  The good thing about this polish is that it gives you long enough to ‘push’ the pieces around and ‘place’ them before it dries.  The bad thing?  Well, that also means that it taes a little while longer than I’d like to dry.  I know, contrary right?

This mixture of gold and silver glitter a.k.a BB Sands comes from the Lancome Spring 2010 collection though it kinda screams Christmas to me.  I’d love to layer this over a cream/nude base to see if I get a different look from it… but removal was such a pain in the backside that I’m honestly not sure I can be arsed.


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