Hello Autumn! An Autumnal NOTD with Beauty UK and Inglot

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 8 - 2011

There’s nothing like an el-cheapo nail polish to quench that insatiable itch to buy something.  I was walking round town last week and felt the need to scratch.  Still recovering from the new lens purchase (it may be some time), I dived into Superdrug for something that wouldn’t break the bank and emerged triumphant with this little beauty…

…BeautyUK to be precise.  Voodoo – No. 55 (£1.99) is an absolute cracking shade for Autumn, a deep russet with a playful shimmer that glows in the right light.  Two coats to achieve opacity, I did get a tiny bit of bubbling on one nail which made me a little more careful with the application than I might normally be.

After admiring my manicure for half a day, I decided, beautiful though it is, I wanted moar Autumn.  I dug out my Inglot Flakie #205 and slapped on a coat…

Now we’re talking!  I see toffee apples, fallen leaves, crisp afternoons and misty mornings.  Brrr… c’mon Autumn, I’m ready for you!

Are you ready for Autumn?  Digging out your vampier shades yet?

Product of the Week: Inglot Face & Body Illuminator

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 31 - 2011

I picked this up at the start of the week from the Inglot store in Westfield.  I was impressed with the super-fluid texture that I knew would combine nicely with my foundation.  I tend to use liquid highlighters to give a boost of radiance to my foundations rather than as ‘spot’ highlighters.

There are a few colour options available, I didn’t take not of exactly how many… but something like 6?  I chose the pale gold which looks remarkably yellow.  Infact, truth be told… I didn’t choose it.  The SA told me I should choose it over the two that I was contemplating (a white/silver and a rose gold).  I was unsure because this really is pale GOLD gold.  She argued that it would tone down the pink-tones in my skin for a more even complexion.

Yeah, that sold it.

I’ve been mixing a single pump into my foundation before applying and I really like it.  It’s not glittery but gives a nice amount of radiance to my complexion.  I also agree that I’d been steered toward a good colour choice… it doesn’t give me a more neutral-toned complexion but it compliments what is already there without exacerbating the pink undertone.

I can’t find my receipt but I think it was around £11, a bargain compared to similar products like the Armani Fluid Sheers (love those too).

Do you mix highlighter in with your foundation?

IMATS London 2011 – The Damage.

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2011

The dust is clearing and I’m surveying the damage that IMATS has done to my purse.  It could be worse, it could have been better.  I set myself a budget and exceeded it (of course).  But, I don’t feel gut-wrenching guilt and my child will still be able to eat (gruel) next month.

The haul.  The picture above is oddly missing a lip tar but I don’t care enough to retake it.

I bought a freestyle Yaby palette from MUABoutique stand (served by the awesome DvoraDvine no less! *swoon*) with the intention of filling it with random Yaby purchases throughout the year.  I had to pick up a couple of eyeshadows to start my collection off too right?

I made a beeline for Guru Makeup Emporium as soon as I arrived… (having sussed out which MUFE stockist had the best discount first of course).  I wanted to try the new Rouge Artist Intense lipsticks and picked out three that caught my eye.  I also grabbed the one of the new Uplight highlighters in #11 and another MUFE Aqua Cream for my collection.  Love them.

O to the doube C – I bought 4 of these last year and although I um.. haven’t really worn them much, I wanted some of the new shades as soon as I swatched them.  Now that I’m getting more comfortable with brighter colours and wielding a lip brush, I’m hoping I’ll reach for them more frequently.  If I don’t, I deserve shooting for being stupid and flahoolick.

INGLOT were offering a cool 30% discount, so although I wasn’t intending to indulge… I really got sidetracked by a few items.  Can you tell I kinda have a thing for lipstick yet?


This one was actually a mistake.  An embarrassing one at that.

You know the infamous Face Atelier foundation that is supposed to be like “uhmazing”?  Well…. someone clearly wasn’t paying enough attention or was high on nail polish fumes or something.  The stand I bought this foundation from was called Make Up Atelier Paris.  Slight difference there right?  My brain saw “Atelier” and swooped before engaging.

Now, idiocy aside… I actually preferred the texture of this foundation to FACE Atelier’s after swatching at the FACE Atelier stand to compare.  This one feels lighter in texture but with that same silicone slip… I’m hoping this will be a good choice as the weather gets warmer.


So there’s my sins… I’m very pleased with them and if there’s anything you’d like me to review/swatch first, tell me and I’ll push it to the front of the IMATS haul queue.

Did you go?  What did you buy?

Inglot Cream Concealer – Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 30 - 2010

I bought this cream concealer from Inglot earlier in the year (around the same time as I picked up the MUFE full cover concealer).  I was hoping to do a comparison, but they’re really quite different.

I tend to use this around my nose and on blemishes.  It’s a little thick to use under the eyes, though I have had some success if I apply with a small fluffy brush.  Coverage is medium/full and I find that it dries quite quickly, so rapid blending is essential to achieve a flawless finish.

Compared to my MUFE, the texture is thin and gives less coverage, it’s easier to blend but doesn’t produce quite the same effective results.

I also find it a little drying.  Having said a few negative things about the Inglot Cream Concealer, it’s only fair to also point out a major positive.  This doesn’t seem to highlight or sink into my pores.  Some concealers leave my pores feeling rather ‘out there’… but this blends in nicely.  It will sink into fine lines around the eyes unless you use a very light hand during application.  I think that perhaps thin layers may be key with this concealer.

Shade #32 is a good slightly pink toned match for my cool pale skin.  I wish I could remember how much I paid for this but I can’t.  If anyone knows how much the Inglot Cream Concealers retail at, holler and I’ll update.

You can buy Inglot in the UK at the Westfield in London and Liffey Valley Shopping Centre in Dublin.

When Nails Go Bad – NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 29 - 2010

Sometimes you just shouldn’t be trusted with a bottle of fuschia polish and flakies.  I don’t have too many NOTD monstrosities, but this one is pretty darn ming.

So that you can avoid the same retina-melting combination, we’re talking Nails Inc. – China Town with Inglot #204 daubed over the top.

Had any errors of beauty judgement recently?

Inglot Flakies

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 22 - 2010

I’m SO behind with posting things from my lovely IMATS weekend, you’ve seen my NOTD with the flakie on the right, and I’ll do one soon using my blue flakie too

They’re soo pretty, and apply far more smoothly than I thought they would.  It’s not regular glitter where you’re left crying out for a top coat to even out the surface.

In other news, I attempted white nails last night a la Lady Gaga at The Brits only to come to a “WTF am I doing?” revelation halfway through.  Yeah, it was streaking badly.

Also found a NARS Purple Rain dupe in my collection, but I’m not sure if it’s still available to buy… I’ll try and find out before posting it up.

’til tomorrow x

Inglot Slim Gel Lipsticks

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 9 - 2010

Whilst up in London for IMATS, I had lots of trouble dragging myself away from Inglot in Westfield.  I was in there searching through the lipsticks for AGES!  Such a variety, but despite this… nothing was really catching my eye.  And then I spotted a small group of maybe 12 lipsticks off to one side, and immediately, 2 shades popped out at me.

I asked the SA to tell me about these taller, thinner lipsticks that bear more than a passing resemblance to the MAC Slimshines.  The SA explained that these were their new Slim Gel Lipsticks which have a lighter, more moisturising feel to them whilst still retaining a good colour payoff.

Sold to the lady with the mega dry lips!

I purchased #61 (left) which I would describe as a mauve pink… it’s a medium toned pinky nude on my skin, proper nude… not concealer nude.  I also purchased #41 which is a brighter, more vivid shade bordering on the coral *eek!*

I love both of them, they are moisturising… they’re also a teeny bit sticky, which does wonders for their longevity.  One application of these happily lasts me through to lunch time.  They have a glossy, shiny finish and I love the hardwearing metal packaging that houses all of Inglot’s lipsticks.

I do have one concern though… they don’t seem that steady in the tube.  If you do buy one of these, make sure you don’t wind the product up too high when applying.  I really think that unless you take considerable care, these would be prone to snapping.

Left: #61, Right: #41

I’ve also noticed that I seem to be going through the tubes at a rate of knots!  You only get 1.8g of product per tube, compared to 2.3g in a MAC Slimshine or 3g in a standard MAC Lipstick.  I threw away the receipt but I think I paid around £9 each for these.  So quite expensive gram for gram I think.

I shall forgive Inglot this time , these are beautifully easy to wear lipsticks and I’m very pleased I made the purchase.

Glitterbomb NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 4 - 2010

A few of you eagle-eyed ladies spotted the manicure I was sporting in my NARS post!  *Looks at Kim, Danielle, Rae and Dee*

It’s the bomb! The Glitterbomb!  I originally had an Orly taupe shade on my nails that was looking a little tired… so I played at “How much glitter can I put on my nails in one go”.

The Miners Extreme Nail Colour is now discontinued I’m afraid, but it’s surely easily dupable?  I paid 99p for it a few months ago from their website. I think they may be sold at Claire’s (or at least they used to be).

I applied 2 coats of the Miners over my gnarly taupe polish and then finished off with a “top coat” of Inglot’s flakes.  A cheaper and more accessible version of the flakes would be GOSH Rainbow. (I can’t find it in my local Superdrug).


I don’t even bother with cotton pads for removal of these glitter-fests.  I just fill the lid of my nail polish remover with the solution and dip for about 3/4 mins per nail.  That dissolves enough polish for one firm swipe of a cotton pad to do the job.

Have you been indulging your inner 4yr old lately?  Is glitter even remotely on-trend?  Do we even care?

Inglot Lipsticks #192 & #264 – Swatches

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 20 - 2010

In addition to my lovely Inglot Eyeshadow palette, I picked up a couple of lipsticks when I checked out the Inglot Store in Westfield a month ago…

The packaging is sleek… I love it, the outer cardboard box is more than a little reminiscent of MAC but the tubes themselves feel much sturdier.  They’re heavyweight metallic cases that would easily stand up to the rigours of being in my handbag.

I grabbed a pair of fairly nude shades…

#192 is a pink-toned nude with a touch of frost

#264 is a more flesh-toned nude with no frost.

You can see from the swatches, both lipsticks have a creamy, smooth texture with a slight shine.  Good for my poor dry lips as these don’t accentuate all the grooves and furrows that our recent plunging temperatures have created.

Here’s what they look like on:

#192 – Pink toned nude

#264 – Flesh toned nude

Apologies for the face photos, my only excuse is that it’s 2am…

Inglot Lipsticks retail at £7 each… tell me I don’t need any more please, ‘cos my arse is making buttons to get back there for some brights.

Inglot Freedom Eyeshadow Palette

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 31 - 2009

When I was in London earlier in the month I headed over to the huge Westfield to throw myself on the makeup.

I was itching to check out the Inglot store that I remembered hearing about on some forums when Westfield first opened.  And here it is! (please excuse the mobile phone pics)

Check out the range of eyeshadows:

and nail polishes:

Not forgetting the lipsticks…

It’s like an explosion in a Skittles factory no?


Anyway… after that colour overload, I proceeded to choose myself a trio of eyeshadows to fill a small Pro Freedom Palette.  I went for the safe option (I know, boring!)

But aren’t they beautiful?

They’re ultra pigmented… incredibly smooth and I’ve embarked on a full-on love affair with them.

I can’t remember exactly how much I paid (argh! – can anyone help me out?)  I think it was around £14 for all 3 inc. the palette.

It’s called the Freedom System and you choose which shades you want the SA to put in.

The way I understood it is this…

You can choose from a Large Pro Palette (which hold the square shaped shadows, blushes and face powders – you can see the square shadows in my picture above).


You can choose from a Small Pro Palette which will hold the smaller eyeshadows (like mine), lipsticks and concealers etc…

Once you’ve chosen small or large… you can choose how many pans you want the palette to hold (I’m not sure of all the available choices).

You can also purchase items individually if you wish.

Hope that makes sense?!

The small shadows (to my eye) are the same size as MAC 26mm pans, but you get 1.8g of product in each pan compared to MAC’s 1.5g.

The range of colours is mind boggling, each with different finishes… I love me a bit of shimmer though!

I also bought a couple of lipsticks and will be back shortly with a post on those.

Have you tried Inglot? What say you?


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